Would you like to play Nokia (J2ME) games on Retropie?
@BloodDragoon Resolution of your game?
Edit : I tried the 240x320 Medal of Honor Airborne and it works. Although it does gets stuck after the Operation Husky page1 comes.
@hex 240x360.
@hex Ahh yes ,blghh, that one.
@hex The AWT port was originally developed for Windows, after I had given up on the RetroPie port as a result of the earlier failures. It's also very likely that most users will run this on Windows.
That particular game does work (I have the 240x320 version). I tried it on on his JRE version (1.8.0_144 64bit) on Windows 10 and it's working correctly. [Edit to add: I played through about half of the first level. So we've got a range of not working at all, hanging on the mission screen, to working fine.]
Does anyone have a Windows 8 machine to test it out on? Running it from the command line should show some output that would provide a clue as to a solution.
@recompile Okay, guide me how do i check what it outputs?
@BloodDragoon You are using the touchscreen one. I have another which is non touchscreen which works perfectly
Can you post a photo of where it gets stuck?
This works
@hex The game doesn't look like that for me.
@BloodDragoon Does it even Load? The video shows that is doesnt load too.
I cannot test it without the game jar file and sharing that on retropie is prohibited.
@hex Do not see your mail on your Github page...
@BloodDragoon Got it?
@blooddragoon said in Would you like to play Nokia (J2ME) games on Retropie?:
@hex The game doesn't look like that for me.
That's interesting. It would explain the 'null' as well as why nothing seems to load for you. You'll get a 'null' if the jar manifest can't be read, and the application will terminate.
Are you sure you have the j2me version of the game?
You can confirm that you have the j2me version by examining the jar file. The jar file is easy, just change the extension from .jar to .zip and unpack it. You see a file called MANIFEST.MF in a folder called META-INF Post the content of that file here.
Yes, cannot send for whatever reason...
@recompile Pressing ESC quits from game for SDL. Is this intended behaviour rather than config screen?
@hex Yes. I didn't add the config menu to the SDL version as the options were very likely to be different. I figured that configuration would be handled on the SDL side. It's easy enough to change, of course, as you can see from the other variations.
@recompile Manifest-Version: 1.0
MIDlet-Vendor: Inlogic Software
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.1
MIDlet-Version: 1.0.0
MicroEdition-Configuration: CLDC-1.1
MIDlet-1: Zombie Rider, /ic.png, sk.inlogic.X
Created-By: 20.45-b01 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Nokia-MIDlet-Category: Game
MIDlet-Data-Size: 5000
MIDlet-Icon: /ic.png
MIDlet-Name: Zombie Rider
MicroEdition-Profile: MIDP-2.0 -
@recompile This project is actively maintained https://github.com/nikita36078/J2ME-Loader hence I did not think that would be necessary.
@hex That's why I asked @guicrith After all, there's no reason not to have more than one project. This one is a good example, as FreeJ2ME, MicroEmulator and Kemulat0r all work with a different subset of games. More open-source projects means that each project can benefit from the others.
That is, guicrith's project might solve a problem with which you're struggling, and you might solve a problem they're having trouble working out.
@hex Sent the files to your mail, check it please.
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