Retro game stuff talk
@obsidianspider said in Retro game stuff talk:
@celly Does it play Tetris? I heard that's a good game.
But, can it run Crysis?
@obsidianspider Ha! Yeah, I got all my favorite Tetris versions loaded up and tested them last night. Even Tengen Tetris for NES.
Nothing new lately here. Hard Off has rather a boring selection a the moment. Nothing worth mentioning.
So i thought i tease you guys a bit with some of my stuff that i found while cleaning up the house.
But before that there is something I would like to ask you guys. Not sure, some of you might have seen or heard about them but long time ago Rockstar released the game The Warriors on Xbox and I can't recall where I got them from but I have these promotional 14 gang pin badges from that game and was wondering if you guys know what the value for such a complete set is?
I think they gave one random pin badge when you pre-ordered the game at that time so having the complete 14 pin set must have some value right?And here some of my other rare stuff.
@FlyingTomahawk I don’t know anything about the pin set, but that Game & Watch and those Game Boys! Wow! I’ve bought some stuff lately, but I didn’t want to flood the post. I’ll have to get some pictures from my Instagram.
Final Fantasy IV - Game Boy Advance
Another of those Burger King Game Boy Color toys
Sega Nomad (with more scratches than in the auction photo thanks to the seller just throwing it in a box with no packing material)
Yggdra Union - Game Boy Advance
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World - Wii
Spider-Man Nintendo Classics Keychain
I found a nicer Nomad which, while not mint, has a nicer case than the first one. The first one will get a screen mod.
Super Puzzle Fighter II - Game Boy Advance
Super Nazo Puyo - Super Famicom
Super Puyo Puyo - Super Famicom
Tales of Phantaisa - Game Boy Advance
Sword of Mana - Game Boy Advance
Mario vs. Donkey Kong - Game Boy Advance
Lunar Legend - Game Boy Advance
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land - Game Boy Advance
I added a touch activated RGB backlight controller to a DMG
Tales of Phantasia - Super Famicom
Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament - Game Boy Advance
Lunar: Dragon Song - Nintendo DS
And today I added a SATA hard drive adapter to my PS2 and soft modded it
Oh man its been so long sine I have seen one.
Does it play only US games?
How much do they go for right now? -
@FlyingTomahawk In theory they only play US Genesis games, but you can mod them to play MasterSystem games. I have an EverDrive, and from what I've seen Japanese games seem to work. I haven't tried anything PAL.
The scratchy nomad I got will be getting a MasterSystem mod while I have it open for the screen upgrade.
They regularly go for around $200 on eBay (even the battery packs alone are like $80)
I got mine for around $115 each including shipping. Not cheap, but a good price considering how much they currently go for.
Now I really want to make a portable Super Nintendo. If I can find a beat to hell Super Nintendo/Famicom Junior, I think the motherboard would work for a (big) handheld.
I'm still on the look for non-crazy expensive Lynxes, Game Boy Micro, Neo Geo Pocket Color, a non-gray Game Gear to a McWill mod on, Virtual Boy, and a Turbo Express/PC Engine GT, but they all tend to be really expensive.
Also, if you ever come across a SuperGrafx that is in working condition on your outings, please let me know.
@obsidianspider OMG Star Ocean 1!!! Major jealous...
@obsidianspider lets see that shelf all dolled up with your new systems!
Got my Pi a nice present.
Lovely old-school style hap controllers, and gorgeous clicky micro-switched concave buttons - for that retro 80s arcade feel. This feels amazing, with a couple of strong tight springs in the controllers, octagon gates, these feel weighty but not too clicky - there is nothing worse than loud clicky micro switches.
As much as I liked my Hori Rap 4, I didn't care much for it's square-gated Hayabusa stick - too light, too loose and a bit too clicky. While the HORI Kuro buttons were nice, I prefer concave to convex buttons.
The only downside is that this stick identifies as a keyboard, not a controller. Would love to mod X-Arcade drivers to see this stick, but way out of my depth there.
Anyone have any experience of dealing with sticks as keyboards ? Because the Pi only sees a keyboard, it also only sees one keyboard. So I can't configure the second stick - I have to manually do this in every emulator that allows custom controls. -
@John_RM_70 a long time ago I gutted an X-Arcade Tankstick and replaced thier board with an I-Pac4 from Ultimarc. Used the same button layout on my arcade CP just used the I-Pac to reconfigure everything outside of what X-Arcade had originally. Worked great. Of course I ended up replacing everything anyway later on down the road.
@celly Cheers, I will look into this. Perhaps I have a board in the Scorpion that I can replace.
Just a thought, doesn't the I-Pac identify as a keyboard ? What I like about the X-Arcade Pi driver is that it identifies the X-Arcade as 2 joysticks. -
@John_RM_70 yes it does. However, with the WinIPac program you can change the buttons to use whatever keys you want from the keyboard. Making it easier to map buttons that normally you wouldn’t use. I know the Tankstick used the Shift key and that possed some issues with some emulators (and even Windows).
@celly Cheers for that.
One last question. What about non-retroarch emulators that look for a joystick axis ? These are the problematic emulators that I'm finding hard to deal with, they simply don't see my Scorpion Joystick. -
@John_RM_70 that I honestly don’t know about. Maybe someone else who is using an IPac with Retroarch can chime in.
@John_RM_70 Which emulators do you have trouble with in particular?
It may be better if you open a thread about it in the help section for that. But be sure to provide the information that is asked for in
@Clyde Vice, the non-retroarch emulator. Daphne. These are 2 examples where the emulator most probably look for a axis, while my joystick is seen as a keyboard. You're right, I should probably start a new thread.
@John_RM_70 Uh, Daphne is a tough one. I have had much trouble with it myself. Yes, a dedicated thread would be advisable for those two.
@celly said in Retro game stuff talk:
@obsidianspider lets see that shelf all dolled up with your new systems!
I shared a photo back in October, but ok. :-P
Connected to the flatscreen
- Pi 3 in a Super Famicom
- Nintendo Switch
Connected to the CRT
- Famicom AV
- Nintendo 64
- GameCube
- Wii
- Sega Genesis Model 2
- Dreamcast
- PlayStation 2
Rose Colored Gaming didn't/doesn't make stands for Genesis or PlayStation 2 controllers, so I'm working with a friend to design and laser cut some for those systems out of acrylic to match the other controller stands. Many people have said to add lights to the boxes to show off the consoles, but when I'm actually playing a game I don't want to have some glowing orb underneath the TV. I may change my mind in the future, but for now I'm good with how it is. Of course, I'm already running out of room. Thankfully I should have enough room for a Sega CD, Saturn, and PlayStation, if/when I find them for a decent price.
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