Wii u pro controller bluetooth problem
Hello all. Im having trouble registering my pro controller. My pi 3 is not picking up anything when i select bluetooth.
I did all the updates and checked bluetooth status on terminal and all says active and running.
Not sure what im doing wrong. Yes i click the sync button in the back of the controller still nothing.
Only driver i have enabled is xboxdrv package.
When i first chose bluetooth, it started installing a bunch of stuff and asked me to pick a few options twice. I didnt know what to pick and i dont see these options appear anymore. Could that have something to do with it?
Thanks all -
Only driver i have enabled is xboxdrv package.
Maybe try it with only the "Xpad" driver instead of "xboxdrv".
Just tried installing xpad. Says could not install packahes dkms raspberry-kernel-headers.Couple of other things to note. When i run register bluetooth, it doesnt pick up ANYTHING. Phone, controllers, speakers nothing. Is that normal?
Also whrn rebooting i see a new line of text that says (failed) Failed to start Configure bluetooth modems......
Just tried installing xpad. Says could not install packahes dkms raspberry-kernel-headers.
You might need to do the "Update all installed packages" in the RetroPie Setup Script first. Also let it update the OS packages at the first of the updates.
I was able to install the xpad. Still not picking up any devices.
When rebooting i get a red error that says falied to configure bluetooth modems connected by UART. Any idea what thats about? -
When rebooting i get a red error that says falied to configure bluetooth modems connected by UART. Any idea what thats about?
You might try reinstall Bluetooth (I think this is how you reinstall it):
sudo apt-get install --reinstall pi-bluetooth
Then reboot and it should give you a new UART config -
Hi. Thanks i did that also. Read it on another forum but still the same problem. Wont pick up ANY bluetooth devices. Not just the lro controller. Maybe a hardware issue. Im jist gonna get a wireless adapter to plug in via usb.
Really wanted to utilize the on board bluetooth but no biggie. Not worth the hours i already spent researching the subject. Thanks for all your help. Great forum
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