Dreamcsst on retropie
Hi any help would be greatly appreciate I have a raspberry pi 3 running retro pi . I can't get dreamcast roms to work. I have the 2 bios installed on Retropi. When I unzip the download rom file and open that folder a bunch of files come up the .gdi file is on 1kb. There are .bin but they are labeled track with a number after them and they are much bigger files 300,000kb and above not sure what to do here when I add the .bin files nothing shows up and nothing loads when I load the .gdi files. Please help
In my personal experience, ive had several cdi's work where gdi's dont and vice versa, also ive noticed that changing the emulator selection makes powerstone run. on the pi its hit and miss. if you have .bin files there should be a cue... but i thought reicast was strictly cdi or gdi.
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