(Solved) Installing MESA packages from backports - did not find extension DRI_Mesa version 1
Hi, I played with Debian Backports on my Pi5 (big stupid mistake exepted for CMake) and now I have an issue with Mesa. I have read a thread about this issue, but i don't have the permission to delete some files in the usr/lib/ folder.
I already deleted the Mesa packages with sudo apt remove <package>. Any idea to fix this iisue? I'm a little bit in trouble.
NEW EDIT: Here's the list, only Mesa stuff, cmake, pipewire and gir1.2 was intall . I'm not able to go back to 23.2.1 . What is the best way to do that?
Here's the error message
I used this line to see the versions of the packages and know which one I want to change to
dpkg-query -W | grep '~bpo'
after, I purged all I wanted
sudo apt --purge remove libgl1-mesa-dev sudo apt --purge remove libsdl2-dev sudo apt --purge remove libgl1-mesa-dri and more .....
If you use sudo apt remove libgl1-mesa-dev instead of purge, it's not enough. That was my mistake.
After I loaded Retropie-Setup
sudo sh ~/RetroPie-Setup/retropie_setup.sh
and I re-installed all dependency packages
For someone with basic computer skills like me , I had a close call!! 🤣
For CMake, what I did works well, but I don't recommand to play with that without a backup!
You can use backport for MESA (24.2.8)/Vulkan 1.2.289
Now I did it properly and test it. I saw a massive performance increase for game loading and a better performance with Vulkan. Unfortunately , Vulkan 1.3 is not officially available yet for Pi, only 1.2.289 is available .You can get it only with MESA 24.3 but it should be soon.
Here's what I did :
1- Create an empty file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian-12-backports.list and write this inside with a file editor
deb http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm-backports main
You must change the folder restriction first
2 - update MESAsudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install -t bookworm-backports mesa-va-drivers
3- Double check your installed packages with:
dpkg-query -W | grep '~bpo'
4 - Update Vulkan if needed
sudo apt install mesa-vulkan-drivers/bookworm-backports
Note : - Do a backup first
- I also recommend to update cmake sudo apt install cmake/bookworm-backports. -
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