SOLVED :PSX game still loading,[SLPS-03357]Digimon_Tamers_Battle_Evolution[J]
Pi Model or other hardware: 3
RetroPie Version Used : 4.1
Controller used: xbox360 wireless X 2
File: [SLPS-03357][J]Digimon_Tamers_Battle_Evolution
Emulator: lr-pcsx-rearmed
the problem: still loading,can not work.
but the game run of recalbox OS is no problem.
USA region Digimon Rumble Arena is no problem.
Find the problem: lr-pcsx-rearmed EMU can'ot read Japan area game's save(srm)
please fix it in next ver -
Downgrade the lr-pcsx-rearmed/
download retro pie 3.7
replace: retropie/opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-pcsx-rearmed/
@diaofeiqiang Please report bug Here
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