ES-Kids Mode (Favorites not working)
Few things im running into. [latest version of RetroPie, rpi3, and updated retro script, running default carbon theme]
Downloaded child emulation station, am currently in Full mode. Yet, i cannot see the Heart icon over the rom. so when im scrolling through gamelist it doesnt show whats favorited. . .
Cannot press "X" to favorite, or Y for random rom.... im using the default carbon theme. I've looked every and cannot find the kids theme carbon version [carbon_v4]. the link on the wiki is dead.
I even edited the theme.xml and inputted the code it says to on the wiki but that doesnt help. seeing how in the art folder, there is no heart.svg teddy.svg or hidden.svg
You need to be using a theme that supports it. Reading the wiki should contain some links to themes that support it or have been tailored to it.
- topic:timeago-later,18 days
@pjft said in ES-Kids Mode (Favorites not working):
You need to be using a theme that supports it. Reading the wiki should contain some links to themes that support it or have been tailored to it.
I understand that, and i did read the wiki, multiple times. I'm using Carbon, the regular one that comes with retropie. I need Carbon V4 which is the Kids mode theme..... The link is dead on the wiki.
@red2blue Also, in regards to getting the X and Y shortcut buttons to work, I think you need to re-map the inputs (just using the built-in input option in the start menu is fine).
@mattrixk does MetaPixel also support video? I checked the inputs all is correct. but you know how you would normally have the Icon and texts on the bottom left of the screen showing what buttons do what? X and Y arent there, it just shows the regular layout for what buttons do what. no favoriting.
@red2blue MetaPixel does support video (as of 2 days ago. Go me!).
As for getting the new buttons to show up, I remember having to do something that wasn't listed in the documentation, but @Floob did mention it in the video
that's on the documentation page. It's been months since I did it, so I can't remember exactly, but I thought it was having to re-map the controller. It may be something else, but I'm pretty sure it was mentioned in that video. - topic:timeago-later,2 months
Unfortunately, according to this quote on Github
"the risk of a high maintenance burden for this branch was deemed too high to incorporate it into the RetroPie branch proper"
it seems like this Kid/Kiosk mode, that I really think looks completely awesome, will be working on/off as we keep upgrading our RetroPie versions along the way. Also add to this that not all Themes support this mode.
I don't understand why Favourites are not incorporated in ES as per default, when especially MAME romsets are a hassle to overview. But I guess that's easy for me to say, just sitting here wishing away :-)
@AndersHP Hi.
There have been quite a few posts recently in regards to favorites. We understand that this is something you - and others - really want.
Everyone is working hard to bring things over to the main branch - the ES Kids work will eventually make it to the main branch, it just takes time. That includes Kiosk mode and all the cool things that it has. It just takes time.
As for Favorites, there is some work currently undergoing to get that to ES.
If you want to help get that to ES sooner, the best thing you can do is help testing.
@pjft what I don't get is that even in the wiki and videos it shoes Carbon having the favorite button in kids mode..
On the wiki it says we need to download and install Carbon v4 Which is the kids mode theme... But the download is offlineSomeone has to have it, or if someone can tag the retropie devs and ask for them to reupload???
That's the theme kids mode works on fully.
@red2blue I have a copy at home, but I won't get to my computer until tonight or tomorrow. I'll post it for you first chance I get. I'm the meantime though, MetaPixel supports it (and has video support too).
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