Disguise DualSense as an XBox gamepad
Hi guys,
My DualSense works great everywhere on my Retropie-bookwormLite-Pi5-8go except in Wine. I know xbox gamepad works fine.
I found Moltengamepad. But this project seems very old and there is some errors when compile. I tried this :
https://retropie.org.uk/docs/Wiimote-Controller/#method-2-moltengamepadIs there an alterntative to do the same thing today ? Or another trick to do work Dualsense in Wine ?
@Nash you could try xboxdrv:
@Nash I use qjoypad on my DTWPID IMGs.
Works great for WINE and more. -
@sleve_mcdichael Of course... I used xboxdrv so many times for gamepad-mouse-keyboard mapping, but I didn't know it could mimic xbox pad. Thanks.
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