Wireless Xbox controller and keyboard not working after updating to 4.0
I was on 3.7 and to update I followed https://github.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/wiki/Updating-RetroPie
I'm using a Wireless Xbox contoller and keyboard, but it's updated and I've rebooted it and neither work. I can't navigate anywhere in Emulation Station, but I can use SSH to access the Pi.
Any idea what I can do? I have a backup.
can try disabling xboxdrv and enable the updated xpad driver (in manage packages -> drivers). You may need to reconfigure the joypad in ES (can clear/reset ES config to it reprompts on reboot from retropie-setup -> configuration / tools -> emulationstation)
keyboard should still work though - nothing has changed in retropie that I can think of that would affect that, unless there is a problem with the retroarch config - you may want to reset the config (default configs are called retroarch.cfg.rp-dist)
Followed that and after a reboot it says Welcome 2 gamepads detected, but if I hold down a button to configure nothing happens.
Please post (via pastebin.com or similar), the output of the following
dmesg dkms status for js in /dev/input/js*; do echo $js; udevadm info $js; done;
cat /var/log/syslog
please -
Looks like it works now.
I rebooted and held one button and it went through, but nothing happened after, then I rebooted again and I was able to configure it.
1.) Seems like retroarch has lost all my settings now though, can I copy my config folder over the top from my 3.7 image?
2.) Also where can I go to prove I'm not on 4.0?
you can - but you might want to check / compare the new defaults etc.
RetroPie-Setup main menu shows the version number and the last commit date/sha1
seems my config files are the same, I used the compare plugin in Notepad++.
Strange I can select any game form the Megadrive, NeoGeo, FBA, Snes, but can't do anything once I'm in a game.
you are missing a controller config for retroarch or the config is pointing to the wrong place.
I would need to see
/opt/retropie/configs/all/emulationstation/es_input.cfg /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg all .cfg files in /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-joypads /opt/retropie/configs/megadrive/retroarch.cfg
Well I'm on 4.0.1 (committed 27hours ago).
<?xml version="1.0"?> <inputList> <inputAction type="onfinish"> <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/emulationstation/scripts/inputconfiguration.sh</command> </inputAction> <inputConfig type="joystick" deviceName="Xbox Gamepad (userspace driver)"> <input name="pageup" type="button" id="4" value="1"/> <input name="start" type="button" id="9" value="1"/> <input name="up" type="hat" id="0" value="1"/> <input name="a" type="button" id="0" value="1"/> <input name="b" type="button" id="1" value="1"/> <input name="down" type="hat" id="0" value="4"/> <input name="pagedown" type="button" id="5" value="1"/> <input name="right" type="hat" id="0" value="2"/> <input name="select" type="button" id="8" value="1"/> <input name="left" type="hat" id="0" value="8"/> </inputConfig> </inputList>
all .cfg files in /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-joypads
input_device = "Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver" input_driver = "udev" input_r_y_plus_axis = "+4" input_l3_btn = "9" input_r_x_minus_axis = "-3" input_l2_btn = "4" input_start_btn = "7" input_exit_emulator_btn = "7" input_l_y_minus_btn = "13" input_l_axis = "+2" input_load_state_axis = "+2" input_up_axis = "-1" input_r_y_minus_axis = "-4" input_a_btn = "0" input_b_btn = "1" input_reset_btn = "1" input_down_axis = "+1" input_r2_btn = "5" input_l_x_plus_btn = "12" input_l_y_plus_btn = "14" input_r3_btn = "10" input_right_axis = "+0" input_state_slot_increase_axis = "+0" input_x_btn = "2" input_menu_toggle_btn = "2" input_select_btn = "6" input_enable_hotkey_btn = "6" input_l_x_minus_btn = "11" input_y_btn = "3" input_left_axis = "-0" input_state_slot_decrease_axis = "-0" input_r_x_plus_axis = "+3"
