emulation system crashed
I know that a lot of people asking about this topic but it happens to me when i restart emulation only and i didnt found someone asking about that .
i got rasspberypi 3B connecting to power supply( official) also connected with HDMI to screen plus arcade panel and sd card 8GB .becuse of thise eror i cant upload any roms please help i am trying to uplod game almost a month
responds appreciate! -
Please add the necessary info : https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/3/read-this-first
Pi Model or other hardware: (B)
Power Supply used: (official)
RetroPie Version Used (4.8):
Built From: (Pre made SD Image on RetroPie website)
USB Devices connected:keyboard
Controller used:
Error messages received:emulation system crashed
Verbose log (if relevant):
Guide used: ( followed this guide -
File: (File with issue - with FULL path)
Emulator: (dont think i am understand but i tried to add roms oprate on snes)
Attachment of config files: (PLEASE USE PASTEBIN.COM FOR LARGE LOGS)
How to replicate the problem: -
Can you test without the arcade panel to see if the ES crash again?
If it crash again run from the terminal :
emulationstation --debug
and post the
file here.
The path for this file:/opt/retropie/configs/all/emulationstation/es_log.txt
with out the arcade panel i cant do the restart emulations , (and only when i restsrt emulations the eror shows)also i tried with a keyboard and it dosnt work as well
@windg said in emulation system crashed:
emulationstation --debug
i didnt understsnd wher it is , where i need to paste the file ?
can you please explain again? -
@harelnaveh10 said in emulation system crashed:
i didnt understsnd wher it is , where i need to paste the file ?
There's no file. After the crash, press ok to close the error message and you're taken to a back screen with a prompt (that's the command line), where you type the command given (
emulationstation --debug
) and press enter -
This post is deleted! -
@harelnaveh10 said in emulation system crashed:
@mitu i did what you tell to me ,but it dousnt remmber my roms , i do the restart becuse i want to upload games to retropie , so i pplug the usb(with empty foler name retropie) to the rasspbery pi plug him out and then upload to the usb my roms.
afterthat i plug the usb again to th rasspbery pi wait copule of secends and restart emulations it gives my the eror and then i do what you say to me -but it doesnt remember all the roms that i just upload. -
@harelnaveh10 said in emulation system crashed:
afterthat i plug the usb again to th rasspbery pi wait copule of secends and restart emulations it gives my the eror and then i do what you say to me -but it doesnt remember all the roms that i just upload.
Does it crash when you start it a 2nd time - with the command I posted earlier ? If yes, then post the last messages shown on the screen after the crash.
When you 'upload' the roms, what's the process you're following ? The method recognized by RetroPie is this.
@mitu it doesnt crash again but it seems like retro pie dont remember the roms that i upload before the restart (i followed after the method recognized by RetroPie) its make sense ? or maybe my roms doesnt work.
@harelnaveh10 are you sure that you haven't used the 'Run roms from the USB stick' method ? Because that would explain why your ROMs are not showing up.
Another explanation is that you're trying to copy too much ROMs and your mSDcard is getting full, given you have a small capacity (8Gb) card. How many ROM files are you trying to copy - what's the size of the
folder on the USB stick you're using to transfer the ROMs ? -
@mitu i look again in the 'Run roms from the USB stick' and i find out that i didnt do one step the 'Disable USB transfer daemon' becuse i cant get in to retropie setup every time i open the retropie setup it think for couple of seconds and then return to the retropie menu (and also suddenly all my buttons doesnt work) how can i fix it and succsesfuly enter retropie setup?
@mitu said in emulation system crashed:
Another explanation is that you're trying to copy too much ROMs and your mSDcard is getting full
i was afraid of this thats way for the start i was tried to upload one game so the storage doesnt get full
@harelnaveh10 without any palpable error message it's not clear to me what's going wrong with your system. But when the disc is full, all kind of things stop working.
Exit EmulationStation and take a look at the RetroPie splash screen - one of the first lines is related to Filesystem and it shows how much space is used on
. if it's 100%, then you may be running out of space. -
@mitu thanks for all the respornds i solved the problem
@harelnaveh10 How did you solve it ? Other user that may encounter similar problems may learn something - so as we, that tried to diagnose and provide assistance.
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