Integrated Music Player for RetroPie [IMP] 2021.10 (Background Music for RetroPie and More)
Just installed IMP !
I only turned off fading and the delays to get the games get started faster.I must say, really nice job ;-)
I will try some more.
I turned off the fading and delay, but this only works if the music is turned on.
If the music is turned off it does start the fading and delay procedure before booting the game.Is this an other setting or can this be fixed ?
@folly If the music is turned off it does start the fading and delay procedure before booting the game.
You found a bug.
An Easy workaround for now is you can Start music, then leave it Paused.Or you can manually edit this file:
/opt/retropie/configs/all/runcommand-onstart.shChange this one-liner:
if [ $(cat /opt/retropie/configs/imp/settings/music-over-games.flag) == "0" ]; then bash /opt/retropie/configs/imp/; fi
To this instead:
if [ $(cat /opt/retropie/configs/imp/settings/music-over-games.flag) == "0" ] && [ $(cat /opt/retropie/configs/imp/settings/music-switch.flag) == "1" ]; then bash /opt/retropie/configs/imp/; fi
This will add an extra check for the music-switch.flag.
This is only a band aid for the Fade Out, the Fade in script will still run at the end of game.The two main scripts with issue are in /opt/retropie/configs/imp:
The one-liner that is supposed to exit in both scripts are not
if [[ "$fade_out" == "0" ]]; then pkill -STOP mpg123 && exit 0; fiif [[ "$fade_out" == "0" ]]; then pkill -STOP mpg123 exit 0 fi
if [[ "$fade_out" == "0" ]]; then pkill -CONT mpg123 && exit 0; fiif [[ "$fade_out" == "0" ]]; then pkill -CONT mpg123 exit 0 fi
I will fix the scripts with the issue and include this fix in next release.
Thanks for testing and reporting the issue. -
Thanks for the quick reply.
Nice to hear you can use my feedback to make it better ;-)
I will have a look at your suggestion.
When you update the script, how will we know, will you let us know here on the forum?
Sorry to be away from the forum a bit, my daughter was born 20 days ago, and I'm out of time. -
@wmarcio Congratulations and Good Luck!
Yes I will post updates here.
Waiting a bit for more feedback regarding issues and/or suggestions.
It's been pretty quiet here lately, so either no one is using it, or IMP is working as expected.
Either way next release planned is 2021.11. -
E ExarKunIv referenced this topic on
v2021.11 Released
Fixed issue with Fade Not Respecting the Settings when Music is Stopped
Added 0ffline Install 0ption
Cleaned up the Main Menu
Streamlined the Custom Installer
Added mpg123 UtilitiesIf you are [Upgrading] to a Newer Version of IMP:
UNINSTALL [IMP] FIRST using the SETUP Script CURRENTLY INSTALLEDFeedback appreciated.
I'm using the updated script in version v2021.11.
I would like to know how I can delete the default music files that come with the installation?
I delete them, but after the system restarts, they are in the same place.Can you help me?
@wmarcio said in Integrated Music Player for RetroPie [IMP] 2021.11 (Background Music for RetroPie and More):
I'm using the updated script in version v2021.11.
I would like to know how I can delete the default music files that come with the installation?
I delete them, but after the system restarts, they are in the same place.Can you help me?
You found a bug.
It's a new feature added to prevent overheating in case of an infinite loop of trying to start mpg123 when there's no music available.
But it is 0nly supposed to do that if there are NO MP3s found (and on Install).v2021.11.11 Released.
I have adjusted the scripts accordingly and updated git.
You can Re-install IMP to update...Thanks for reporting the issue.
For now, I plan on continuing to follow this thread for issues and update git accordingly. -
Any Issues to Report?
New release coming soon, a few installation tweaks, but mostly just cleaning up... -
E ExarKunIv referenced this topic on
@rapidedwin08 i have finally gotten around to trying your BGM. i do have to say i like the menu layout. very easy to navigate.
not sure if its possible but is there a way to pick one song to always play at startup and then have it go into the rest of the songs
@exarkuniv said in Integrated Music Player for RetroPie [IMP] 2021.10 (Background Music for RetroPie and More):
not sure if its possible but is there a way to pick one song to always play at startup and then have it go into the rest of the songs
No there is Not right now, but it is possible.
Seems to be a popular feature, will try to add it in the next release. -
E ExarKunIv referenced this topic on
Long time listener, first time caller on the forums.
Just installed this last night and I'm really pleased with it- great job. It does what I want it to do, which is play random mp3s from a selection of about 40 songs over my menus. I kind of like to "set it and forget it" when it comes to BG music.
I'm not currently using it, but I like the A-SIDE/B-SIDE idea to allow for a different group I could select and randomly play from.. Would it be possible to have an option where upon startup it would RANDOMLY select either A or B and play in shuffle mode, provided the user has set up both folders? Not dissimilar to a theme randomizer in EmulationStation.
Using a Pi 4 in a Rec Room Masters cab with a Pixelcade LED marquee.
Thanks- great job with this! Works great.
@buzzardbait said in Integrated Music Player for RetroPie [IMP] 2021.10 (Background Music for RetroPie and More):
Would it be possible to have an option where upon startup it would RANDOMLY select either A or B and play in shuffle mode, provided the user has set up both folders? Not dissimilar to a theme randomizer in EmulationStation.
Pretty sure this is possible.
Pretty sure this is a cool idea.
I will see what I can do.