empty file
input_device = "Xbox Gamepad (userspace driver) #2" input_driver = "udev" input_r_y_plus_axis = "+3" input_l3_btn = "11" input_r_x_minus_axis = "-2" input_r_btn = "7" input_save_state_btn = "7" input_l2_btn = "4" input_start_btn = "9" input_exit_emulator_btn = "9" input_l_y_minus_btn = "h0leftanalogup" input_l_btn = "6" input_load_state_btn = "6" input_up_axis = "-1" input_r_y_minus_axis = "-3" input_a_btn = "0" input_b_btn = "1" input_reset_btn = "1" input_down_axis = "+1" input_r2_btn = "5" input_l_x_plus_btn = "h0leftanalogright" input_l_y_plus_btn = "h0leftanalogdown" input_r3_btn = "12" input_right_axis = "+0" input_state_slot_increase_axis = "+0" input_x_btn = "2" input_menu_toggle_btn = "2" input_select_btn = "8" input_enable_hotkey_btn = "10" input_l_x_minus_btn = "h0leftanalogleft" input_y_btn = "3" input_left_axis = "-0" input_state_slot_decrease_axis = "-0" input_r_x_plus_axis = "+2"
# Settings made here will only override settings in the global retroarch.cfg if placed above the #include line input_remapping_directory = /opt/retropie/configs/megadrive/ video_fullscreen = "true" aspect_ratio_index = "1" #include "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg"
huge, looks like I may use this, can post if you like.
core_options_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-core-options.cfg" system_directory = "~/RetroPie/BIOS" assets_directory = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/assets" config_save_on_exit = "true" video_threaded = "true" video_smooth = "true" video_aspect_ratio_auto = "true" video_shader_dir = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/shader/" video_font_size = "12.000000" overlay_directory = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/overlays" input_autodetect_enable = "true" joypad_autoconfig_dir = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-joypads/" input_player1_a = "x" input_player1_b = "z" input_player1_y = "a" input_player1_x = "s" input_player1_start = "enter" input_player1_select = "rshift" input_player1_l = "q" input_player1_r = "w" input_player1_left = "left" input_player1_right = "right" input_player1_up = "up" input_player1_down = "down" input_exit_emulator = "escape" input_shader_next = "m" input_shader_prev = "n" input_rewind = "r" rewind_enable = "false" rewind_buffer_size = "10" rewind_granularity = "2" video_gpu_screenshot = "true" input_enable_hotkey = "nul" auto_remaps_enable = "true" input_bind_timeout = "5" input_turbo_period = "6" input_duty_cycle = "3" input_max_users = "5" input_menu_toggle_gamepad_combo = "0" input_axis_threshold = "0.500000" ui_companion_start_on_boot = "true" ui_companion_enable = "false" video_gpu_record = "false" input_remap_binds_enable = "true" back_as_menu_toggle_enable = "true" netplay_client_swap_input = "true" input_descriptor_label_show = "true" input_descriptor_hide_unbound = "false" load_dummy_on_core_shutdown = "true" builtin_mediaplayer_enable = "false" builtin_imageviewer_enable = "true" fps_show = "false" ui_menubar_enable = "true" recording_output_directory = "" recording_config_directory = "" suspend_screensaver_enable = "true" libretro_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/cores" libretro_info_path = "~/.config/retroarch/cores" video_shader = "" bundle_assets_src_path = "" bundle_assets_dst_path = "" bundle_assets_dst_path_subdir = "" content_database_path = "~/.config/retroarch/database/rdb" cheat_database_path = "~/.config/retroarch/cheats" menu_wallpaper = "" menu_wallpaper_opacity = "0.300000" menu_footer_opacity = "1.000000" menu_header_opacity = "1.000000" video_filter = "" audio_dsp_plugin = "" content_history_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/content_history.lpl" input_overlay = "" input_osk_overlay = "" video_font_path = "" cursor_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/database/cursors" content_history_dir = "" audio_latency = "64" audio_sync = "true" audio_block_frames = "0" video_shader_enable = "false" video_aspect_ratio = "-1.000000" video_windowed_fullscreen = "true" video_scale = "3.000000" autosave_interval = "0" video_crop_overscan = "true" video_scale_integer = "false" video_shared_context = "false" video_force_srgb_disable = "false" video_fullscreen = "false" bundle_assets_extract_enable = "false" bundle_assets_extract_version_current = "0" bundle_assets_extract_last_version = "0" playlist_names = "" playlist_cores = "" video_refresh_rate = "59.950001" video_monitor_index = "0" video_fullscreen_x = "0" video_fullscreen_y = "0" video_driver = "gl" record_driver = "null" camera_driver = "null" location_driver = "null" threaded_data_runloop_enable = "true" menu_throttle_framerate = "true" menu_linear_filter = "true" dpi_override_enable = "true" dpi_override_value = "200" menu_driver = "rgui" menu_pause_libretro = "true" menu_mouse_enable = "false" menu_pointer_enable = "false" menu_timedate_enable = "true" menu_core_enable = "true" menu_dynamic_wallpaper_enable = "false" menu_thumbnails = "3" video_vsync = "true" video_max_swapchain_images = "3" video_hard_sync = "false" video_hard_sync_frames = "0" video_frame_delay = "0" video_black_frame_insertion = "false" video_disable_composition = "false" pause_nonactive = "true" video_swap_interval = "1" video_rotation = "0" screenshot_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/screenshots" auto_screenshot_filename = "true" aspect_ratio_index = "21" audio_device = "" core_updater_buildbot_url = "" core_updater_buildbot_assets_url = "http://buildbot.libretro.com/assets/" core_updater_auto_extract_archive = "true" camera_device = "" camera_allow = "false" cheevos_enable = "false" cheevos_test_unofficial = "false" cheevos_hardcore_mode_enable = "false" cheevos_username = "" cheevos_password = "" audio_rate_control = "true" audio_rate_control_delta = "0.005000" audio_max_timing_skew = "0.050000" audio_volume = "0.000000" video_context_driver = "" audio_driver = "alsathread" audio_enable = "true" audio_mute_enable = "false" audio_out_rate = "48000" location_allow = "false" video_font_enable = "true" video_message_color = "ffff00" ups_pref = "false" bps_pref = "false" ips_pref = "false" cache_directory = "" input_remapping_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/config/remaps" resampler_directory = "" video_filter_dir = "default" core_assets_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/downloads" dynamic_wallpapers_directory = "default" thumbnails_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/thumbnails" playlist_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/playlists" rgui_browser_directory = "default" rgui_config_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/config" audio_filter_dir = "default" audio_resampler = "sinc" savefile_directory = "default" savestate_directory = "default" xmb_scale_factor = "100" xmb_alpha_factor = "75" xmb_theme = "0" xmb_menu_color_theme = "4" materialui_menu_color_theme = "0" xmb_shadows_enable = "true" menu_shader_pipeline = "1" xmb_font = "" rgui_show_start_screen = "false" menu_navigation_wraparound_enable = "true" menu_navigation_browser_filter_supported_extensions_enable = "true" menu_show_advanced_settings = "true" menu_entry_normal_color = "ffffffff" menu_entry_hover_color = "ff64ff64" menu_title_color = "ff64ff64" content_history_size = "100" input_overlay_enable = "true" input_overlay_enable_autopreferred = "true" input_overlay_hide_in_menu = "true" input_overlay_opacity = "0.700000" input_overlay_scale = "1.000000" osk_overlay_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/overlay" input_osk_overlay_enable = "true" video_message_pos_x = "0.050000" video_message_pos_y = "0.050000" custom_viewport_width = "1440" custom_viewport_height = "1080" custom_viewport_x = "240" custom_viewport_y = "0" gamma_correction = "false" flicker_filter_enable = "false" soft_filter_enable = "false" soft_filter_index = "0" current_resolution_id = "0" flicker_filter_index = "0" block_sram_overwrite = "false" savestate_auto_index = "false" savestate_auto_save = "false" savestate_auto_load = "false" history_list_enable = "true" network_cmd_enable = "false" stdin_cmd_enable = "false" network_cmd_port = "55355" fastforward_ratio = "0.000000" slowmotion_ratio = "3.000000" state_slot = "0" netplay_spectator_mode_enable = "false" netplay_mode = "false" netplay_ip_address = "" netplay_ip_port = "0" netplay_delay_frames = "0" netplay_nickname = "" user_language = "0" custom_bgm_enable = "false" input_driver = "udev" input_joypad_driver = "udev" input_keyboard_layout = "" input_device_p1 = "0" input_player1_joypad_index = "0" input_libretro_device_p1 = "1" input_player1_analog_dpad_mode = "0" input_device_p2 = "0" input_player2_joypad_index = "1" input_libretro_device_p2 = "1" input_player2_analog_dpad_mode = "0" input_device_p3 = "0" input_player3_joypad_index = "2" input_libretro_device_p3 = "1" input_player3_analog_dpad_mode = "0" input_device_p4 = "0" input_player4_joypad_index = "3" input_libretro_device_p4 = "1" input_player4_analog_dpad_mode = "0" input_device_p5 = "0" input_player5_joypad_index = "4" input_libretro_device_p5 = "1" input_player5_analog_dpad_mode = "0" input_device_p6 = "0" input_player6_joypad_index = "5" input_libretro_device_p6 = "1" input_player6_analog_dpad_mode = "0" input_device_p7 = "0" input_player7_joypad_index = "6" input_libretro_device_p7 = "1" input_player7_analog_dpad_mode = "0" input_device_p8 = "0" input_player8_joypad_index = "7" input_libretro_device_p8 = "1" input_player8_analog_dpad_mode = "0" input_device_p9 = "0" input_player9_joypad_index = "8" input_libretro_device_p9 = "1" input_player9_analog_dpad_mode = "0" input_device_p10 = "0" input_player10_joypad_index = "9" input_libretro_device_p10 = "1" input_player10_analog_dpad_mode = "0" input_device_p11 = "0" input_player11_joypad_index = "10" input_libretro_device_p11 = "1" input_player11_analog_dpad_mode = "0" input_device_p12 = "0" input_player12_joypad_index = "11" input_libretro_device_p12 = "1" input_player12_analog_dpad_mode = "0" input_device_p13 = "0" input_player13_joypad_index = "12" input_libretro_device_p13 = "1" input_player13_analog_dpad_mode = "0" input_device_p14 = "0" input_player14_joypad_index = "13" input_libretro_device_p14 = "1" input_player14_analog_dpad_mode = "0" input_device_p15 = "0" input_player15_joypad_index = "14" input_libretro_device_p15 = "1" input_player15_analog_dpad_mode = "0" input_device_p16 = "0" input_player16_joypad_index = "15" input_libretro_device_p16 = "1" input_player16_analog_dpad_mode = "0" network_remote_enable_user_p1 = "false" network_remote_enable_user_p2 = "false" network_remote_enable_user_p3 = "false" network_remote_enable_user_p4 = "false" network_remote_enable_user_p5 = "false" network_remote_enable_user_p6 = "false" network_remote_enable_user_p7 = "false" network_remote_enable_user_p8 = "false" network_remote_enable_user_p9 = "false" network_remote_enable_user_p10 = "false" network_remote_enable_user_p11 = "false" network_remote_enable_user_p12 = "false" network_remote_enable_user_p13 = "false" network_remote_enable_user_p14 = "false" network_remote_enable_user_p15 = "false" network_remote_enable_user_p16 = "false" network_remote_enable = "false" network_remote_base_port = "55400" input_player1_b_btn = "nul" input_player1_b_axis = "nul" input_player1_y_btn = "nul" input_player1_y_axis = "nul" input_player1_select_btn = "nul" input_player1_select_axis = "nul" input_player1_start_btn = "nul" input_player1_start_axis = "nul" input_player1_up_btn = "nul" input_player1_up_axis = "nul" input_player1_down_btn = "nul" input_player1_down_axis = "nul" input_player1_left_btn = "nul" input_player1_left_axis = "nul" input_player1_right_btn = "nul" input_player1_right_axis = "nul" input_player1_a_btn = "nul" input_player1_a_axis = "nul" input_player1_x_btn = "nul" input_player1_x_axis = "nul" input_player1_l_btn = "nul" input_player1_l_axis = "nul" input_player1_r_btn = "nul" input_player1_r_axis = "nul" input_player1_l2 = "nul" input_player1_l2_btn = "nul" input_player1_l2_axis = "nul" input_player1_r2 = "nul" input_player1_r2_btn = "nul" input_player1_r2_axis = "nul" input_player1_l3 = "nul" input_player1_l3_btn = "nul" input_player1_l3_axis = "nul" input_player1_r3 = "nul" input_player1_r3_btn = "nul" input_player1_r3_axis = "nul" input_player1_l_x_plus = "nul" input_player1_l_x_plus_btn = "nul" input_player1_l_x_plus_axis = "nul" input_player1_l_x_minus = "nul" input_player1_l_x_minus_btn = "nul" input_player1_l_x_minus_axis = "nul" input_player1_l_y_plus = "nul" input_player1_l_y_plus_btn = "nul" input_player1_l_y_plus_axis = "nul" input_player1_l_y_minus = "nul" input_player1_l_y_minus_btn = "nul" input_player1_l_y_minus_axis = "nul" input_player1_r_x_plus = "nul" input_player1_r_x_plus_btn = "nul" input_player1_r_x_plus_axis = "nul" input_player1_r_x_minus = "nul" input_player1_r_x_minus_btn = "nul" input_player1_r_x_minus_axis = "nul" input_player1_r_y_plus = "nul" input_player1_r_y_plus_btn = "nul" input_player1_r_y_plus_axis = "nul" input_player1_r_y_minus = "nul" input_player1_r_y_minus_btn = "nul" input_player1_r_y_minus_axis = "nul" input_player1_turbo = "nul" input_player1_turbo_btn = "nul" input_player1_turbo_axis = "nul" input_toggle_fast_forward = "space" input_toggle_fast_forward_btn = "nul" input_toggle_fast_forward_axis = "nul" input_hold_fast_forward = "l" input_hold_fast_forward_btn = "nul" input_hold_fast_forward_axis = "nul" input_load_state = "f4" input_load_state_btn = "nul" input_load_state_axis = "nul" input_save_state = "f2" input_save_state_btn = "nul" input_save_state_axis = "nul" input_toggle_fullscreen = "f" input_toggle_fullscreen_btn = "nul" input_toggle_fullscreen_axis = "nul" input_exit_emulator_btn = "nul" input_exit_emulator_axis = "nul" input_state_slot_increase = "f7" input_state_slot_increase_btn = "nul" input_state_slot_increase_axis = "nul" input_state_slot_decrease = "f6" input_state_slot_decrease_btn = "nul" input_state_slot_decrease_axis = "nul" input_rewind_btn = "nul" input_rewind_axis = "nul" input_movie_record_toggle = "o" input_movie_record_toggle_btn = "nul" input_movie_record_toggle_axis = "nul" input_pause_toggle = "p" input_pause_toggle_btn = "nul" input_pause_toggle_axis = "nul" input_frame_advance = "k" input_frame_advance_btn = "nul" input_frame_advance_axis = "nul" input_reset = "h" input_reset_btn = "nul" input_reset_axis = "nul" input_shader_next_btn = "nul" input_shader_next_axis = "nul" input_shader_prev_btn = "nul" input_shader_prev_axis = "nul" input_cheat_index_plus = "y" input_cheat_index_plus_btn = "nul" input_cheat_index_plus_axis = "nul" input_cheat_index_minus = "t" input_cheat_index_minus_btn = "nul" input_cheat_index_minus_axis = "nul" input_cheat_toggle = "u" input_cheat_toggle_btn = "nul" input_cheat_toggle_axis = "nul" input_screenshot = "f8" input_screenshot_btn = "nul" input_screenshot_axis = "nul" input_audio_mute = "f9" input_audio_mute_btn = "nul" input_audio_mute_axis = "nul" input_osk_toggle = "f12" input_osk_toggle_btn = "nul" input_osk_toggle_axis = "nul" input_netplay_flip_players = "i" input_netplay_flip_players_btn = "nul" input_netplay_flip_players_axis = "nul" input_slowmotion = "e" input_slowmotion_btn = "nul" input_slowmotion_axis = "nul" input_enable_hotkey_btn = "nul" input_enable_hotkey_axis = "nul" input_volume_up = "add" input_volume_up_btn = "nul" input_volume_up_axis = "nul" input_volume_down = "subtract" input_volume_down_btn = "nul" input_volume_down_axis = "nul" input_overlay_next = "nul" input_overlay_next_btn = "nul" input_overlay_next_axis = "nul" input_disk_eject_toggle = "nul" input_disk_eject_toggle_btn = "nul" input_disk_eject_toggle_axis = "nul" input_disk_next = "nul" input_disk_next_btn = "nul" input_disk_next_axis = "nul" input_disk_prev = "nul" input_disk_prev_btn = "nul" input_disk_prev_axis = "nul" input_grab_mouse_toggle = "f11" input_grab_mouse_toggle_btn = "nul" input_grab_mouse_toggle_axis = "nul" input_menu_toggle = "f1" input_menu_toggle_btn = "nul" input_menu_toggle_axis = "nul" input_player2_b = "nul" input_player2_b_btn = "nul" input_player2_b_axis = "nul" input_player2_y = "nul" input_player2_y_btn = "nul" input_player2_y_axis = "nul" input_player2_select = "nul" input_player2_select_btn = "nul" input_player2_select_axis = "nul" input_player2_start = "nul" input_player2_start_btn = "nul" input_player2_start_axis = "nul" input_player2_up = "nul" input_player2_up_btn = "nul" input_player2_up_axis = "nul" input_player2_down = "nul" input_player2_down_btn = "nul" input_player2_down_axis = "nul" input_player2_left = "nul" input_player2_left_btn = "nul" input_player2_left_axis = "nul" input_player2_right = "nul" input_player2_right_btn = "nul" input_player2_right_axis = "nul" input_player2_a = "nul" input_player2_a_btn = "nul" input_player2_a_axis = "nul" input_player2_x = "nul" input_player2_x_btn = "nul" input_player2_x_axis = "nul" input_player2_l = "nul" input_player2_l_btn = "nul" input_player2_l_axis = "nul" input_player2_r = "nul" input_player2_r_btn = "nul" input_player2_r_axis = "nul" input_player2_l2 = "nul" input_player2_l2_btn = "nul" input_player2_l2_axis = "nul" input_player2_r2 = "nul" input_player2_r2_btn = "nul" input_player2_r2_axis = "nul" input_player2_l3 = "nul" input_player2_l3_btn = "nul" input_player2_l3_axis = "nul" input_player2_r3 = "nul" input_player2_r3_btn = "nul" input_player2_r3_axis = "nul" input_player2_l_x_plus = "nul" input_player2_l_x_plus_btn = "nul" input_player2_l_x_plus_axis = "nul" input_player2_l_x_minus = "nul" input_player2_l_x_minus_btn = "nul" input_player2_l_x_minus_axis = "nul" input_player2_l_y_plus = "nul" input_player2_l_y_plus_btn = "nul" input_player2_l_y_plus_axis = "nul" input_player2_l_y_minus = "nul" input_player2_l_y_minus_btn = "nul" input_player2_l_y_minus_axis = "nul" input_player2_r_x_plus = "nul" input_player2_r_x_plus_btn = "nul" input_player2_r_x_plus_axis = "nul" input_player2_r_x_minus = "nul" input_player2_r_x_minus_btn = "nul" input_player2_r_x_minus_axis = "nul" input_player2_r_y_plus = "nul" input_player2_r_y_plus_btn = "nul" input_player2_r_y_plus_axis = "nul" input_player2_r_y_minus = "nul" input_player2_r_y_minus_btn = "nul" input_player2_r_y_minus_axis = "nul" input_player2_turbo = "nul" input_player2_turbo_btn = "nul" input_player2_turbo_axis = "nul" *****removed core_specific_config = "false" game_specific_options = "false" auto_overrides_enable = "true" sort_savefiles_enable = "false" sort_savestates_enable = "false" libretro_log_level = "0" log_verbosity = "false" perfcnt_enable = "false" keyboard_gamepad_enable = "true" keyboard_gamepad_mapping_type = "1" input_poll_type_behavior = "2" core_set_supports_no_game_enable = "true" menu_ok_btn = "8" menu_cancel_btn = "0" menu_search_btn = "9" menu_info_btn = "2" menu_default_btn = "3" menu_scroll_down_btn = "11" menu_scroll_up_btn = "10"
Please format logs/configs if posting to the forum (wrap them in three backtickets ```) or use a site like pastebin.com or similar as mentioned.
Can you try replacing your
with the default one (can remove and reinstall retroarch or if there is a rp-dist file use that)I formatted your posts as an example
Also I connect my second controller that was working and chose to configure input, and it shows 2 devices detected, but it won't recognise the 2nd controller when I hold down a button to configure.
I then rebooted and the controllers swapped, so the one that didn't work now works and the first one doesn't.
@BuZz noted about the paste thanks.
I don't think I have the default one, if I delete will the default get created?
@g0nz0uk If you reinstall retroarch from Manage Packages -> Core it will. Make sure all your controllers have been reconfigured on ES btw in case they haven't (that will trigger the correct joypad config to be generated too).
I have this same problem right now, and I didn't update to 4.0, just installed it. Downloaded a theme and switched to it. Reset, and now I can't use my controllers or keyboard?!? :-(
I edited es_settings.cfg and changed it back to carbon and that seems to have fixed the error. But not sure why? Sometimes I had the white screen of death and other it would show the controller option, but no input would work not even the keyboard.
@BuZz Looks like most are working now on controller 1, just 2 things.
1.) Controller 2 can't be detected on the input screen even though it says 2 devices detected.
2.) In Mame and Adv Mame the d pad can be configured in the Mame menu, but in the games it uses the analogue stick.Thanks
@BuZz Just can't get the 2nd wireless xbox Joypad to work, on the input screen it detects 2 gamepads, but when I press and hold a button nothing happens. I'm using the official Microsoft wireless adaptor and controllers. It was fine on 3.7 too.
Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
@Dominus said in Wireless Xbox controller and keyboard not working after updating to 4.0:
I edited es_settings.cfg and changed it back to carbon and that seems to have fixed the error. But not sure why? Sometimes I had the white screen of death and other it would show the controller option, but no input would work not even the keyboard.
When ES runs out of GPU memory, it can crash in many ways - the white screen is just the most common.
@g0nz0uk said in Wireless Xbox controller and keyboard not working after updating to 4.0:
Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
what is the output of the following (can paste it in over a SSH connection)
for js in /dev/input/js*; do echo $js; udevadm info $js; done; dkms status; dmesg
Please use pastebin.com (or a similar site) for the output or style it in a code block on the forum.
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