Second PS3 Controller just vibrates when plugged in
I am able to pair the first PS3 controller perfectly. When I plug in the second in order to pair it, it just vibrates constantly. It won't respond when I attempt to use it via usb either, it just vibrates. I don't believe it even showed up running lsusb from the terminal. I have tried the reset button. Tried removing and re-installing the PS3 driver. Tried all the other PS3 drivers. Same results with no change at all. Out of desperate curiosity I installed a copy of Recalbox on a second sd card and was able to successfully pair this controller using the "official" driver, so I don't believe there is an issue with the controller. I've seen others having an issue with 2 controllers, but they all seemed to at least be able to use them via usb. At this point, I will accept one running BT and using the other wired, but I can't even do that. The solution may be right in front of me but I've officially reached a problem-solving mental block. Any ideas?
My apologies if I've forgotten to include some relevant details.
-Raspberry Pi 2
-RetroPie 4.1 (pre-made image downloaded from
-Using retropie-setup -> manage packages -> manage drivers -> install ps3, etc.
-100% sure one controller is official
-99% sure that the 2nd one is as well
-Don't own PS3, only have controllers for RetroPie -
I can see both controllers running lsusb and they both show up the same.
ID 054c:0268 Sony Corp. Batoh Device / PlayStation 3 ControllerI'm having the same issue still with the one constantly vibrating while plugged in and having no response control wise. This only happens when plugging it into a RPi running Retropie. It does not happen on the PC, nor even in the same RPi but running Recalbox (able to pair both successfully).
I did determine that the one that works is a CECHZC2U A2, while the one I'm having issues with is CECHZC2U A1. I'm not entirely sure that is relevant, just something I noticed when trying to determine differences that may be causing the problem.
Still open to ANY ideas or suggestions.
Update #2:
Somehow got it to work. Not sure what I did different (b/c I'm pretty sure I did everything the same), but it's working now.Thank you all for the outpouring of love and support. You have all been extremely helpful.
Since apparently this issue has never happened to anyone else ever, let my experience stand as testament that stubborn perseverance can pay off. Occasionally the blind persistence of attempting the same thing in the same way over and over again will yield the results we seek. So fear not! Keep trying to jam that square peg in a round hole because one day it WILL work my friends! It WILL fit! And on that day you may proclaim, "I HAVE TRIUMPHED! GLORY HALLELUJAH, THIS DAY IS MINE!"
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