Stuck on command line
Guys, my first post here, just got the Pi a couple of days ago. It's been ages since I mess around with Linux, so I'm a total noob right now .
I know this is ridiculous, but I got stuck on the boot screen. This has happened before, but I just rewrite the image of retropie on the SD card again to temporarily get rid of the problem.
Here is the screen:

Booting up the Pi gets me to this :/ I just don't want to keep rewriting all my files to the SD every time this happens.
Thanks. -
@CrisisCore in order for us to help you please fill out the required information:
My bet is you're choosing the wrong SD image.
Pi Model or other hardware: Pi 3 Model B
Power Supply used: The recommended 2.5A@5V
RetroPie Version Used (eg 3.6, 3.8.1, 4.1 - do not write latest): 4.1
Built From: Retropie WebSite
USB Devices connected: Keyboard
Controller used: Just the Keyboard
Error messages received: I get stuck on the boot screen
Log found in /dev/shm/runcommand.log (if relevant): don't know how to get this file
Guide used: (Mention if you followed a guide)
File: (File with issue - with FULL path)
Emulator: (Name of emulator - if applicable)
Attachment of config files: (PLEASE USE PASTEBIN.COM FOR LARGE LOGS)
How to replicate the problem: I don't know. It happns when I boot the deviceWhen i boot, I get this screen: can type exit on that, and get to this screen: i type emulationstation, that gets me to the screen i was before...
@CrisisCore I just had this problem the other day. For some reason on exiting EmulationStation it's eating the lightdm GUI. Try this from the command line you're getting:
sudo apt-get install lightdm
This will reinstall the GUI. Once it completes, type emulationstation at the prompt.
Lightdm shouldn't have anything to do with it. Rather it's possible the download was corrupted or the extraction was, or the SD card is dodgy.
Did you verify the md5sum?
@herb_fargus only speaking from my own experience earlier this week. I agree, it shouldn't, but as soon as I installed lightdm mine took off without a hitch.
@tygr20 well if it works it works ;) would be nice to understand why though if that really is the issue
@tygr20 Just tried that, didn't work :/
@herb_fargus as a noob I'm guessing it worked for me because I was missing some file that came onboard with lightdm. I agree, is love to know why it worked. For now, just keeping my eyes crossed. 😁
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