Creating ES gamelists with media for MAME/lr-mame/lr-mess
@Folly My setup is customized too much, si I have enabled lr-mess as emulator for 'arcade' so it should work... testing/gaming night it seems :-)
good luck !
@Folly well it seems that a lot of the games are running directly under lr-mess default setup. Need to investigate what your script does :-)
D DTEAM referenced this topic on
not sure is these are useful (my scrapes i made) for odd systems as i go using mame/mess when they don't exist
they aren't perfect and i don't do video with but i always feel better some scrapes then none at all
here are a few if you want them
Sord M5
Gameking'll have to sort through and see if there are others if anyone's interested in them
hope this is some help -
Thanks for sharing.
I am looking now at the m5, did not check all of it yet but I see already that some games are recognised.
That's a good thing.What we want here is to make some standardised gamelists, if possible, so :
- the path structure is somewhat the same
- support for both .zip and .7z
- all/most, mame files, of that particular system, is added
- and, if possible, videos and more info is added
- to be shared with others via goodle-drive link and also to download in the frond-end
- share/read into the retroscraper of @kiro so we are also able to scrape these games with retroscraper
So it's probably the best thing to share a few gamelists and then discuss improving them.
If we all agree that they are good enough then we should add it to the google-drive and read to improve retroscraper.
Does that make sense ? -
@Folly yes that's fine
I'm ok with that
usually since I do them alone, I do "short cuts" to finish, while it's an improvement over having nothing, I do understand there is room for improvements for sure
and just so you know if you choose not to add that is ok by me too and yes what you stated makes sense. -
Sharing others, later, is fine by me but I have to restrict it a bit otherwise it will be too much working on them all together you see ;-)
If I have the time I will begin with m5.
I checked the m5 and I see that the games in the game-list are from the
It's probably the best to do only these cart games as they are "plug and play" without entering commands.Though there are quite some games missing, seems only 1/3 of the games are in the game-list.
Have you tried to scrape all games from the ? -
@DTEAM said in Creating ES gamelists with media for MAME/lr-mame/lr-mess:
I finalized "classich". I have deleted some images because it was a handheld picture over a handheld video (artwork) and it was ugly.
8 videos are missing :
Chicky Woggy (Table Top)
Donkey Kong Jr (Tabletop Coleco)
Donkey Kong Jr (Tabletop Nintendo)
Hippo Teeth (Sporty)---> missmatch video
HotLine (Mini)
HotLine (Sporty)
Packri Monster
Snoopy (Tabletop)I tried to make videos, however most .mgw games have a resolution that is not divisible by 2 for which recording is not supported by retroarch.
Tried to alter resolutions but to no avail, it keeps crashing.
Probably the reason why there are no videos for these games.
Will have to think about recording it in an other way. -
@Folly the pack I found didn't have a lot you're saying there are more lol I'll have to maybe search more out; I think 3 I skipped as I couldn't get past loading to "play" but the scrapes and game list made by me there aren't scrapes for this system that I found
More info can be found here :
Try the mame-sl set.
I found a way to make videos with sound from the missing madrigals.
I am doing it with OSX and the default capturing method, capturing video from a virtual machine running Debian with RetroPie.
Sound recording was not possible by default so I had to install "soundflower" with "brew".
Now I can redirect the output sound and record it together with the video.
Then converting it again with "ffmpeg" in linux.
Hopefully they will be ready this week. -
That's great, because I have a recording problem (recording speed) for new roms with Tiger and Konamih. You have already talked about a way to speed up MAME video recording with a parameter. I can't find the post that talked about it. -
Yes, indeed I remember I also had speed problems recording video with mame.
Will have a look in the posts when I can.Edit :
Here is the post : -
I added the recorded videos here :
( will remove link later !)The packmon seems not working correctly or I have a bad rom.
So I did not add a video for that one.
What is your experience with this game, does it work for you ? -
@Folly said in Creating ES gamelists with media for MAME/lr-mame/lr-mess:
I added the recorded videos here :
( will remove link later !)The packmon seems not working correctly or I have a bad rom.
So I did not add a video for that one.
What is your experience with this game, does it work for you ?Hi, I have convert your videos in mp4 format, but they don't want load in Retropie. Can you do a quick test on your side? I can't explain why.
Seems to be quite a pain in the ass to make these videos ;-)
I checked and had the same problem, not playing in emulationstation.
In VLC, on the pi4, I get video but the seconds, of the parts that are cut-out, are also displayed (not played/shown though).
With VLC on my VM I didn't have this problem.Only difference VS good working videos is this codec info :
Codec: H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) (H264)
Decoded format : Planar 4:2:0 YUV
instead of :
Codec: H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) (avc1)
Decoded formatedit :
I have re-encoded "Chicky Woggy (Tabletop).mp4" from the original recording on my pi4 and I have placed it on my google-drive.
Codec information is now :
Codec: H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) (avc1)
Decoded format : Planar 4:2:0 YUV
So it seems the default encoding is different on the pi4 !I have uploaded all to google-drive including the originals.
I hope they will work now. -
I already did the update for Tigerh and Konamih but not uploaded them yet , i'm waiting for MAME 0.251 version before complete videos for some roms. -
@Folly said in Creating ES gamelists with media for MAME/lr-mame/lr-mess:
I found a solution here :
use -snapview native to record without artwork
use -snapsize 800x600 to record with artwork at lower resolution so speed is at an acceptable level.Also, for Tigerh, with -snapview Background -nosnapbilinear in emulators.cfg it's faster to record and you get the handheld background view without the entire handheld .
Specifies the view to use when rendering snapshots and videos. The <viewname> does not need to be the full name of a view, MAME will choose the first view with a name that has the <viewname> as a prefix. For example -snapview "screen 0 pixel" will match the “Screen 0 Pixel Aspect (10:7)” view.
mame-basename-autoframeskip = "/opt/retropie/emulators/mame/mame -v -c -autoframeskip -snapview Background -nosnapbilinear -snapsize 640x480 tigerh %BASENAME%"
(for <view name="Background Only"> in default.lay (Tiger Handheld Artworks)
Nice find.
I have added your post in my summary.
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