mame2003-plus: hundreds of new games, improved input, features, new bugs - now with runahead support
@Riverstorm Thanks for that. Probably something to do with my system. I'll have to play around a bit with it.
@spud11 - I just tested the audio and it works fine on both games.
@spud11 - I forgot to mention I am on RA 1.7.5.
Found something that might be worth looking at:
In QBert the controls that the user needs to push to make a movement have been changed to be the actual diagonal directions rather than left, right, etc. This is different from regular 2003, and makes the game basically unplayable without a properly gated arcade stick. Is there any option to fix this? Regular remapping of the game controls seems to have them remain diagonal.
well its down to personal preference other people say its unplable the normal way. just turn it off in the options if you want to play it the old way. you wouldnt need this emulated if you had a normal rotated 4 way installed. The only scenario i would agree this is unplayable on a keyboard it been discussed before just pick one that suits you best on or off
@grant2258 said in mame2003-plus: hundreds of new games, improved input, features, new bugs - now with runahead support:
normal rotated 4 way installed.
That's (also) why I made this DIY real 4-way arcade stick.
;-) -
yes i do agree nothing beat the real thing :). Problem with these ones is they are are rotated 45 degrees that why the emulation does the diagonal thing on an 8 way. Again its all adjustable you cant please everyone and every config so make it an option all bases are covered. I have to admit most of the time this 4way emulation saves me having to move my 4 way restriction on my sanwa. I belive this option is off by default anyway unless the user enables it
@ward614 - @grant2258 is right it is off by default. If it's on go to quick menu -> options -> 4-way joystick emulation = off and it will work like a regular joystick so you can move via up, down, left and right instead of diagonally. I prefer the diagonals when I play.
@UDb23 - Nice box, that's really sharp looking. I saw a perfectly sized box in a craft store but it was a heavy grade balsa wood that still felt a bit "flimsy".
its worth noting there 4 way joystick has 2 modes one is 45 rotated 4way that use 8 digonals ( great for 8 way arcade sticks and xbox analog controllers) not so great for keyboard and dpads.
The other mode is the normal rotated mode makes games like dkong and kung fu master more playable. turning 4way emulation off turn both modes off
Hope I'm OK to put this here.
I recently decided to finally upgrade my MAME install on Retropie to 2003 Plus, and it is superb. I'd read the recent changelog before doing so and have been curating my collection to fit.
However I notice that on the changelog there's a list of "now working games" that did not work before. But some of these games still do not work for me. I have a reference set of MAME 2003. Off the top of my head some of the games I cannot get to work include Vimana, Fire Shark, Thunder Dragon, Shogun Warriors and Slap Fight. None of these launch at all with 2003 Plus, but with plain 2003 they at least run but without sound (apart from Shogun which will not launch iirc).
I'd imagined this was probably because Retropie wasn't updated to the latest version (even though I updated the setup script and installed from source yesterday), but then I notice other new working games listed do work, such as Rohga for example which runs beautifully now, and Shrike Avenger.
If I've missed something please let me know. I'm running Retropie 4.4 up to date on a Pi3B+. Many thanks.
@Ranma you may need the “mame2003plus romset” versions of those games. I am not sure because I haven’t tested those specifically but for a few select games the ROMs themselves are different.
Thanks for replying. I'd considered this but then Rohga and some others are working. I thought 2003 Plus was intended to be compatible with plain 2003 also...?
It's a shame as I'd spent a week hand curating my collection to suit it. I know there's a way to automate it but I'm not up on using the tools and when I tried last I couldn't get it to work (using Linux).
EDIT: Looks like you're right. I've put on the 2003 Plus versions of those roms and they work.
MAME is such hard work. I thought I'd cracked it.
@Ranma glad it worked! I had read the thread as they were developing plus so I knew for some games they were using some other versions of the ROMs so they could get them to work. I don’t know how to use CLRmame either so I am pretty much in the same boat as you. As a side note just when you think you have things figured out you still get curveballs - like I was trying foreverto get lightgun games to work because I thought I absolutely no shadow of a doubt NEEDED .106 ROMs to work with advmame1.4. Couldn’t find them. On a whim tried the .078 ROMs with advance MAME for the lightgun games. They worked. Mind blown. Upshot- don’t feel bad, experimenting is fun too!
@BJRetro it’s not too mind blowing once you understand evolution of MAME with ROM sets. Many ROMs don’t change from set to set, however, some definitely do. The complete set guarantees compatibility with that particular version of MAME, while the wrong set may only work with the overlap of unchanged ROMs. The problem we run into is troubleshooting. It makes no sense to spin our wheels helping someone who either knowingly used the wrong set, or has no idea what set their ROMs comes from. Having said that, experimenting on your own with what you DO have can sometimes save the day!
@ranma - If it helps most of the ROMs are identical so for the most part you should be good to go.
Mame2003 has approximately 4,721 ROM sets and m3plus has approximately 4,922 ROM sets. So about 96% of the sets are the same.
Most of the ROMs can be found in current MAME and rollback MAME but a few you'll need to locate on your own as they were never part of any official MAME version.
Basically m3plus has approximately 200 more than mame2003 and of those 200 about 76 are updated ROMs from mame2003 so if you don't include the m3plus exclusive games 98% of the ROMs are the identical.
Some of the updated ROMs are major games that we all know and need update ROMs after the devs did the Namco driver updates.
You found the changlelog which is very well documented and lists most of the new and updated ROM sets.
Just a basic question,
How long does it take to install from source for a Pi3?
Would binary be added in the future?
@mat Like 30min.
Tried searching multiple places but couldn't find the answer. Every rom of lethal enforcers I have is in Spanish, how do I change this or access the service menu to change it? Thanks in advance. Raspberry Pi 3 RetroPie 4.4
@keithk2581 you already have a post for this. Maybe noone knows the answer but no need to repost in another thread.
Sorry thought this might have been a better place after my first post since this game and others like it are/were being discussed here. I'll remove the post, sorry for the double.
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