Can't run eduke32 (RPI 1B, RetroPie 4.8)
I Cannot run eduke32 on Raspberry Pi 1B 256ram under fresh RetroPie 4.8. It throws me out back to Emulation Station menu.
Here is the runcommand.log:
Parameters: Executing: pushd /opt/retropie/configs/ports/duke3d; /opt/retropie/ports/eduke32/ "-j/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/duke3d/ -j/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/duke3d/ -addon 0"; popd /opt/retropie/configs/ports/duke3d ~ EDuke32 r(?) Built Feb 11 2022 02:28:57, GCC 8.3.0, 32-bit Application parameters: -j/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/duke3d/ -j/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/duke3d/ -addon 0 Using /opt/retropie/configs/ports/duke3d/ for game data Using /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/duke3d/ for game data Using /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/duke3d/ for game data Using /home/pi/.config/eduke32/ for game data Initializing SDL 2.0.10 Using "x11" video driver No fullscreen modes available! Searching for game data... Checksumming duke3d.grp... Done Using "duke3d.grp" as main game data file. Compiling: GAME.CON (99639 bytes) Including: DEFS.CON (28893 bytes) Including: USER.CON (36960 bytes) USER.CON:753: warning: sound 261 already defined (hydro43.voc) GAME.CON: In state `blimphitstate': GAME.CON:157: warning: expected action, found define. GAME.CON: In actor `ORGANTIC': GAME.CON:1923: warning: found `else' with no `if' GAME.CON: In state `pigshootenemystate': GAME.CON:2817: warning: found `else' with no `if' Found 4 warning(s), 0 error(s). Compiled 49820 bytes in 199ms, v1.3D compatibility mode Initialized 96.0M cache Sound hlminhal.voc(#23) not found! Sound hlmexhal.voc(#24) not found! Sound slirec06.voc(#26) not found! Sound KICKHEAD.VOC(#27) not found! Sound GMEOVR05.VOC(#29) not found! Sound CHEER.VOC(#30) not found! Sound slimat.voc(#34) not found! Sound yes.voc(#45) not found! Sound fan.voc(#77) not found! Sound hover.voc(#80) not found! Sound b2atk01.voc(#101) not found! Sound b2rec03.voc(#102) not found! Sound b2atk02.voc(#103) not found! Sound b2pain03.voc(#104) not found! Sound b2die03.voc(#105) not found! Sound b3die03g.voc(#108) not found! Sound snakrm.voc(#130) not found! Sound snakrg.voc(#131) not found! Sound snakatA.voc(#132) not found! Sound snakpn.voc(#133) not found! Sound snakdy.voc(#134) not found! Sound commrm.voc(#135) not found! Sound commrg.voc(#136) not found! Sound commat.voc(#137) not found! Sound commpn.voc(#138) not found! Sound commdy.voc(#139) not found! Sound turrrm.voc(#145) not found! Sound turrrg.voc(#146) not found! Sound turrat.voc(#147) not found! Sound slidie03.voc(#149) not found! Sound b3roam01.voc(#150) not found! Sound b3pain04.voc(#151) not found! Sound b3atk01.voc(#152) not found! Sound b3rec03g.voc(#153) not found! Sound commsp.voc(#155) not found! Sound snakatB.voc(#157) not found! Sound turrpn.voc(#161) not found! Sound turrdy.voc(#162) not found! Sound sliroa02.voc(#163) not found! Sound 2bwild.voc(#168) not found! Sound b3atk01.voc(#176) not found! Sound monolith.voc(#178) not found! Sound hydro50.voc(#179) not found! Sound con03.voc(#180) not found! Sound vpiss2.voc(#182) not found! Sound FORCE01.VOC(#235) not found! Sound QUAKE06.VOC(#236) not found! Sound TERMIN01.VOC(#237) not found! Sound BORN01.VOC(#238) not found! Sound MUSTDIE.voc(#241) not found! Sound DEFEATED.VOC(#242) not found! Sound flyby.voc(#244) not found! Sound hydro22.voc(#256) not found! Sound hydro24.voc(#257) not found! Sound hydro27.voc(#258) not found! Sound hydro34.voc(#259) not found! Sound hydro40.voc(#260) not found! Sound hydro43.voc(#261) not found! Sound vault04.voc(#262) not found! Sound aswtch23.voc(#272) not found! Sound CTRLRM25.VOC(#277) not found! Sound ktitx.voc(#278) not found! Sound hlidle03.voc(#279) not found! Sound LIZSHIT3.VOC(#280) not found! Sound monolith.voc(#281) not found! Sound hydro50.voc(#282) not found! Sound slhtch01.voc(#283) not found! Sound jones04.voc(#285) not found! Sound adoor1.voc(#286) not found! Sound adoor2.voc(#287) not found! Sound GRABBAG.VOC(#288) not found! Sound name01.voc(#289) not found! Sound r&r01.voc(#290) not found! Sound lani05.voc(#291) not found! Sound lani08.voc(#292) not found! Sound laniduk2.voc(#293) not found! Sound WHIPYU01.VOC(#294) not found! Sound gunhit2.voc(#295) not found! Sound headrip3.VOC(#296) not found! Sound buckle.VOC(#297) not found! Sound jetp2.VOC(#298) not found! Sound zipper2.voc(#299) not found! Sound news.voc(#300) not found! Sound whistle.voc(#301) not found! Sound freeze.voc(#303) not found! fluidsynth: error: Unable to open file "/usr/share/sounds/sf3/FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3" fluidsynth: error: Couldn't load soundfont file fluidsynth: error: Failed to load SoundFont "/usr/share/sounds/sf3/FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3" fluidsynth: error: Unable to open file "/usr/share/sounds/sf2/TimGM6mb.sf2" fluidsynth: error: Couldn't load soundfont file fluidsynth: error: Failed to load SoundFont "/usr/share/sounds/sf2/TimGM6mb.sf2" /opt/retropie/ports/eduke32/ line 3: 1284 Killed VC4_DEBUG=always_sync /opt/retropie/ports/eduke32/eduke32 $* ~
Any solution? I have same problem with pi 5 4GB and retropie 4.8.7.
@POPEYE I don't know about running Duke3D on that Pi1B, ROTT barley runs on that thing from my experience, jfsw may be a better Port option if at all...
But you can try this:
sudo apt-get install fluid-soundfont-gm fluidr3mono-gm-soundfont timgm6mb-soundfont
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