Kodi Issue
I setup RetroPie initially and had no issues what so ever, installed Kodi and it was running great. I went and did something stupid, I Installed ALL experimental packages because I didn't see DraStic in there and I thought I was updating the list. After that RetroPie just didn't feel the same and work the same, even after I ran Remove all experimental packages. So I uninstalled RetroPie from the setup script, formatted my SD card, put the RetroPie image on the SD card and went through installing RetroPie again (Hopefully this was the correct way). I installed the Kodi package again, but it seems to be acting the same way again, I can't move to select anything within Kodi, it's basically useless. I'm wondering if there is onboard RAM on the Pi that I am not aware of that I should have wiped as well. Any help or point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Raspberry Pi 3 B
RetroPie 4.1.11
Logitech F310 controller, also have a Wii U Pro controller working (not currently connected)
USB attached keyboard, also have a Rii mini i8+ wireless keyboard working (not currently connected) -
Can you select stuff in Kodi using a keyboard? As far as I've read, Kodi v.16 doesn't work well (at all?) with controllers. Kodi v.17 (in Pi testing repo) on the other hand is supposed to have controller support built-in.
If the keyboard isn't working either, then something else is going on.
Thanks for the reply sos_retropie. No, I can't use the keyboard as well. It launches but I can't move from "Pictures" left or right, I can move up and down to get to the power button and exit Kodi, but nothing else. It was working beautifully until I did a stupid thing, now I just want to start from scratch and get it back to working properly again. Not sure if the steps I took to uninstall RetroPie and start over were correct. I ran uninstall from the GUI, then formatted the SD card and started over again. Gameplay works great, the only thing that doesn't is Kodi. I can get by with it on my Amazon Fire TV, would be nice to know what the hell I did wrong and fix it.
Not sure if it will help anyone but I do see /home/pi/kodi_crashlog-20170128_234518
When launching Kodi it says that it logs to /dev/shm/runcommand.info, when I looked at that it just said "KodiKodiKodi", not very informative.
Disable the joystick or update to Kodi 17 betas.
This issue was already talked here many times... Next time please do some searches in the forum before posting issues.
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