Retropi not allowing 2 player with ipac2
@rbaker o thanks I went in and changed the password I'm in winscp now so I'm going to do what you said in the earlypost.
@kc1123 thank you guys so much I now can play two player on my arcade. Is there a way to set the controls for certain gamestations. I would like to set certain controls for n64. Thank you guys so much for helping me.
So the es_input.cfg is on top the retroarch.cfg and the per-system cfg files?
Can you tell me where can I find the default hotkey features? I would like to disable the one that invokes the retroarch GUI.What do you mean by reflashing?
Retropie reinstall or you are suggesting a way to wipe out the current configurations?Edit.
I moved the rest of my post to a new one. -
@theink yes, the emulation station config is for controlling the front end separate from retro arch and is fully configurable. I used to have two game pads controlling it. Now I have just player one on a Bar top. By reflashing, I am referring to the fact that as you have discovered, the ipac shows as one gamepad detected by default on the shipped firmware. This caused me a headache. I emailed Ultimarc and they sent me a new firmware that makes it present itself as a keyboard which I thought it would do by default. Anyway, the new firmware removed the virtual gamepad bit and it behaves like a keyboard. I have not had to use it because I configured a keyboard for two player first then just plugged in the ipac and all was well.
@rbaker thanks. That is useful. I don't know when did you asked them for that firmware update, but the one i downloaded from their site allows me to map the pins as keyboard and controller. I can even mix the mapping. Some can be mapped as keyboard and others as joystick. This is of little help though as the system still recognises it as one device. Just letting you know in case you have not seen this last update. Thanks,, I will look in to that config file.
@theink yes, you are referring to the windows software that allows you to configure the ipac settings? this is not the firmware. I am talking about the code that resides in the ipac to make it function. The 2015 model has this virtual joypad thing that presents itself as one controller and not a keyboard. You can use the winpac software that you describe to alter what the pins do but if you download the firmware from the website, the ipac will go back to behaving like a keyboard and as a result will work without the issues. The issue is this...if you use auto detect from a fresh install and configure the "one" controller, it will work great. You then go in and add player two and you get nothing. After the reflashing, you can add player two without a problem. I solved this without reflashing by just having a keyboard plugged in during configure. Then you just swap in the ipac and it works. If you start editing the ipac settings, you could accidentally mess up the default hot keys.
@rbaker hey do you guys know if you can map an ipac2 in n64 with x and y axis. I mapped my controls for the dpad and all the other buttons. But it also has the x and y axis. I was just wondering if you could cause some games use only the joystick instead of the dpad. Thans
@kc1123 I don't have any experience of other systems, only MAME but I suspect the game pad features that are built into the latest firmware would allow for this.
I haven't played the N64 games myself. I'm using raspberry pie 2 and the performance looks poor to me at best.
Read this post HERE. The guy discusses some N64 controller configurations. As I understand this emulator is a special case, since it is not tied to the retroarch system. You can probably ask him for an advice too.
If you find some insights , don't forget to share ;). -
@rbaker hey I am trying to play ma me games. I downloaded the romsets for the game. The game shows up in the retropi menu but when I select it it acts like it's loading then just sends me back to the retropi menu. Do you know what I'm doing wrong. I have the romsets in the bios folder and the roms in the mameall folder. I have one zipped and the same copy unzipped not sure what they need to be. thanks
@kc1123 MAME is not straightforward. However, you need to read the instructions. Your questions suggest that you haven't read this page:
now onto some quick answers:
I downloaded the romsets for the game
Which romset? A full set or a single rom? Chances are, nothing will work if you are guessing on single roms. If it's a full set and I will assume that you are using mame4all as opposed to mameall like in your post, you will need the 0.37b5 set. Have you verified that this is your set according to this page:
The game shows up in the retropi menu but when I select it it acts like it's loading then just sends me back to the retropi menu. Do you know what I'm doing wrong.
I do know, this means that the emulator that you are trying with the rom you have are not compatible. i.e. you have the wrong romset for your emulator of choice
You have the correct romset for your emulator of choice but you do not have the bios roms in the same folder as your game roms according to the instructions here:
e.g. is the bios file that must be in the same folder as neogeo roms.
I have one zipped and the same copy unzipped not sure what they need to be
Why have you unzipped anything at all? you should not be doing this. You must have generated a huge number of files by unzipping them unless you are dealing with a single rom download from somewhere. You should avoid this if that is what you have done and find the correct full set .
I have the romsets in the bios folder
For MAME, this is not the correct place.
Good luck, read all these links and you will have MAME working in no time.
I was reading you post that you posted about 5 months ago... I was wondering if you would help me ... I just got my IPAC2 and have trouble configuring the buttons within retroarch.cfg. I also was trying to use the link within your post to see if that would help me, but the links are broken. -
@rolrod66 said in Retropi not allowing 2 player with ipac2:
lso was trying to use
No problem, I can help you out.
I will need some more information about the arcade you are building.
What platforms do you plan to use? What is the button layout you are using?I can send you the files which I have configured for my project, but for them to work properly we need to have matching button layout. Otherwise, changes need to be made in the configuration.
For starters, this is the button layout I decided to use.
And these are the instructions I prepared for the cabinet art.
They will give you an idea of how I mapped the controls for each individual platform.
That's is awesome!! I am going to use attact mode platform if thats what you mean all new to me. Also this is my button layouts for now.. -
I really like your set up !!! I am thinking now to redo mine and set up like yours but adding a trackball. -
@theink are you still willing to assist me on this setup ? I am going to setup exactly like your setup , but with a trackball (utrak).. Thank you!!!
Sorry for the delay.At this very moment, I'm writing a HUGE post which I plan to publish in several hours.
I will write down everything I can extract from my head and share the preconfigured files I'm using for my cabinet.I will most probably post it in a separate thread as this one I feel is overcrowded and would not be of much help to newcomers.
Will notice you when it is ready. -
Thank you !! Your awesome!! -
@rolrod66 I wanted to just drop you a line.
Unfortunately writing the post took me more time than I expected.
I wrote 8 pages of text and am nearly finished, but I still have to prepare some files and preview images.
Promise to finish it on the weekend.By the way.
How do you plan to use the trackball?
I'm not familiar with this one. Retropie is set up to work with simpler arcade controls
Where are you going to use it? -
Good deal!! Yes, the trackball is utrak that connected to the iPac2!!to play golden tee, Millipede, bowling games , etc...
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