Retropi 4.3 Roms/Emus not displaying
Hi Everyone,
I am having some problems getting my psp emulator to show up. I have ppsspp (regular, not lr) installed, I have 2 roms, unzipped, in .iso format in the appropriate rom folder, parse gamelists is off, I have rebooted the system. Still not showing up. Other emulators/roms show up no problem. Any ideas?
Pi Model or other hardware: pi 3
Power Supply used: 2.5A
RetroPie Version Used: 4.3
Built From: retropie-4.3-rpi2_rpi3.img
USB Devices connected: Ps3 controller, mouse, keyboard, USB Thumbdrive
Controller used: Ps3 generic usb plugin
Error messages received: N/A
Log found in /dev/shm/runcommand.log (if relevant): N/A
Guide used: I followed initial setup guide found here on the retropie website
File: N/A
Emulator: PSP-(ppsspp)
Attachment of config files: N/A
How to replicate the problem: N/AI have been googling and searching the forums here, and everything I can find just says the if the parse gamelists setting is off, it should be showing up. I'm kind of at a loss. . . Any suggestions?
@lancerkain Post your ES log file, found in
. Should tell why the games aren't picked up. What's the name of the files you copied in thepsp
folder ? -
I knew I was doing something obviously wrong, I just didn't know what. Upon going to go copy down the names of the files, found out it was a divided archive inside the original zip, so while I unzipped the files, I did not compile them from the archive. I feel really dumb, and apologize for wasting your time. Thank you for trying to help a sad nub.
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