Updated Gamelist XML Creator
@steuv See if this link works. Dropbox changed their sharing policies a while back and it's made things difficult.
@rookervik It works ! Thanks a lot, that'll make my life so much easier :)
@Rookervik two questions:
- is it possible to automatically include references to textfiles with games descriptions?
- it would be nice to be able to adapt the program... do you consider it as freeware and if yes, is it possible to get the source code (which programming language?) or/and the old batch (the link above does not work)?
Thanks and regards
Patrick -
@Rookervik hello sorry i'm IgorHenriqueTech and i was behind this make.xml i searched a lot and i managed to find it the download link is right below and so that there is no risk of losing this script i will write it below too
Link https://mega.nz/#!bR1lmASJ!fjoapYEg-wp4J6CmQusuGDBSGKZWcebsgcKMEVFgV-E
@echo off
echo Working...
echo ^<?xml version="1.0"?^> > gamelist.xml
echo ^<gameList^> >> gamelist.xml
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b') do cls && echo Working... && echo %%~na && echo ^<game^> >> gamelist.xml && echo ^<path^>.^/%%a^</path^> >> gamelist.xml && echo ^<name^>%%~na^</name^> >> gamelist.xml && echo ^<desc^>^<^/desc^> >> gamelist.xml && echo ^<image^>^.^/downloaded_images^/%%~na.png^</image^> >> gamelist.xml && echo ^<rating^>^</rating^> >> gamelist.xml && echo ^<developer^>^</developer^> >> gamelist.xml && echo ^<publisher^>^</publisher^> >> gamelist.xml && echo ^<genre^>^</genre^> >> gamelist.xml && echo ^<players^>^</players^> >> gamelist.xml && echo ^<^/game^> >> gamelist.xml
echo ^<^/gameList^> >> gamelist.xml
echo Done!
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