ERROR - This error appears when I turn back. - BECAUSE IT IS?????
Pi Model or other hardware: p3
Power Supply used: 3a
RetroPie Version Used 4.1
Built From: retropie
USB Devices connected: pad
Controller used:This error appears when I turn back Retropie - This error appears when I turn back.
In a constant chain, covering the entire screen. After this, approximately 5 minutes. Retropie shuts off properly and when you turn it on again, it works without problem. But when it goes out again, it comes out again.Thank you.
@rokana What are you talking about? What is your question? What is this error? What do you mean by "Because it is?" Is this some kind of test? A cryptic clue? What does "After this, approximately 5 minutes" mean? What do you mean by "When is goes out, it comes out"? I am truly perplexed by this. Your words mean nothing?! What does "This error appears when I turn back Retropie - This error appears when I turn back." - sounds like you mean turn on? but then it sounds like you are walking away in frustration then turn back to look at the screen as if it is taunting you!
If you are serious, you will need to post a video or a screen shot. You will need to post the information requested in
@rbaker I'm starting to wonder if brain slugs are guarding the entrance to the site for new visitors.
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