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    @mitu said in Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior source ports for old Pis:

    I think this is the proper fix - this synchronizes the gamepad's input with the SDL's GameControllerDB mapping. It will also fix other SDL2's ports that use the GameController system.

    I agree, this is pretty much the fix for this.

    My original idea was for @newhinton to use another gamecontrollerdb.txt, adapted to what the controller reported initially for the right stick and triggers:

    030000005e040000a102000000010000,X360 Wireless Controller,a:b0,b:b1,back:b6,dpdown:b14,dpleft:b11,dpright:b12,dpup:b13,guide:b8,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b9,lefttrigger:b6,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b10,righttrigger:b7,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b7,x:b2,y:b3,platform:Linux,

    ...but this forces to use this file in every single SDL2 game/port/emulator, needs further corrections (triggers are now duplicated with start and back), and the default mapping exists for a reason: those axes and buttons are what the native driver always have reported originally for this controller. I had no idea that xpad could be so intrusive. So yeah, the problem is fixed. Thanks guys for the knowledge.

    So, since there's no issue with JonoF's ports, can my PR be evaluated now? :)

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    @Lolonois Those are all excellent suggestions. Lots to try. Thank you. I like the idea of sshfs. I don’t use NFS for anything else so that’s one less service to run server side. That’s interesting about eduke. I just assumed install from source would be the latest. Guess not. Do you know does prboom also not install the latest from source?

    Alas shortly before your response I said enough and tossed Recalbox on my Pi. It’s playing Doom just fine from NFS which RetroPie was not. Another thing that points to it being a RetroPie problem. Next time I’m bored, which is pretty much always, I’ll toss RetroPie back on the Pi and try your suggestions. I had updated my RetroPie via retropie_setup. Did you do that? I always wondered if I reflashed and didn’t update if the ports would work fine. I’ll be sure to test that first thing before updating when i do flash.

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    @polygaryd take a look at the script module for minecraft for how to do it. https://github.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/blob/master/scriptmodules/ports/minecraft.sh

  • Duke 3D expansions not loading

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    @mitu Yes, it still crashes no matter what resolution I try.

    I have fixed it now. It turns out, I had to change the resolution both in the eduke32.cfg, and in the Runcommand launch menu.

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    @bitzdv said in eduke 32 gamepad issues and expansion installation:

    You can rebind some of the buttons in the game, but the issue is that in the menus A and B are swapped, and this can not be rebound.

    That might be handled automatically by the Gamepad API in SDL2, hence the game usage of the gamecontrollerdb file. You can create your own mapping and add it to the source of eduke32 before compiling, but it's kind of a long shot. See https://github.com/gabomdq/SDL_GameControllerDB, the Mapping Tools section.

  • eduke32 is missing eduke32.cfg

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    @Rincewind I had the same problem and after a lot of trying this is what I do :

    connect a keyboard enter the game go to controls , change something exit, start a new name. then I discovered a eduke32.log file in home/pi, copy this path that appear inside:

    /home/pi/.config/eduke32/ and paste it in winscp (.config is a hidden folder)
    3) there is your cfg file.

    Hope it helps, I still have to tweak this files to make the game work propperly.

  • eduke32 music not starting automatically

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    Having the same issue in
    retropie 4.4
    model 3b+
    Canna kit supplied power supply
    image prebuilt from retropie website
    Updated retropie setup script then updated eduke32 from binary then from source since binary upgrade didnt fix the issue.

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    @fuzzybat23 On first install, you will need a keyboard to configure your controller. You can do this by navigating to Options -> Control setup -> Joystick Setup -> Edit Buttons.

    Once you have mapped your buttons, the axis mapped to turning will navigate a menu (this has probably already been mapped) and the button mapped to fire will select an item in a menu. I have not found a way to map Escape to a button so a keyboard will be needed to bring up the menu in-game.

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    @polygaryd said in Tutorial: Running Duke Nukem 3D Official Addons & NAM in RetroPie:


    Nam breaks duke3d and expansion packs now. I wrote on your wiki guide all about it. If anyone can find a fix I'd love to know what it is.

