lr-gambatte - Core Does Not Support Save States
Update: Atari lynx, gameboy color, gameboy advance, neo geo pocket, virtual boy, wonder swan, and PSP don't save either now.. So wondering what could have gone wrong?
@TPR said in lr-gambatte - Core Does Not Support Save States:
So wondering what could have gone wrong?
I think we still need the RetroArch installation log that @mitu asked for in your lr-vice thread. Update the setup script then re-install RetroArch should fix but if it don't, we need to see the RP-Setup log of the install.
@sleve_mcdichael Another update:
I went in and manually removed all the retroarch folders in:
/opt/retropie/emulators/but now I have to go back in and copy all my other config files, etc, from my old build.
I'm wondering what might have broken, and when when I did the "remove" from the retropie-setup that it didn't remove RA completely and doing an install from source didn't fix this issue until I went in and manually removed those folders?
Initial tests seem to indicate it is working now, but still curious why that happened.
(thank for the help, everyone!)
It was my <console>.cfg file in the /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch/config/ folder that seemed to be creating the issue. As soon as I put my old .cfg files back, I lost the ability to save. If I removed that file, it works just fine. Any idea why? For example, here is what the Gambatte one says:
accessibility_narrator_speech_speed = "5"
ai_service_url = "http://localhost:4404/"
aspect_ratio_index = "23"
assets_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/assets"
audio_driver = "alsa"
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auto_overrides_enable = "true"
auto_screenshot_filename = "true"
auto_shaders_enable = "true"
builtin_imageviewer_enable = "true"
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camera_driver = "null"
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core_updater_buildbot_assets_url = ""
crt_switch_resolution_super = "2560"
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input_player14_joypad_index = "13"
input_player15_joypad_index = "14"
input_player16_joypad_index = "15"
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input_player3_joypad_index = "2"
input_player4_joypad_index = "3"
input_player5_joypad_index = "4"
input_player6_joypad_index = "5"
input_player7_joypad_index = "6"
input_player8_joypad_index = "7"
input_player9_joypad_index = "8"
input_poll_type_behavior = "2"
input_remap_binds_enable = "true"
input_turbo_period = "6"
joypad_autoconfig_dir = "~/.config/retroarch/autoconfig"
keyboard_gamepad_enable = "true"
keyboard_gamepad_mapping_type = "1"
led_driver = "null"
libretro_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/cores"
libretro_info_path = "~/.config/retroarch/cores"
libretro_log_level = "1"
load_dummy_on_core_shutdown = "true"
location_driver = "null"
log_dir = "~/.config/retroarch/logs"
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menu_navigation_browser_filter_supported_extensions_enable = "true"
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menu_show_dump_disc = "true"
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menu_show_load_content = "true"
menu_show_load_core = "true"
menu_show_load_disc = "true"
menu_show_overlays = "true"
menu_show_quit_retroarch = "true"
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menu_widget_scale_factor = "1.000000"
menu_widget_scale_factor_windowed = "1.000000"
menu_xmb_thumbnail_scale_factor = "100"
midi_driver = "alsa"
midi_input = "Off"
midi_output = "Off"
midi_volume = "100"
netplay_allow_slaves = "true"
netplay_check_frames = "600"
netplay_ip_port = "55435"
netplay_mitm_server = "nyc"
netplay_nat_traversal = "true"
netplay_public_announce = "true"
netplay_share_analog = "1"
netplay_share_digital = "1"
network_cmd_port = "55355"
network_remote_base_port = "55400"
overlay_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/overlay"
ozone_menu_color_theme = "1"
ozone_sort_after_truncate_playlist_name = "true"
ozone_truncate_playlist_name = "true"
pause_nonactive = "true"
playlist_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/playlists"
playlist_entry_remove_enable = "1"
playlist_entry_rename = "true"
playlist_show_sublabels = "true"
playlist_sort_alphabetical = "true"
quick_menu_show_add_to_favorites = "true"
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quick_menu_show_information = "true"
quick_menu_show_options = "true"
quick_menu_show_recording = "true"
quick_menu_show_reset_core_association = "true"
quick_menu_show_restart_content = "true"
quick_menu_show_resume_content = "true"
quick_menu_show_save_content_dir_overrides = "true"
quick_menu_show_save_core_overrides = "true"
quick_menu_show_save_game_overrides = "true"
quick_menu_show_save_load_state = "true"
quick_menu_show_set_core_association = "true"
quick_menu_show_shaders = "true"
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quick_menu_show_start_streaming = "true"
quick_menu_show_streaming = "true"
quick_menu_show_take_screenshot = "true"
quick_menu_show_undo_save_load_state = "true"
record_driver = "ffmpeg"
rewind_buffer_size_step = "10"
rgui_background_filler_thickness_enable = "true"
rgui_border_filler_enable = "true"
rgui_border_filler_thickness_enable = "true"
rgui_config_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/config"
rgui_menu_color_theme = "4"
rgui_particle_effect_speed = "1.000000"
run_ahead_frames = "1"
run_ahead_secondary_instance = "true"
savestate_file_compression = "true"
screenshot_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/screenshots"
settings_show_achievements = "true"
settings_show_ai_service = "true"
settings_show_audio = "true"
settings_show_configuration = "true"
settings_show_core = "true"
settings_show_directory = "true"
settings_show_drivers = "true"
settings_show_frame_throttle = "true"
settings_show_input = "true"
settings_show_latency = "true"
settings_show_logging = "true"
settings_show_network = "true"
settings_show_onscreen_display = "true"
