Video Preview in EmulationStation
@fieldofcows @Rion pixel theme with video support is already configured to display image if video not found, so you don't need to worry about editing theme.
@fieldofcows and @Nismo so it's cool ^^ nothing to do except scrape ;)
(It's OK for the "path" in the XML ? It's under "game/video" ?)
@screech You can put the videos where you want. Just to point the correct path on gamelist.xml.
For example i use ./videos and ./marquees in gamelist.xml for paths, that points inside your roms folder.
Example: <video>./videos/Super Mario Land (World) (Rev A).mp4</video>
is the forlder roms/gb/videosSo if you want your videos like me path must be: <Target_Value>./videos</Target_Value
It's a small "limitation" to UXS... Download (for now) is only in 1 directory (for both picture and video).
That's Why I add a "tag" (like -image or -video to the rom name)
The "path" I talk about is the "Xpath" in XML ;) Not sure if it's under :
</game>(and for sur don't change the target_value like ./video target_value is for the Xpath in XML file ;) not the "reel" path ;) )
The value you want to change is
But if you change it it will not work...
I need to create a
And add a <Source_Download_Path_Custom> to specify where to download them ;) -
@screech No matter that only one directory, it's no difficult to order items by type and just copy and paste in the correct folder.
Are there any plans to add this to the experimental packages for Pi users to install from binary and test?
@ebtalk i'ts already added to the main retropie fork.
@capsaicin I was using these instructions and when I type out
sudo sed -i 's//.*' /usr/bin/emulationstationThe \ keeps coming up as a hashtag (#) on the screen. I've tried three different keyboards and can't get the \ to come up. / works but \ doesn't. Any ideas?
@ebtalk change your keyboard layout -
Thanks @Buzz that got me going. Finally have it installed.
Is there a current best method for scraping videos and marquees? I didn't see any option within Universal XML scraper.
As I say previously, I haven't added the "easy" video support in UXS.
But you can simply add this in you XML Profil :
<Element Type="Video">
</Element> -
@screech I would love to see this implemented in the next release if possible đŸ˜€
I have all the videos downloaded and they match my game names. Is there any quick way to include the videos in my gamelist.xml file without having to do each one manually?
@ebtalk I have a quick way to do it but on windows, so you need to copy your gamelist.xml to windows and do the process there.
Also it only works on windows 7,8 or 10.
@Nismo yes. I extracted the game list to a text file and put it into an excel spreadsheet.
I used a concatenation formula on excel to wrap it with the video tags.
I've been pasting them one by one into the xml file but there has to be a quicker way.
@ebtalk I just created a column with each tag as the header, then saved it as a CSV, then used a CSV to XML converter to generate the gamelist XML. Still a tad manual but a quick way to hack it together.
@ebtalk On windows create a new text document.
Paste this code:
$doc = [xml] (Get-Content -raw gamelist.xml) foreach ($gameEl in $ { # Use -replace to extract the filename without extension from the # path contained in the <path> element. $gameName = $gameEl.path -replace '^.*/([^.]+)\..*$', '$1' # Append elements 'video' and 'marquee', but only if they don't already # exist. if ($null -eq $ { $gameEl.AppendChild($doc.CreateElement('video')).InnerText = "./Videos/${gameName}.mp4" } if ($null -eq $gameEl.marquee) { $gameEl.AppendChild($doc.CreateElement('marquee')).InnerText = "./Marquees/${gameName}.png" } } $writer = [System.IO.StreamWriter] "newFile.xml" $doc.Save($writer) $writer.Close()
This will work for all systems if you have videos and marquees folders inside your roms folder, for example:
rom/snes/videos and roms/snes/marqueesor
roms/megadrive/videos and roms/megadrive/marquees
Or you can change the paths to fit your path for videos and marquees:
Save the document.
Rename the extension from .txt to .ps1 for example "addvideo&marquees.ps1"
Now you only need to place it inside a folder containing your gamelist.xml. (Create a backup of your gamelist.xml)
Then click right mouse button on addvideo&marquees.ps1 and exec with powershell.
A new file "newFile.xml" will be created with the tags.
Just rename it to gamelist.xml.
It takes the name from the <path> tag from your gamelist.xml, so then you need a program like fatmatch to match your videos and marquees with your rom name.
Keep in mind than this will create video and marquees tags for all games in your gamelist, even if the videos or marquees doesn't exist.
Also keep in mind that i have all my marquees in png format, so if you use some jpg files you will need a batch image converter or something similar...
Known issue: One thing it does is cuts off remaining characters after a point.
For instance. If the file name is Zany Golf (USA, Europe) (v1.1).zip
The mp4 name will come back Zany Golf (USA, Europe) (v1.mp4
Hope this helps. Regards.
Edit: I created a new theme here:
@Nismo Life.....Saver.
This is going to save me so much time. It does change your game name if you messed with that information but that takes way less time to clean up. Thanks so much.
@ebtalk I'm glad to help.
Keep in mind that i have all my marquees in png format, so if you use some jpg files you will need a batch image converter or something similar...
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