Thanks for the input. -
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E ExarKunIv referenced this topic on
E ExarKunIv referenced this topic on
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W WeirdH referenced this topic on
Just installed today on a Pi 3B+ running RetroPie 4.7.20. Took me less than 5 minutes via command line by following the instructions, no weird surprises during installation.
The music player works REALLY well! One thing to note is that the Music Player Volume may need to be turned down a bit. I have my system volume set to 100% and the Music Player at 60%. I control my speaker volume from and Amplifier inside my Arcade Cabinet and having the Music Player Volume at 100% was making my speakers clip pretty badly.
The two built-in Internet Radio stations are a REALLY nice touch. Would love to see a way to add our own via the UI or instructions on how to do so in any configs.
This is an awesome Player and will be a permanent staple for my Arcade Cabinet Setup for as long as it exists. Thank you so much!
@RapidEdwin08 After playing around a bit I was able to add NightRide FM (internet radio station that plays SynthWave) to the Player! Not sure what the rules are on what you are and are not allowed to add as part of your official builds, but it's a really cool station if you're looking for more to add.
Thanks again! I love this thing :)
@mrmadcatz said in Integrated Music Player for RetroPie [IMP] 2021.10 (Background Music for RetroPie and More):
Music Player Volume may need to be turned down a bit. I have my system volume set to 100% and the Music Player at 60%. I control my speaker volume from and Amplifier inside my Arcade Cabinet and having the Music Player Volume at 100% was making my speakers clip pretty badly.
I was able to add NightRide FM (internet radio station that plays SynthWave) to the Player!Thanks for the input, much appreciated.
I don't have a Cabinet so I'm glad you shared the results.
Thinking %50 or %60 Volume would be good for out-of-box Install Setting?For NightrideFM, I'm not too familiar, but if they are a reliable station, I might add in next release...
Care to share how you implemented? Such as .pls/.msu file, and example address? -
@rapidedwin08 Oh wow you replied! Feel like I'm meeting a celebrity cuz I gotta say I'm LOVING IMP. It's amazing. Thank you so much for making it. In response to your message:
I was able to fix the audio clipping issue with some audio changes on my Retropie. Originally, I was running audio out through the audio jack. After switching to HDMI, I was able to get the volume up to 100% and not get clipping with most songs. What I did notice is that the E1M1 and E1M2 songs you have pre-installed clip for me on any volume above 50%, but it may just be how my cabinet's amplifier is handling the audio signal. Just wanted to mention that, otherwise I keep the volume at 80% most of the time. This helps avoid clipping but also keeps the music a little quieter than my video previews for the games I have installed.
Anecdotally I've found NightRideFM to be extremely reliable when I save it as a .pls file just like the MP3 Radio station that comes pre-installed. I just dragged/dropped it into the /home/RetroPie/roms/music folder and then edited it's metadata via EmulationStation (was having a hard time getting the changes to stick when editing the .emulationstation/gamelists/retropie/retropie.xml directly). I haven't messed with Custom IMP yet, but I suspect if I were to edit some files/folders in the install folder I could get IMP to install those stations for me next time. I also added my own image for the station that I just downloaded from their site and saved in the /home/RetroPie/retropiemenu/icons folder.
I ended up doing the same thing with another station called which plays awesome video game music, remixes and remakes all day long. I've also had success with it working consistently in the same way. They offer a downloadable .m3u you can use as well (like SLAYradio) which I used and seemed to work. I switched to a .pls because I wanted to see if it would also work (I like to tinker). It has and I just haven't changed back.
Anyway, all of that to say I am absolutely loving IMP. This was my first RetroPie build, let alone an arcade, so I'm a little new to all of this. That said, IMP is going to be a staple in any of my builds forevermore. I love it. Thank you for making it!
Here are how my .pls files are set up for the two stations I added. I basically just copy/pasted your MP3 Radio one and changed the URL to the streaming URLS offered by these two services:
NightRideFM[playlist] numberofentries=1 File1= Title1=NightRide.FM Stream Length1=-1 version=2
[playlist] numberofentries=1 File1= Title1=NightRide.FM Stream Length1=-1 version=2
#EXTINF:0,Rainwave All: Random Relay #EXTINF:0, Rainwave All: Rainwave (Toronto) Relay
Here are their site URLs respectively (different from streaming URL): me know if I can provide you any more info and thanks again!
@mrmadcatz said in Integrated Music Player for RetroPie [IMP] 2021.10 (Background Music for RetroPie and More):
#EXTINF:0,Rainwave All: Random Relay #EXTINF:0, Rainwave All: Rainwave (Toronto) Relay
You just helped me identify an Issue I missed with an already known issue...
mpg123 does not handle https, and IMP currently accommodates for this by replacing [https] -> [http].
But, if the address has :443 in it, it's still basically https and mpg123 will not play.
IMP does not accommodate for :443 at the moment.
I tested and you can simply remove :443 from the address and it will play.#EXTINF:0,Rainwave All: Random Relay #EXTINF:0, Rainwave All: Rainwave (Toronto) Relay
I will accommodate for :443 in the next version of IMP.
Thanks again for your input.Also, I am enjoying NightrideFM, particularly ChillSynth.
Thanks for the recommendation.[playlist] numberofentries=1 File1= Title1=NightRide.FM Stream Length1=-1 version=2
@rapidedwin08 I got a reply from you and I was helpful?! You're makin' my day! Haha.
I'll definitely check out the Chill Synth one. I'll keep an eye out for next iteration of IMP! Let me know if I can of any more service.
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