psx framerate on 30/40/50 fps....
original power adapter.
harddrive usb
lr_pscx -
File: (File with issue - with FULL path)
File: (File with issue - with FULL path)
Its all the games framerate runing like that... -
@shavecat plenty of psx games run at 30 frames per second. plenty of 60 fps games run at below. what game specifically?
regardless we ALWAYS need a specific game to investigate any issue.
got it thank u !
Gran Turismo 2
30fps... -
@shavecat GT2 is a 30fps game on real hardware, if that.
its really slow.....
really slooowwwwwewwww unplayable -
take all your overclock settings out and try again. you don't need an overclock for psx, and yours is very aggressive.
will try
thanks :)Still really slow ... :\
got it fix
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