ES Scraper Error: Failed to save resize image
Has anyone else had this problem? I decided to upgrade to RetroPie 4.0 and opted for a clean install. However the scraper is failing with the error (taken from es_log.txt):
lvl0: Failed to save resized image!
lvl2: ScraperSearchComponent search error: Error saving resized image. Out of memory? Disk full?The disk isn't full and memory is fine as far as I can tell. I'm only running ES, the same as I did before. I've checked the permissions on the downloaded_images directory and they seem fine. I've tried it with a variety of systems and after a number of reboots.
Anything else I can try?
I had the exact same error yesterday. I've scraped thousands of games before. But i noticed it was extremely slow yesterday.
After a couple of games i've recieved the same error. I have a couple of GB of free space....
I think the error occurs because the scraper can't download the image file due to fact thegamesdb was responding very slowly. I think it probably timed out while trying to get the image from the webservice.I'm going to try it again tonight. And hope it works again. :)
I don't think that's it either. I just tried it and the response time was quick and the Scraper preview included the image. It was when I accepted it that it came back with the same error.
At least I'm not the only one seeing it. I do hope we can figure it out however.
I've just came back from work and tried it again. It works now for me...
Maybe it was still down or slow when you (re-)tried it?I think you get a preview of the image, but when you select it, it has to actually send a request to the webservice and when that time's out the error might occur....
This afternoon I found an old reddit thread (2014) that was saying this error occurs when you try die scrape a game without box art... which leads me to think , I had problems getting the image from the service while the "working" dialog is showing. Because i was also able to see the image in the preview...If you suspect there might be a truth behind the "disk is full" message you can easily check this by pressing alt+F4 (emulation station quits) and typing the command : df . It show usage of all your file systems (free vs used space)
Hope this helps in any way. First thing i would do is try it once more as my problems have vanished.
kind regards
Perhaps bad timing then. I just tried it, 6 hours after your reply, and it's doing the same thing for me. It's definitely not a full disk as I have well over 11GB to spare on this SD card. I just wish the error log was more verbose.....
... wait, hold on. It just worked for a few things, just not for either of the PSX games. Perhaps that's all it is.
Thanks for the heads up. I think I might just be good to go now.
Okay, the problem persists, but it is only for PSX games. Everything else seems to work perfectly and rather quickly at the moment.
I just ran tcpdump on RetroPie while I attempted to save the results of scraping. I got the usual "ERROR SAVING RESIZED IMAGE. OUT OF MEMORY? DISK FULL?" error. I opened the packet capture in Wireshark. I was able to extract the JPEG data from it just fine. I also know this isn't happening for other systems, only PSX that I know of.
I'll keep tinkering to see if I can find a reason for it.
Found it!
It was a permissions error in ~/.emulationstation/downloaded_images/psx
It and several other directories were owned by root instead of the retropie user. After a quick chown everything works perfectly.
@jdoolin excuse me how do you do that? I have the same problem with mame4all, it scrape 240 of my 285 games and then stops and recibe the same error message.
Disk is ok, i have 11 gigas left.
Please explain i am a noob in raspberry , dont understand allmost anything.
You'll need to get to a command prompt, either by exiting EmulationStation or SSH. Then run the following command:
cd ~/.emulationstation/downloaded_images/
ls -lThen see which user and group owns the directories. They should all be "retropie". If any are "root", then they need to have permissions changed. Run the following command to do so:
sudo chown -R retropie:retropie systemName
Replace 'emulatorName' with any system whose permissions you need to change.
@jdoolin thank you for your time.
i type the first command and i recibe this message, i dont know what i do grong
What is the error in my photo? anyone? thanks guys :) i am really a noob in this.
Those are two separate commands, not one. So first, do:
cd ~/.emulationstation/downloaded_images/
There is a space between the 'cd' and the '~'. Then press Enter.
Then type:
ls -l
Again, there is a space between 'ls' and '-l'
I was able to solve the same error by looking into my folder and I noticed a .dat file that wansn't suppose to be in there. However, save files and other files related to the ROM needs to stay in there. As soon as I removed the file and retried the scrapper the error message went away and the Scrapping in Progress completed. Also, if the username is pi on the Retropie system. The only user available is pi not retropie, so be use to only have that ownership belong to [ sudo chown -R pi:pi {THE DIRECTORY YOU WANT TO CHANGE} ]
@winlinuxmatt in what directory? What .dat file?
And another question in witch directory i should be if i run this command
[ sudo chown -R pi:pi {THE DIRECTORY YOU WANT TO CHANGE} ]
Sorry for the delayed response. The directory should be in ~/.emulationstation/downloaded_images/ in your instance you referrenced above. retropie:retropie will not work because that user doesnt exist on that version of retopie and you should use pi:pi instead.So run:
ls -alh
This will list the owner:group like pi:pi on each file and it not important to run, it is just for you to see who has ownership of the directory and the files within, now run:
sudo chown -R pi:pi mame-mame4all
This will make sure you are setting the correct user and ownership of that directory in your instance that you are having the same error for the scrapper
Don't go looking for a .dat file, I was only referring to my issue. If you see a file that is not suppose to be in there. Remove it and run the scrapper again. Keep in mind that mame roms have dependent files related to each ROM you have. I don't know what that is. I hope this will help you out
Check the ~/RetroPie/roms/$CONSOLE folder, in your case mame folder. Look for files not suppose to be in there and rm fileyouwanttoremovecd ~/RetroPie/roms/mame-mame4all
cd /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame-mame4all
this is where you will look to fix the scrapping issue, look through the files and remove any weird files not suppose to be there.
If you have a windows PC on the lan, you can try this : ;) it's really easy to use, and don't have a lot's of path to configure (only one ^^ and if you have a default installation, he is already configured ;) )
@winlinuxmatt thank you :) i did this and scraper download info and picture of my games and then again que same error
I got 25 more games to go jajaja i chek the directory that you say and i only see the .zip of my roms and some directories artwork samples, no .dat file
What should o do? Thanks for your time and the other friends that help, i really apreciated.
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