Duke 3D expansions not loading
Re: Duke Nukem 3D Expansions not starting.
I followed this thread exactly, and have tried multiple times to get the expansions working. Is there anyone else who has had this problem recently, or knows of any kind of solution?
I have Duke it out in DC working so far, but for some reason it is very laggy on my RPi 2. I'm pretty sure I had it running without lag a few years back, so I wonder what has been changed.
I have my full version duke3d.grp file in /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/duke3d
I have a dukedc.grp file in /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/duke3d/dc/
I have my Duke it out in DC.sh file in the /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports folder with the following script:
#!/bin/bash "/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh" 0 _PORT_ "duke3d-dc" "" In my /opt/retropie/configs/ports/duke3d-dc folder I have a emulators.cfg file with the following script:
eduke32 = "/opt/retropie/ports/eduke32/eduke32 -g dc/dukedc.grp -j/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/duke3d" default = "eduke32"
I'm not sure if this is helpful or not, maybe it will help you find an error in your own script somewhere.
Now I just need to get Life's A Beach and Nuclear Winter working also. -
i just used the the wiki yesterday to get everything working,
i did have to hunt down new files for the expansions, as my first try they did not work.
I've gotten duke-dc and vacation to work, but nuclear winter still will not load. My original problem was I accidentally had the customized .cfg files in the wrong spot. They are now safely tucked in /opt/retropie/configs/ports where they should be. For whatever reason I still cant get nuclear winter to start. I have multiple copies of the nwinter.grp file but none of them have loaded, it just crashes every try. Is the nwinter.con file needed, it mentioned that in the guide, but if so where does it need to be placed?
@randalfthegrey yes nwinter.con is needed
just place it with nwinter.grpand your emulators.cfg should be as follows
eduke32 = "/opt/retropie/ports/eduke32/eduke32 -g nw/nwinter.grp -x nw/nwinter.con -j/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/duke3d" default = "eduke32"
Still no luck. I went back and triple checked that I have the proper .cfg and .sh in place and that they were written properly. I also added nwinter.con to roms/ports/duke3d/nw where the nwinter.grp file is located. I have also tried leaving nwinter.con in the regular duke3d folder. I've also re-installed eduke32 just as a precaution. No dice. What is it that I am missing?
yea no clue,
so in
your eduke32.cfg has thisSelectedGRP = "nwinter.grp"
insted of duke3d.grp
looks like thiseduke32 = "/opt/retropie/ports/eduke32/eduke32 -g nw/nwinter.grp -x nw/nwinter.con -j/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/duke3d" default = "eduke32"
your Duke Nukem 3D - Nuclear Winter.sh is this#!/bin/bash "/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh" 0 _PORT_ "duke3d-nw" "" and in duke3d\nw you have
nwinter.grp nwinter.con
if that is all good then i would say you might want to hunt down a new copy of nwinter.
thats the only thing i can think of since everything i posted is right from my build and i was just playing it to make sure it was working before i posted this -
I GOT IT! First i tried copying the .cfg files and the .sh files that @ExarKunIv shared since you said your copy was working. Still didn't work. I tried the .grp and .con files from several different sources and still nothing. Finally i realized that .grp at the end of the file is capitalized as I'm downloading it, but i can't make the file extension lowercase. By going into the 2 .cfg files for the game and simply capitalizing the .grp (now .GRP) it fired up right away. The two other expansions were all downloaded and created in the same fashion so I'm assuming this is simply a weird fluke within Nuclear Winter. Anyways thank you guys for your help it was much appreciated!
Does any of you know, how I can change the resolution. When I try to change it in eduke32.cfg Emulationstation just crashes when I start a new game, and it also crashes when I try to change the resolution in the game.
@Brigane Have you tried to change it from the Runcommand launch menu ?
Yes, it still crashes no matter what resolution I try.I have fixed it now. It turns out, I had to change the resolution both in the eduke32.cfg, and in the Runcommand launch menu.
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