Retro game stuff talk
@John_RM_70 Gah, now I want a PC Engine/SuperGrafx even more.
@John_RM_70 said in Retro game stuff talk:
@Clyde Vice, the non-retroarch emulator. Daphne. These are 2 examples where the emulator most probably look for a axis, while my joystick is seen as a keyboard. You're right, I should probably start a new thread.
Just thought I would put this here incase anyone comes across a similar problem, and a search brings you to this thread.
For Vice, and a Joystick that uses a keyboard controller. In Vice, Press F12 (using a real keyboard), Machine Settings, Joystick Settings, Then select either Joystick device 1 or 2 and then Keyset 1. Goto "Allow keyset joystick", and then go down to "Define keysets" and setup your joystick by mapping the controls to whatever you want. Remember to exit back to the main menu screen, scroll down to the bottom and select "Settings management", save current settings, then scroll to the bottom and "Save joystick map". This can also be done in C16/Plus4 Vice, and Vic 20 Vice.
For Daphne, go here --> - Goto the 2nd post and copy paste the second quote, under the heading "KeyList", and save it to Notepad, or whatever on your PC. Log into your Pi from your PC, goto /opt/retropie/configs/daphne, and copy dapinput.ini to your PC. Edit the file in Notepad...etc.. and look for line
KEY_UP = 264 114 2Change 264 to the value your joystick uses for "Up". You get the value from the text you copy/pasted from the quote, earlier on. For "Up", my Joystick uses "Keypad 8", so scrolling down the list to KP8 and the value is 264. And just do the same for the rest of the lines, only editing the first number, not the other 2.
Very impressive to say the least.
To collect all the games is one thing but to plan a layout to be able to display them in the way he did takes a lot of time and a huge chunk of money.Look at his console rack, isn't that what you wanted to do?
@FlyingTomahawk The Last Gamer is fantastic. I don't know how his channel is flying under the radar as much as it is. Totally underrated.
Totally agree.
I cannot understand why he has only 74K subscribers. That dude is super cool. Same age, same passion but with way different result. I have watched a few more videos and he seems so down to earth and getting really genuine excited when opening boxes full of stuff.
Still I wonder though how the hell he can finance all that stuff. I mean he gets boxes with 100+ games in it or rare games and consoles. Or the NeoGeo MVS pickup was insane! My friend owns the whole AES JPN collection and I can tell you those games ain't cheap. Also the MD JPN stuff, some are hilariously expensive.I must admit I am envious but if I think what time and money is involved in that kind of large project I am glad I didn't get carried away that much.
@FlyingTomahawk Yeah he's somehow hasn't been picked up properly on YouTube yet. I agree, super genuine, and legit passionate. He seems to have good relations with many different companies and publishers too. They just send him stuff sometimes! His house is MASSIVE and literally built for his collection. Plus that Aussie fucking legend rebuilt his childhood arcade IN HIS HOUSE. Absolute Mad man and I wanna be his friend so bad.
You can find some interviews with him online, he was into business and stock exchange. He did the hard-yards for many years straight and it wasn't long before he started collecting and YouTubing that he gave it all up to focus full time on his gaming passion. Considering the collection and that his house was built for his collection as said, I'd safely say hes loaded, but legit earned it all himself.
"While Hopkins has no debt and spends all of his free cash on cars and games β he owns both of his homes outright β his time in the stock market took something of a toll. He describes sleepless nights charting stocks and closely watching when prices would reach their most opportune points. βIt was very difficult,β he says, βYou become so focused on the end result, itβs just go, go, go β thereβs a breaking point. I donβt stop. Thatβs my problem.β
Good read.
@FlyingTomahawk said in Retro game stuff talk:
Look at his console rack, isn't that what you wanted to do?
Haha, yeah, but his is 10 meters long, mine is 10 feet long. I wish I had the room he does. Really cool setup. I've thought about adding lighting to my setup, but I really don't want to look at the console lit up while I'm playing. If/when I'm rich and famous and have a house with that kind of room I may make it more of a showcase. I'm already low on room on my current setup and I only have a dozen consoles and two TVs.
This is another cozy man cave room. Not as extreme as the Last Gamer but still impressive and nicely looking. I wouldn't mind to hang down there and have a few beers and play games.
Well I guess it's time to build a new house then. hehehe....
@FlyingTomahawk I can't even afford a SuperGrafx at the moment, let alone a bigger house. :-P
@FlyingTomahawk What I am concerned about is the safety of his work. I don't see any fire-extinguisher.
@thelostsoul I don't keep a fire extinguisher in every room of my house either. I would think most don't.
@obsidianspider Not in every room, but if I had a collection like him, I would make sure every room has at least one.
Good point. If I had invested that much money in a collection and house I would definitely invest in some security and safety system.
I am sure he has that stuff insured. Maybe he has a sprinkler system build in? You know like the stores have shower from above kinda thing?
Problem is if it goes off by accident say good-bye to your TVs and consoles. -
@FlyingTomahawk Yeah, and a halon system would suffocate you. I'm sure he has something in place.
I follow LEGO Ideas to see what kinds of innovative things people build from LEGO bricks. And yes, there are oldschool computer nerds over there. Behold The Disk:
Looks like this thread is been grayed out so i guess we need to keep it alive then.
Last year December I finally build my new PC and now that I have the necessary CPU power to run Demul I set everything up and I must say very, very nice and addictive. I never could enjoy playing Ikaruga or Zero Gunner 2 or Border Down since I lacked the PC power. Going from a i5-2410M, Intel HD 3000, 15 inch (1366x768) notebook to a modern PC is just awesome.
Also got me one of those high refresh rate monitors that can be flipped vertical and now I was ready to do what I always wanted to try.Now that I know things work I have to dig out all vertical shooters and give them also a try.
@FlyingTomahawk It feels awesome going from a shitty laptop to a proper desktop computer. I had much of the same kind of laptop and decided to just build a computer instead of buying a $300 laptop every few years.
What monitor it that? I'm looking for a new one cuz mine is 10 years old and is close to dying.
@FlyingTomahawk Amazing! The only thing that does lower the coolness a bit is the plain grey keyboard. π
That's a AOC G2460PF monitor.
I heard Viewsonic makes also very good gaming monitors for reasonable prices. Like the XG2401 or XG2402Yeah, I know that keyboard looks shitty but it does its job for now. π At least until I can get me one of those fancy gaming keyboards.
Maybe I should have put the arcade stick on there instead of the keyboard. π
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