Bluetooth not working / frezze
Pi Model: Raspberry Pi 3 Modell B
RetroPie Version Used: 4.0.2
Built From: SD Image from Retropie Github
USB Devices connected: Keybord
Controller used: trying to use 8BITDO NES30PRO / FC30PRO
Error messages received: SAP Driver initializatrion failed / sap-server Operation not permittedGuide used: and some other "Problem" guides from google..
im trying to get some 8BItdo Controller working on the retropie. I' following the guide above, but everytime when i scan for bluetooth devices the pi freezes (or find nothing). Other devices like my mobilphone find the controller without any problems.
the following error message is displayed:
Someone can help me, what is wrong?
some more infos:
when i follow this guide: step 2, when i enter the command "sudo bluetoothctl" i can do nothing more. no chance to write the command "power on", keyboard does not react anymore
What power supply are you using ? What is the output rating? Did you try with a fresh image / different sdcard ?
I am using this Set:ÅMÅZÕÑ&qid=1471370073&sr=8-7&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=raspberry+pi+3+sd+card&dpPl=1&dpID=51nYnq5kT7L&ref=plSrchSo it is an 2,5 A Power supply? Could this affect the Bluetooth Controller ?
After Work i will try a new fresh Image. We will see -
I consider 4.2A (steady) to be the minimum requirement to run a Pi3 with all options.
So you think this would be the better choice for a stable running Pi? -
Your psu should be fine, but it could be faulty hence worth testing another. It's possible the RPI is faulty too.
@BuZz Thanks for the help. I will Test some new psu and a fresh Image.
Hopefully it works. Will get in touch with News.
It would be annoying, if the rpi is broken..
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