VolumeControl::Init() - Failed to attach to default card!
yesterday i updated emulationstation and i played a few games of doom and nothing else. sound worked fine. i shutdown my pi through emulationstation. today i turned it on and i get a list of errors as shown in this picture and i get no audio. is there anything i can do to fix this?
pi 3 with retropie 4.01
updated retropie setup to 4.1.3 last commit a5bb24c
updated emulationstation -
SD card corruption ?
make sure you have
for the certificate issue you can try
sudo apt-get install --reinstall ca-certificates
If you have some filesystem corruption, you may well have other issues though.
@BuZz the config.txt ended up only having the gpu_mem stuff in it. i put my backup on and thats fine. the rpie update is still an issue so i will try what you just posted.
@BuZz the certificate update did not fix the issue.
sudo update-ca-certificates
I suspect you would be best starting from a fresh image if you have had corruption though.
@BuZz it said 0 added 0 updated when i ran it. I am going to put a backup image on as soon as i am done backing up my config folder.
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