Keyboard works only once in menus after reboot.
Initial release: Retropie 3.8 on Berryboot.
Retropie updated: version 4.1.18 today
Raspbian updated as well.
Usb: 1 dongle for the wireless keyboard.
Powered by official adapter.
Chinese PS3 wireless controller identified as genuine.Before the update the keyboard was always working fine in the Retropie setup and shell menus. Now it seems to work only one or two times through shell setup menus or between firing up emulators or PS3 controller usages and does not respond unless I reboot. Restarting Emulation station does not help.
The PS3 controller works fine without the need to pair or configure again, though if I connect it through the usb cable to rpi makes him stop respond. If I disconnect the cable, makes it produce double signals in the shell menus, i.e. The cursor jumps two positions.
I haven't yet managed to narrow or reproduce the behavior to any user generated events and I suspect that might have to do something with BLuetooth or any Raspian drivers during the update process. Any clues appreciated. -
What systems do you emulate most often?
I also have noticed this (mine is a wireless kidney keyboard ,cheap kind + a ps4 pad) since version 4.18 phantom key movements sometimes keyboard not working at all inside those runcommand menus before a launch.. using many systems and i see the jumping actions; sometimes double keys ghosting -so you quit a game it then launches another without you wanting it too or touching keyboard...
After running various emulators and accessing the Runcommand menu i managed to narrow the events to the point that it seems to be the N64 emulator the problem in my case.
I tried a few roms consequently on GBA, Snes, PSX, Genesis and in all cases I was able to get in Runcommand effortlessly and the keyboard's cursor was emulating the game pad as well.
Running a rom on N64 for the first time it allows you to get in Runcommand by pressing any key, but that is as long as the emulator does not access the rom. I mean if you acces the Runcommand and don't launch the rom you can access it again, but once the rom starts you can't. That happens on most N64 cores I tried.
To make things a bit strange, while the rom loads if I bash random keys on the keyboard at some point a mouse cursor appears on the top left of the screen and while the game runs I am able to quit it by taping the Esc key on the keyboard.
Accessing the Runcommand through bashing L3 on the PS3 controller still works.I am at the impression that at some point when the PS3 controller auto turned off the keyboard was back up again but the thing is the controller couldn't pair again to the Retropie though I can't still confirm the former yet.
Thanks for the responses.
I'm using a wired Logitech controller with a keyboard plugged in. After launching a N64 game, my keyboard no longer works until I reboot.
I'm using the latest version of RetroPie and the latest version of lr-mupen64plus installed from binary on a Raspberry Pi 3. -
come to think of it the last thing i ran before the strange keyboard issues was when i was playing an n64 game? then again my ps4 pad would randomly work in the [runcommand] menus and at other times id have to use the keyboard as that was always working.. but after playing n64 the keyboard wonuldnt even work inside runcommand menus after a while..
update: not sure if this is normal but i had both my screens up sidebyside one with the meulationstation menu running [was adding my 2ndplayer buttons on usb pad ]and the other with my pc showing ssh terminal logged in.. when i was moving my 2nd usb pad on emulation station it was also moving the menus in my ssh logged in session [retropiesetup menus] thats surely not right?
@pixelpiklz said in Keyboard works only once in menus after reboot.:
when i was moving my 2nd usb pad on emulation station it was also moving the menus in my ssh logged in session [retropiesetup menus] thats surely not right?
I don't know if it's the intended behavior or rather something that's just unavoidable, but I noticed this myself a while back. What's funny is that I ended up installing Solarus from the RetroPie-Setup based on the actions I was performing in the game I was playing at the time. Since then, I've just made sure to end any ssh sessions I had open when leaving my computer to avoid it happening again.
+1 Can confirm. Keyboard stops responding after starting an N64 game. My setup:
- retropie 4.2
- Mupen64plus-GLideN64
- Dual shock 3 PS3 controller
- USB keyboard
Should we/I report as bug?
@sogpotato it is a known issue. N64 is one of the systems that does it. There are others. there was a different emulator that was my trigger.
@edmaul69 Any work-around?
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