SD card Allocation after installing retropie-4.2-rpi2_rpi3
Hi all,
I have a new 32GIG SD card formatted using SDFormatter. Once complete disk management shows 29.72 Fat32 available. I then use Win32DiskImager and install retropie-4.2-rpi2_rpi3.
Once complete disk management shows:
57MB FAT Healthy, Active
1.95GB Primary Partition
27.71GB unallocatedAm I missing something here? I have searched for forum, youtube and cannot understand why 27.71GB is unallocated.
Any help would be appreciated.
@miked have you put it into the raspberry pi and booted up yet? SD card should show up as a 57 MB boot drive in windows. Once you put it into the pi the pi will do its thing and populate all the folders.
@miked if putting it in the pi doesnt expand the file system, go into raspi-config and expand the file system.
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