trying to run from usb but games get copied to the sdcard
trying to run from usb device, but it seems the games get copied to the sdcard and then erased from the usb device.
I've setup the folder retropie-mount and when plugged in the folder structure was copied onto the usb device...any suggestions?
Johnny -
@sticcino Please do not post a support request without first reading and following the advice in
Make sure you don't have a retropie folder in the root as that triggers the USB ROM service for copying ROMs to sdcard.
Thanks for the information, I did review and follow that document, I have a "retropie-mount" folder in the root folder... its the only folder on the USB, are you saying it should be in a sub-folder ?
| ---- retropie-mount
|___ romsThanks,
Johnny -
@sticcino no. It should be in the root and empty. Please read the first link and provide information about your setup.
Sorry, still struggling... I've read the 100 times, unless i'm interpreting incorrectly:First Update the RetroPie Setup Script >> CHECK
Re-Enable the USB ROM Transfer Service >> CHECK
Format your USB drive to FAT32 per directions above >> CHECK
Create a folder called retropie-mount on the USB drive >> CHECK
Plug into Raspberry Pi >> CHECK
It will proceed to automatically copy the RetroPie folder AND all of its contents (you may need to reboot to start the copying) >> CHECK -- created folder structure on USB...I then proceed to copy some roms over to the USB stick... and they then also appear on the SDCARD roms folders.
In my es_settings.cfg (sample)
<path>/media/usb0/retropie-mount/roms/arcade</path>should I disable auto usbmount. I just can't see what I am doing incorrectly.
Johnny -
@sticcino How do you mean "they then also appear on the SDCARD roms folders." - Where are you seeing this? - the
folder is mapped to the USB stick. You might be confusing about what is actually the correct/designed behaviour. -
@sticcino point the roms somewhere else like media/usb0/ROMs and do not bother with the one retropie makes
ok.. yes the /Retropie/roms directories is a "clone" of the USB stick... if ther are file links then I understand its only a pointer to the USB stick... was just strange that it didn't display links.
worse case as digi321 said, i'll just use another directory name.
thanks for the help.
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