Five favorite ARCADE games available in MAME
Mine (in no order)
Satan's Hollow
Two Tigers
Wizard of Wor
Time Pilot
Cabal -
@tpo1990 Those are some great titles.
- I recently put Tapper on my cocktail cabinet and, although I find it a stressful game, it's great to have the "Budweiser" licensed version on my arcade cocktail (tabletop) cabinet.
- Robotron: 2084 is a classic. I'm really glad I got that game working with two joysticks.
- I bought the first "Arcade1Up" cabinet and it includes Rampage, Joust, and Gauntlet! (It also has Defender, but I find the original control scheme tough to use.)
A lot of my favourite games were on the Atari and Amiga, ported from original arcade games. So in no particular order;
Donkey Kong
Bubble Bobble
Rainbow IslandsRemember playing Tempest in the arcade, not having a clue on what I was doing (just spinning the spinner and firing - the equivalent of button mashing) yet managed to get the highest score :-)
@IanDaemon Yes I feel that any arcade owner should at least have those classic titles. Defender is a cool game although I'm not a big fan of it. I also find it hard to use the control scheme.
You could easily mention more than five great arcade games but those are the one that comes to my mind.
Well, if necro-ing is allowed here, here are some of mine:
- Final Fight
- DoDonPachi
- Elevator Action 2 (does the Rolling Thunder thing with a lot of style)
- Bubble Bobble
- OutRun
If I only had 5 games on my setup, these would very likely be the ones. I love several of the ones that have been mentioned so far, and I left a handful out of the list, but I'm happy with this one.
Off topic, how do you add a topic to a post? I'm trying to ask a question and I can't add a topic, so I can't post.
@Great_Snake said in Five favorite ARCADE games available in MAME:
Off topic, how do you add a topic to a post? I'm trying to ask a question and I can't add a topic, so I can't post.
If you click on the "in tray icon (the first one after the joystick. it shows unread topics, and you should see new topic there. You have to give it a category (help, projects) and assign soe tags in order to post.
@Impman66 I appreciate the reply, and I see the tags, but still have no idea how to add a topic to my post.
edit: Just got it, lol only took me half an hour. -
Final Fight "Loosely based on the movie Streets Of Fire (1984)"
Raiden DX
Robotron 2084
Metal Slug X -
@Rion said in Five favorite ARCADE games available in MAME:
The Metal Slug series
Hey, no cheating! The topic clearly says "games", no series. ๐
@Clyde said in Five favorite ARCADE games available in MAME:
@Rion said in Five favorite ARCADE games available in MAME:
The Metal Slug series
Hey, no cheating! The topic clearly says "games", no series. ๐
Opps. ๐
Really Tough, there are at least a dozen games that are on par with the following list of mine
- Phoenix
- Mappy
- Elevator Action
- Donkey Kong 3
- Hyper Sports
And nowadays (thanks to the lockdown situation of late) that my Daughter really loves to play 'em CoOp, i am inclined to switch 4/5 with (as 1/2):
- Bubble Bobble
- Bubble Bobble II (Bubble Symphony)
@IanDaemon Thought I'd add my tuppence worth:
In the arcade back in the day I'd play in no particular order:
Star Wars
OutrunOn my bartop under mame I play:
Star Wars (on a dedicated cabinet with a yoke!) -
@IanDaemon said in Five favorite ARCADE games available in MAME:
@langest You can find out a little more here:
I really enjoy danmaku/bullet hell arcade games and CAVE makes some of the best. Psikyo is my other favorite for arcade shmups. A whole lot of CAVE games (and danmaku games in general) were released on Xbox over the years.I've discovered Cave since I've had my Pi. Really love their games. I've got most of them running well now, Ibara is the only one that is a bit slow still but it is playable all the same.
@AdamBeGood said in Five favorite ARCADE games available in MAME:
I've got most of them running well now, Ibara is the only one that is a bit slow still but it is playable all the same.
I could get working well:
ESP Ra.De.
Dangun Feveron / Fever S.O.S.
Progear: Storm of Progear
DoDonPachi DaiOuJou
Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi
EspgaludaI could NOT get working well:
Espgaluda II
Ibara Kuro: Black Label
Pink Sweets: Ibara Sorekara
Mushihimesama Futari
Muchi Muchi Pork!
Deathsmiles Mega Black Label
DoDonPachi DaiFukkatsu
DoDonPachi DaiFukkatsu Ver 1.5
Deathsmiles II: Makai no Merry Christmas
DoDonPachi DaiFukkatsu Black Label
DoDonPachi SaiDaiOuJou -
@IanDaemon If you install Mame2016 from source now you can underclock the games, which does give a performance boost (depending on how perfect you want things to be of course, but they become playable to a degree for sure). This was talked about here :
@sirhenrythe5th said in Five favorite ARCADE games available in MAME:
- DoDonPachi (best SHMUP ever (imo))
- Jackal / Top-Gunner (TopDown-Shooter with Jeep. Very playable)
- Paperboy
- Samurai Shodown II
- Galaga ยด88
How does Jackal compare to the NES version? I had that as a kid and didn't realize it was an arcade game.
@hooperre and i did not know that there is a NES-Version :)
So i cannot compare it, but i recommend to give the Arcade-Version a try, it is a great game IMO! I has got that special flow that makes you play it again and again ;) -
@hooperre I thought Jackal was just an NES game. Maybe Nintendo of America pushed it or the arcade cabinets weren't released here?
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