Guess who got OPEN-m-f-ing-BOR (Beats of Rage) to work?
Ever since I heard there was an open source fan-made continuation of the Sega Genesis Streets of Rage (SoR) trilogy of games, I just knew I just had to try it out. Here's the info I've found out so far (and please correct me if I'm wrong):
The original game was called "Beats of Rage" (BOR), and all variants of this "2D sidescrolling beat em up game" use the "OpenBOR" engine. Beats of Rage (and other OpenBor) games were ported to RetroPie back in version 3.7 or whatnot...but haven't worked in recent RetroPie history...until now.
For the last 3 versions of RetroPie I've had, installing OpenBOR from the experimental menu (and following the OpenBOR GitHub directions, hasn't worked. I even posted on 3 different forums trying to get any fixes for this to no avail. ...Until I read an article about how Beats of Rage started off in DOS. That's right, the same DOS that DOSBox in RetroPie lets us forward a couple hours, and after finding a ~2004 version of Beats of Rage, it runs seemingly perfect on a Raspberry Pi 3, running RetroPie 4.1, through DOSBox (only played to level 2, but so far so good). So simple I don't know how I missed it! (or why NOBODY else mentioned this!!!). The DOSBox version even lets you use a controller (may need button mapping through a simple in-game menu).
Here's a link to the .EXE and associated files for Beats of Rage (which is distributed under a "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License" thus totally free and open source). Just unzip, drop into your roms/pc folder, reboot the Pi (so it sees the new files), and run BOR.EXE and you're golden.
Also, as an added bonus of this being totally open source, there's literally hundreds of homebrew varients of this. I found a TON here (see the menu on the right for the most popular ones). I've run 4 so far (simply by copying the "BOR" folder, and replacing the "BOR.PAK" in that folder with the new .PAK version I downloaded - you'll need to change the filename - I don't know how to have BOR.EXE boot the ____.PAK file unless it's renamed "BOR.PAK"). One seemed buggy with controller setup in the menu, but once in the game the controller worked fine.
Honestly, Streets of Rage Remake (SoRR) seems to be a lot better (and works in RetroPie 4.1 out of the box through the Experimental packages menu), and the real Streets of Rage (SoR) 2 and 3 (IMO) for Sega Genesis are still tons better than SoRR...but if you're a fan of beat-em-up games, give these OpenBor games a spin...I'm still trying out the different variants to see if there's any I like. The biggest downfall seems to be the number of moves. SoR has literally 20+ moves per character (and with better horizontal and vertical rolls, and upgraded moves once you get more stars, and TONS of weapons to pickup, etc. etc. etc.), and these OpenBOR games seem to have like 6ish moves...which makes it a bit more tedious with less variety (OR I just suck at OpenBOR since I just started playing it ;)
@Dochartaigh Thanks bud, I thought I was just too stupid.
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