Mame not working properly
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@mediamogul I added what I understood.
@mediamogul I don't understand anything about emulation or roms. Are their only certain rom sets that will work the mame?
@tom1155 if you don't understand anything about it you didn't read the documentation. Have another read on the wiki and come back if you still have questions
I don't understand anything about emulation or roms. Are their only certain rom sets that will work the mame?
That question is very clearly explained in the very clear documentation provided. I wrote this to complement it all but you still post a crazy quotes like I don't understand. Take time and read this page. Its obvious you haven't.
@tom1155 Also I see you are using a phone charger to power your Pi3. It needs 2.5 A. If you plug stuff in and you are rated less than this, expect trouble.
@rbaker Thanks, you have really helped a lot. what power supply would you recommend?
@mediamogul Thank you
Not a problem. As mentioned above, if you still have any questions after reading the documentation, get back with us.
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