FCEumm palette location
Thanks. Looks like custom pallets are not an option yet.
i'm not familiar enough with github to add it, so if someone wants to do it (or tell me how ;) this is what needs to be added to libretro.c:
Line 198:
#define MAXPAL 27
Line 675:
}, { "wavebeam", "nakedarthur's Wavebeam palette", { 0X686868, 0X001B86, 0X0F049E, 0X41008C, 0X6C006E, 0X740021, 0X6E0700, 0X531600, 0X2A3600, 0X004C00, 0X00520A, 0X004B23, 0X00375B, 0X000000, 0X000000, 0X000000, 0XB0B0B0, 0X1559D7, 0X3D2CE9, 0X6F21DF, 0XA716C4, 0XB90F67, 0XB72E05, 0X924E00, 0X676C00, 0X1E8700, 0X039103, 0X008E46, 0X007993, 0X000000, 0X000000, 0X000000, 0XFFFFFF, 0X63B2FF, 0X789DFF, 0XC37DFE, 0XE975FF, 0XF572C5, 0XF08965, 0XE3A330, 0XC1C104, 0X89D508, 0X5CDE3E, 0X4BD98C, 0X4DCFD4, 0X4F4F4F, 0X000000, 0X000000, 0XFFFFFF, 0XB6DEFF, 0XCECEFF, 0XDAC4FF, 0XECC1FB, 0XFBC0DF, 0XFFCDC6, 0XF7DBAD, 0XF0EB9F, 0XD4F6A2, 0XBCF7B0, 0XB5F6CE, 0XB2EFF1, 0XBCBCBC, 0X000000, 0X000000 } }
So I forked the project and added wavebeam to libretro.c. Any brave soul want to try compiling this and seeing if it works? Or better yet, tell me how to redirect the "update from source" update script to point to my repository so I can check it for myself?
chipsnblip, I'm trusting you on those hex values. Where did you get them from? Did you unpack them from this file? https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0oZgLlarplZWjFod1hzRXlaaEU
yes, i renamed Wavebeam.pal to Wavebeam.data and imported it into gimp. then carefully created a gimp palette color-by-color. i also double checked each color afterwards, and exported to a txt file with those hex values. you're welcome to try it just to be sure, it's pretty straightforward.
i noticed in the system11 forum thread it was last updated august 10, 2017. lots of updates recently, so it may not be the final version. keep an eye on that thread for any future changes
Double checked it with a quick python script. I think it checks out.
Now who knows how I can compile and install this on my retropie??
#!/usr/bin/env python import struct filename = 'Wavebeam.pal' pal_file=open(filename) pal_hex=[] for i in range(64): vals=struct.unpack('3B', pal_file.read(3)) # read 3 bytes 64 times hexstring='{:#04X}{:02X}{:02X}'.format(*vals) # print in hex pal_hex.append(hexstring) print pal_hex
['0X686868', '0X001B86', '0X0F049E', '0X41008C', '0X6C006E', '0X740021', '0X6E0700', '0X531600','0X2A3600', '0X004C00', '0X00520A', '0X004B23', '0X00375B', '0X000000', '0X000000', '0X000000', '0XB0B0B0', '0X1559D7', '0X3D2CE9', '0X6F21DF', '0XA716C4', '0XB90F67', '0XB72E05', '0X924E00', '0X676C00', '0X1E8700', '0X039103', '0X008E46', '0X007993', '0X000000', '0X000000', '0X000000', '0XFFFFFF', '0X63B2FF', '0X789DFF', '0XC37DFE', '0XE975FF', '0XF572C5', '0XF08965', '0XE3A330', '0XC1C104', '0X89D508', '0X5CDE3E', '0X4BD98C', '0X4DCFD4', '0X4F4F4F', '0X000000', '0X000000', '0XFFFFFF', '0XB6DEFF', '0XCECEFF', '0XDAC4FF', '0XECC1FB', '0XFBC0DF', '0XFFCDC6', '0XF7DBAD', '0XF0EB9F', '0XD4F6A2', '0XBCF7B0', '0XB5F6CE', '0XB2EFF1', '0XBCBCBC', '0X000000', '0X000000']
nice one, much more efficient than using gimp. i'm not at all much of a coder, so maybe this isn't the way to go about it, but what if you changed line 19 in the setup script and pointed to your fork? ~/RetroPie-Setup/scriptmodules/libretrocores/lr-fceumm.sh
i wonder if that would work :/
i noticed on your fork, i think you missed a comma after the bracket https://github.com/Joemommasfat/libretro-fceumm/blob/73e1ce439978cb42c7c83aca739123b70c12806d/src/drivers/libretro/libretro.c#L675
@chipsnblip You've got a good eye. The compiler also caught that missing comma. Your suggestion worked about changing the scriptmodule.
Check it out.
http://imgur.com/a/T69am -
awesome, good teamwork!
Well whoever added it to upstream ๐
@joemommasfat the wavebeam palette has been updated on Oct. 1: https://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?p=1278210&sid=2c1592ad8deb319edb55e150df8730b2#p1278210
i don't really have time at the moment to get the color codes, and the way i did it last time was very tedious. if you're still around and willing to do another pull request for fceumm, that would be much appreciated. ifnot, i will most likely have time to put it together this coming weekend.
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