error with libzip-dev installing emulators (ppsspp, reicast)
Im having an issue with libzip:
Fresh retropie install
trying to add emulators such as ppsspp, lr-ppsspp, reicast for example
it downloads necessary files but then it looks for libzip... i guess to extract the downloaded files...
it says it needs some files for libzip, and it cant download them...
i'll leave a log here, but i tried to manually install libzip (sudo apt-get install libzip-dev) and it does not work, same errors...
already did update, upgrade...
tried with new downloaded images of retropie and different sd cards... cant make it work...
Someone knows how to manually install this or fix this error?log to error in: [](link url)
I'm glad to tell you guys that this was a Server Error... i had to manually add sources to the sources.list file so it can download the needed files elsewhere...
It's working fine now. -
@sirleirbag When you figure something out like this, I wish you would tell what these sources were that you added? The problem is still out there.
@fuzzybat23 said in error with libzip-dev installing emulators (ppsspp, reicast):
@sirleirbag When you figure something out like this, I wish you would tell what these sources were that you added? The problem is still out there.
This was not a missing source problem, the packages simply failed to download correctly due to a server issue. If you look at the log provided you'll see that.
Anyway, this is a very old topic, if you have a similar issue now, even if similar, please open a separate topic and explain your problem, post your system specs and what's the error message you're seeing.
M mitu locked this topic
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