What music do you listen to currently?
Currently, the Nightwish. To be more specific, the Wishmaster album. Also I make pauses for Sabaton.
@magallaher A classic. I remember when I touched it the first time - it literally glued my ears to the album! I just can't decide what is the best song across all tracks, maybe this masterpiece (Ghost Love Score, 10 minutes long):
@thelostsoul Just now I hear - OST Crusader - No remorse ;)
I like tracked music... Sound of the 80s ;)
https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/16330/ -
@cyperghost Damn, I love Module Tracker music too. It all started with the Amiga. ;-) (I believe...) Crusader can definitely compete with CD music from games of that era. I never played this game, but honestly I can understand you you like the soundtrack. You probably would like this page: http://www.mirsoft.info/gamemods.php
@thelostsoul Yes Unreal used the UMX format for playing music ... with a nice addition ;)
The music tracks in Unreal engine 1 games are all in UMX file formats. Basically, a umx file doesn't contain anything special except for the music track itself which was imported into this umx. [.....] UMX are "packages" of musics, usually containing 2 or 3 tracks (in Unreal 1, not in UT) [...] in the level propreties or a MusicEvent trigger, you can switch between the differents section. In the original Unreal, this was used to change the music while fighting or when special events took place.
Lukhash has some brilliant music based on retrogames, his lateast remix on tetris theme gave me goosebumbs.
- topic:timeago-later,22 days
- topic:timeago-later,27 days
On the occasion of this time of the year, I want to share these two songs with all of you:
@thelostsoul I grabbed Mitch Murderβs latest Selection 5 a while ago and havenβt turned it off since.
That song above is great. Would absolutely love to create that 80s pad sound on my Yamaha AN1X.
I listen to a custom made tracklist containing 838 songs and counting. If I hear something I like I add it and something I'd forgotten about gets added. Stick it on shuffle and I'm good to go. Mostly 90's indie and grunge , Metallica and movie soundtracks. I throw in some of my parents music that I heard as a kid so it's massively varied.
I barely listen to music anymore but I recently rediscovered the Team StarKid channel and they had some new musicals since last time I've checked them out. And they even released a new one just a few hours ago.
I really like the humor and their interpretation of popular stories.
My favourite 80s-style synthwave is this. It gives me chills every time I listen to it.
@mitu Nice, will have a listen, a bit later.
I stumbled upon this one some days ago, and now I can't let a day pass without watching it at least 2-3 times, sometimes even dancing by myself to its captivating tune. π
I learned that it's a cover version of in-game music from the Touhou Project, a series of Japanese "bullet hell" 2D shooter games which I also never have heard of before. The girls featured in the video are characters from the games.
There also is a rock version in English:
There are some very interesting posts going on here. I put them into a list and later I have a very nice playlist consisting of your choices. :D Especially those 80s styled synthesize tracks. Thanks for posting all those stuff
@Clyde I find that black and white videoclip very pleasing. Also the rock cover sounds good and not over tuned. Even the Japanese one gives me an earworm. Nice find.
That reminded me a song from the NerdOut group from one of my favorite games of actual generation, Overwatch. But be aware, it is a rap battle. lol I am not a fan of rap songs, but I like this one. Maybe I am biased.
Edit: Wrong link corrected.
@thelostsoul A very well done song! As for nerdy rap battles, do you know Epic Rap Battles of History (ERB)? I'm not that into rap songs either, but I like many of the ERB videos.
@Clyde Wow no, I didn't know them. Man they have like 40 or even over 100 million views. There are some very funny "battles"; the Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates is badass.
@thelostsoul Yeah, that one was the first ERB video I ever saw. It got me hooked. :)
For Christmas, I can also recommend Donald Trump vs Ebenezer Scrooge.
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