No sound in rpi4, but only on one tv....
i just realized that in this case a Raspberry Pi4 (2GB) runs with the image for the Pi4-400.
I dont know if this is in any way responsible for the sound-issue, but i guess for a Pi4 the P4-Image should be used, and for the Pi4-400 the Pi4-400-Image (?) -
@sirhenrythe5th said in No sound in rpi4, but only on one tv....:
I dont know if this is in any way responsible for the sound-issue, but i guess for a Pi4 the P4-Image should be used, and for the Pi4-400 the Pi4-400-Image (?)
There are is just one image for both models.
Any other recommendations to try at this point?
@blkhwks19 said in No sound in rpi4, but only on one tv....:
Any other recommendations to try at this point?
What image have you used to install RetroPie ? The 4.7.1 image doesn't have the kernel version you posted before.
@mitu I went here:
... and clicked on the button for Raspberry Pi 4/400. Right now that downloads 4.7.1, but I did this about 3 weeks ago, so maybe it was a different version then? I may have been wrong about 4.7.1, is there a way I can tell which image is currently installed?
@blkhwks19 said in No sound in rpi4, but only on one tv....:
I may have been wrong about 4.7.1, is there a way I can tell which image is currently installed?
Which version of RetroPie does it show up, when you start the RetroPie-Setup script, in the RetroPie menu ?
Any other recommendations to try at this point?
and check if the volume is not set at 0 or the sound output is not muted. Slim chance, if the configuration works with other TVs, but just to make sure. -
I ran alsamixer, looks like 100 PCM, so doesn't look like anything is muted or anything there.Which version of RetroPie does it show up, when you start the RetroPie-Setup script, in the RetroPie menu ?
4.6, so yeah I was wrong earlier, apologies. So does that change anything or shed any light on what my issue is?
@blkhwks19 said in No sound in rpi4, but only on one tv....:
So does that change anything or shed any light on what my issue is?
Not really, but it's important for the audio configuration.
@mitu Ok, then I guess I'm not sure what, if anything, to do next to troubleshoot? Are we heading towards a solution of starting over and re-imaging? Obviously, I'd prefer to avoid that if possible, but it's sounding like I may be out of options here?
Ok I bit the bullet and started over and re-imaged my sd card. Here's my new version details:
4.7.1 Raspberry Pi 4/400 image
5.4.72 kernel
ES 2.9.6RPAfter imaging, the only steps I took were the following:
- Change keyboard layout from UK to US
- Connect to my wifi network
- Change resolution from Default (monitor preferred) to 1920x1080. (For whatever reason, the out of the box installation had the picture not quite filling my screen on all tvs. Changing this solved that)
- Copied over a few roms via wifi
As for the audio problem, I once again get audio just fine on other tvs but still no audio on this tv, the same one in question from the start of this thread. Starting to think this tv may just be too old and out of date to work with the new version of retropie (in terms of audio).
I also tried adding the hdmi lines to the config file as suggested earlier, but no luck with those.
Any other troubleshooting thoughts to try? I'm stumped and out of ideas at this point...
Try using another microHDMI cable, switch HDMI ports - both on the Pi and on the TV -, try lowering the resolution (720p instead of 1080p).
@mitu Tried all of that, no luck still....
@blkhwks19 So I fired it up today for the first time in a while, and I had sound on the preblematic tv! =] I have no idea how, i didnt mess with it or the tv in any way.
So I began playing around with other settings, mostly things like installing some themes, adding a splashscreen, scraped some box art, etc. Typical stuff that doesnt really mess with how things work under the hood. Got all done with that and launched a game......and no sound again =[
The ONLY thing I can think of is that once I got all the tweaks set I wanted, I shut it down, pulled the sd card out and popped it into my pc to check the config.txt file, I wasnt sure what I had left set on or off so just wanted to see what was there. I didnt change anything, put the sdcard back in the rpi4 and booted it up, and got some sdcard errors. Weird. Turned it off and made sure the sdcard was seated properly, and it booted up. Not sure if doing any of this had any impact on the sound issue?
Any thoughts on all that? Getting sound only to have it taken away is demoralizing and such a helpless feeling.
@blkhwks19 Got my sound back! Did a whole bunch of reserach and checked into some config.txt options and tried adding:
... and it seems to work now! Tried in my other tvs and back in this one and everything seems to work. Figured I'd report in case anyone else has spent the time and effort following my long attempt at fixing this =]
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