Retro game stuff talk
I'm quite surprised retroflag aren't at least planning a megadrive/genesis case as that was an incredibly popular system.
My friend is a bit of a show off hence the flashy case. The case and fans were his choice and the pc was originally going to be hidden in a cupboard which I thought was funny. He does have it on display now after I pointed out that the flashy case was pointless if no one can see it. Another downside with a glass case like that is it shows the dirt/dust really quickly so you have to constantly clean it where as my PC is dragged out and cleaned once a year if it's lucky :D.
@ruckage said in Retro game stuff talk:
I'm quite surprised retroflag aren't at least planning a megadrive/genesis case as that was an incredibly popular system.
THAT is what surprised me too. I mean c'mon a MEGADRIVE! as popular as a SNES and they have no plans? Or maybe they just said it that way so I wouldn't spill the news too early in the www. Who knows, but it would be a missed business opportunity.
@flyingtomahawk I have that Genesis USB hub that I put a Pi 3 in and it works really great. Unfortunately now they are unobtainium and are really pricey on eBay.
Here are some recent additions for me.
Some MasterSystem controllers in pretty nice shape for less than the cost that I typically see a single one sell for
I ordered some custom game cases for some loose games I have (Super Mario World came with my SNES, I lost the box to Mario Paint, I never had a box for the Super Game Boy I got in college, and my SD2SNES came in a box that doesn't work well on my shelf). They look nice but took FOREVER to ship.
A friend in Australia sent me a surprise: the rare gold DMG backpack buddy. I now have a full set!
A box full of awesome arrived from a good friend as a belated birthday gift. Far too much to include in one photo, but the gaming stuff included Makaimura for Famicom, Super Columns for Game Gear, an R4 card, the Super Mario Galaxy soundtrack, Nintendo controller mints, and, because I like boxed games, Uno and Skip Bo for Game Boy Advance
I managed to get a really great deal on a Super Game Boy 2 (CIB for around half of what a loose one is currently selling for). It's in amazing shape. I just wish the box were a more standard size so I could put it in a box protector. It's just slightly larger than a US SNES box. For now it is unprotected on my shelf.
Also, after totally loving the English fan translation, I'm on the lookout for a CIB copy of カエルの為に鐘は鳴る (Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru - For Frog the Bell Tolls) for a reasonable price, but right now it seems to be going for around $50 which is more than I want to spend.
@obsidianspider nice haul!! Now do you have all 3 d-pad versions of master system controllers?
@edmaul69 Three 3 D-Pad versions? I have three MasterSystem controllers, but all are the same.
@obsidianspider these are the other two. The joystick unscrews on the one and usually is missing.
@obsidianspider said in Retro game stuff talk:
@edmaul69 said in Retro game stuff talk:
@FlyingTomahawk said in Retro game stuff talk:
Something you don't see everyday, even here in Japan.
Is that even possible? I thought japenese people have seen everything. :D
Oh My Goodness, this made my day!
@ddoherty958 It's all fun and games until someone gets blue shelled...
Oh I see that blue shell and I think “ah. What do I do now?!?!?”
@ddoherty958 You could throw your controller at them, or grab the last piece of pizza off their plate. Blue Shelling is almost as bad as choosing Odd Job. Almost...
lucky! -
@celly Very nice :) and in camo! i have a Stone Blue and a Silver myself.
@celly said in Retro game stuff talk:
Sadly, it didn’t come with any games.
At least you can give us all our horoscopes ;)
@obsidianspider like i said man, its all about that settings game. I got the high score on Select Launguage. You’re Winner!
@celly Just scored a couple more games myself today. SNK vs Capcom Match of the Millennium and both SNK card fighters games.
My Match Millennium is Japanse. But it turns out alot of their games supported dual language. So its much cheaper to buy some of the Japanese games, rather than the English counter parts:
@mrjordaaany nice! Yeah I’ve been playing (emulating) the NGP/C games for a while. Its a fun little system. I actually just bought a Neo Geo Flash Masta flash cart from RetroModding. Can’t wait!
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