    Pi 3b+
    retropie 4.4.1
    canna kit power supply
    64gb sandisk class 10 micro sd card
    upgrade from jessie to stretch, originally made from stock retropie image

    Found A fix and is still applicable in retropie 4.7.1 :

    So duke3d and all its expansion/custom levels run without issue until running 'NAM. 'NAM will run and continue to run every time you start it up but it changes the eduke32.cfg file located in opt/retropie/configs/ports/duke3d or (.etc/eduke32 in retropie 4.4.1)on its own and breaks Duke3d and all expansion packs till you manually modify eduke32.cfg selectedgrp field back to duke3d.grp. I've tried multiple times and nam breaks duke 3d and any expansion packs every single time.

    To avoid this change the permissions on the eduke3d.cfg file so no one can change it. You can now run duke 3d, the expansion packs, and nam without anything breaking or having to modify anything after running nam.'

    Sorry to necro post but I wrote this on a guide to install Duke3d on retropie and then when being forced to make a whole new image for to go from stretch to buster I couldnt find the post on github I originally wrote this on.

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    @commanderj Hi CommanderJ

    You need to use a text editor that understands UNIX-style line breaks. Notepad doesn't and that's why it all appears on a single line for you.

    I suggest Notepad++ which is free. When you edit a text file from your RPi it should say Unix (LF) at the bottom of the Notepad++ window.

    Here's my full eduke32.cfg. Feel free to copy it and amend it to your liking.

    [Misc] Executions = 58 [Setup] ConfigVersion = 315 ForceSetup = 1 NoAutoLoad = 1 SelectedGRP = "duke3d.grp" [Screen Setup] ScreenBPP = 8 ScreenHeight = 768 ScreenMode = 0 ScreenWidth = 1024 WindowPositioning = 0 WindowPosX = -1 WindowPosY = -1 MaxRefreshFreq = 0 Out = 0 Password = "" [Controls] MouseButton0 = "Fire" MouseButton1 = "MedKit" MouseButton2 = "Jetpack" MouseButton4 = "Previous_Weapon" MouseButton5 = "Next_Weapon" MouseAnalogAxes0 = "analog_turning" MouseAnalogAxes1 = "analog_moving" JoystickAnalogAxes0 = "analog_strafing" JoystickAnalogScale0 = 1000 JoystickAnalogDead0 = 2000 JoystickAnalogSaturate0 = 1000000 JoystickAnalogAxes1 = "analog_moving" JoystickAnalogScale1 = 98304 JoystickAnalogDead1 = 2000 JoystickAnalogSaturate1 = 32768 JoystickAnalogAxes2 = "analog_turning" JoystickAnalogScale2 = 32768 JoystickAnalogDead2 = 2000 JoystickAnalogSaturate2 = 562500 JoystickAnalogAxes3 = "analog_lookingupanddown" JoystickAnalogScale3 = 16384 JoystickAnalogDead3 = 3000 JoystickAnalogSaturate3 = 16384 JoystickButton0 = "Jump" JoystickButton1 = "Crouch" JoystickButton2 = "Open" JoystickButton3 = "Open" JoystickButton4 = "Inventory_Left" JoystickButton5 = "Inventory_Right" JoystickButton6 = "Quick_Kick" JoystickButton7 = "Fire" JoystickButton8 = "Map" JoystickButton9 = "MedKit" JoystickButton10 = "Inventory" JoystickButton11 = "Crouch" JoystickButton12 = "Jetpack" JoystickButton13 = "" JoystickButton14 = "Next_Weapon" JoystickButton15 = "" JoystickButton16 = "Previous_Weapon" JoystickButtonClicked1 = "" JoystickButtonClicked2 = "" JoystickButtonClicked3 = "" JoystickButton32 = "" JoystickButton33 = "" JoystickButton34 = "" JoystickButton35 = "" JoystickDigitalAxes3_0 = "Run" [Comm Setup] PlayerName = "" RTSName = "DUKE.RTS" CommbatMacro#0 = "An inspiration for birth control." CommbatMacro#1 = "You're gonna die for that!" CommbatMacro#2 = "It hurts to be you." CommbatMacro#3 = "Lucky son of a bitch." CommbatMacro#4 = "Hmmm... payback time." CommbatMacro#5 = "You bottom dwelling scum sucker." CommbatMacro#6 = "Damn, you're ugly." CommbatMacro#7 = "Ha ha ha... wasted!" CommbatMacro#8 = "You suck!" CommbatMacro#9 = "AARRRGHHHHH!!!" [MapTimes]
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  • Can't Get Duke3D to Run

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    Confirmed; All working like it should now!