settings_show_playlists = "true"
settings_show_power_management = "true"
settings_show_recording = "true"
settings_show_saving = "true"
settings_show_user = "true"
settings_show_user_interface = "true"
settings_show_video = "true"
slowmotion_ratio = "3.000000"
suspend_screensaver_enable = "true"
threaded_data_runloop_enable = "true"
thumbnails_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/thumbnails"
ui_companion_start_on_boot = "true"
ui_menubar_enable = "true"
video_allow_rotate = "true"
video_aspect_ratio = "-1.000000"
video_crop_overscan = "true"
video_driver = "gl"
video_font_enable = "true"
video_force_aspect = "true"
video_fullscreen_x = "640"
video_fullscreen_y = "480"
video_layout_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/layouts"
video_layout_enable = "true"
video_max_swapchain_images = "3"
video_message_pos_x = "0.050000"
video_message_pos_y = "0.050000"
video_msg_bgcolor_opacity = "1.000000"
video_record_quality = "4"
video_record_scale_factor = "1"
video_record_threads = "2"
video_refresh_rate = "60.000000"
video_scale = "3.000000"
video_shader_dir = "~/.config/retroarch/shaders"
video_stream_port = "56400"
video_stream_quality = "10"
video_stream_scale_factor = "1"
video_vsync = "true"
video_window_opacity = "100"
video_window_show_decorations = "true"
video_windowed_fullscreen = "true"
video_windowed_position_height = "720"
video_windowed_position_width = "1280"
wifi_driver = "null"
xmb_alpha_factor = "75"
xmb_menu_color_theme = "4" -
@AwesomeKingClem said in lr-gambatte - Core Does Not Support Save States:
lol! Ok so this response at least makes me think I'm not totally crazy. At least I tracked it down. Still have no idea wtf could have caused it.
@TPR said in lr-gambatte - Core Does Not Support Save States:
and when when I did the "remove" from the retropie-setup that it didn't remove RA completely and doing an install from source didn't fix this issue until I went in and manually removed those folders?
That's correct, removing a package in RP-Setup does not remove the configs in
. They are retained so that they can be re-used if it is installed again later.Initial tests seem to indicate it is working now, but still curious why that happened.
There was likely a setting saved somewhere that was causing the issue. There are any number of ways this can happen, but by removing the config folder and then reinstalling, you have now got back to the default settings.
@sleve_mcdichael Yep! Thank you again guys! All the feedback most certainly made me go look and different things and try to trace back to where the issue was coming from.
@TPR said in lr-gambatte - Core Does Not Support Save States:
It was my <console>.cfg file in the /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch/config/ folder (...) Any idea why? For example, here is what the Gambatte one says:
[wall-of-text config]
Those files shouldn't exist. They're created when you save certain settings through the RetroArch GUI. They will override and break integration with RetroPie configs. Then they hard-code every setting and don't update values when defaults change underneath. Recommended way to persist settings instead is with configuration editor. (Remaps are one exception, they are fine to save through RetroArch GUI as they save to a different file than these core overrides.)
@sleve_mcdichael said in lr-gambatte - Core Does Not Support Save States:
@TPR said in lr-gambatte - Core Does Not Support Save States:
It was my <console>.cfg file in the /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch/config/ folder (...) Any idea why? For example, here is what the Gambatte one says:
[wall-of-text config]
Those files shouldn't exist. They're created when you save certain settings through the RetroArch GUI. They will override and break integration with RetroPie configs. Then they hard-code every setting and don't update values when defaults change underneath. Recommended way to persist settings instead is with configuration editor. (Remaps are one exception, they are fine to save through RetroArch GUI as they save to a different file than these core overrides.)
That is incredibly useful to know! Thank you!
@sleve_mcdichael I'm also trying to figure out what I must have done to create those ,cfg files. I can't think of anything I really needed to change with an emulator core or needed it to be hardcoded to any one specific version.
@TPR Did you choose 'Save on Exit' or used 'Reset Settings' from the RetroArch's menu ?
EDIT: BTW, to get the RetroPie default
for a system, just reinstall one (if there are many) libretro cores for the system after removing the configuration file. -
@mitu said in lr-gambatte - Core Does Not Support Save States:
@TPR Did you choose 'Save on Exit' or used 'Reset Settings' from the RetroArch's menu ?
I think I just figured it out. Using lr-gambatte as an example, I had gone into the core settings and set the video mode to "full" so it would fill up more of the screen on a 4:3 display and then I went to Overrides > Save Core Overrides to make sure every game loaded up in that video format which created that .cfg file.
So, let's just say for the sake of argument I was looking to do exactly that, is there a better way to make sure each game loads into "full" that using the core overrides?
@TPR said in lr-gambatte - Core Does Not Support Save States:
So, let's just say for the sake of argument I was looking to do exactly that, is there a better way to make sure each game loads into "full" that using the core overrides?
You would edit the general
file (not for each core/system) in/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
and modify the option forvideo_aspect_ratio
(which is what I assume you modified). The option would be automatically set for all libretro cores, without the need to edit each system's configuration. -
@mitu Ha! I was just watching Floob's video linked above and I did exactly what you posted! Thanks again to the team! Your help is always very much appreciated!
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