Custom Splash Screen (video) results in resolution going out of range
I've been trying to get these custom video splashes work and for the most part they have been. However, near the end of the videos my screen will often go completely blank, until my monitor's "Out of Range" indicator message starts bouncing around. I have used the "preview splash" option and they play fine on there. It doesn't do this with default splash screens, and sometimes it will bounce back before I loose it. Once I unplug the HDMI and plug it back in then it seems to go back to normal. I am planning on putting this Pi into an old PS2 case so I won't be able to unplug it every time I boot up.
I'm using a Raspberry Pi 3B with RetroPie v4.1.10 but it was doing this on 4.1.0 as well.
@MacEns What is the resolution of your monitor?
@MacEns Try going into /boot/config.txt and remove the hash symbol at the start of config_hdmi_boost=4. This will increase the HDMI signal. Or swap out the cable. If it is displaying on and off and your TV is giving you that warning I would say that is your issue. This value can also be changed up or down.
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