How to add Raspbian?
@Jiehfeng RetroPie Setup > Configuration / tools > Raspian related tools > install Pixel desktop. This will appear in Ports. You can set it up as its' own "system" on the main GUI too.
@columboscoat Much thanks, and thanks again for the quick reply!
@columboscoat Wait, will this download it again? If so, how do I delete the previous raspbian I installed through NOOBS?
@Jiehfeng RetroPie IS Raspian. That is the OS it is built on. This just installs the desktop environment.
@columboscoat I know. But earlier, I installed Raspbian first standalone, then used the setup script to install retropie, and without doing the configuration tools thing you said, I can launch raspbian too by typing startx.
@Jiehfeng Just install it. It won't download it again if the packages are already there. It will however configure RetroPie so you can see it on the GUI.
@columboscoat Just did, launching "Desktop" from ports brings me a black screen and then back to the ports menu (after restarting emulationstation, no reboot). I have RetroPie 4.1 just plain installed a few hours ago, no changes made or anything. What gives?
@Jiehfeng You need to update to latest RetroPie 4.1.9. In Setup choose update setup script then update all installed packages. Agree to update Raspbian packages too when prompted.
@columboscoat Thanks again! Works.
@Jiehfeng Hi how did you make raspbian its own "system" and not just in the ports menu? thanks in advance
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