Scraping metadata
Ok, after going through my roms and adding all the snaps, art that I could, I notice a bunch are missing game description. If I hit select and scrape , I get the description but path for my vid snap goes blank and I have to reenter the path for them to show back up.
Since I have over 1k games to do this for, is there an easier way to just scrape the game description or is there a way to enter the video snap path in bulk after rescraping...
Thanks for any help -
@kmetz7547 Could you post some example game entries from your gamelist.xml before and after scraping?
Which system are you scraping for?
The standard naming scheme for snaps is [romname]-image.jpg, [romname] being the filename of the rom without its extention. E.g.,'s snap would be named somerom-image.jpg in the "images" folder.
To my knowledge, Selph's scraper doesn't scrape artwork that's already there, so if your artwork is properly named and you delete/rename your gamelist.xml, only the metadata should be scraped again.
edit: Videos are named [romname]-video.mp4 (or whatever extension the video file has).
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