Games stuttering a little bit
@mediamogul yes but you are running a pi3 ... We are experiencing new problems on a pib+ where we didnt have problems before. And i overwrote my sd card where my b+ had 0 issues emulating the games i wanted.. the big problem i had was with forgotten passwords. So i thought id start over. Now im experiencing issues abd dont particularly want to buy a newer pi when i know the older one is capable
I just read over your particular problem with NES speed, but I couldn't find a reference to what all you've attempted so far.
@mediamogul overclocked,. Used nestopia instead and used most of the resolution settings. I have dialed in to about 90% of normal speed now..
Have you tried the RetroArch configuration improvements listed here? Alongside it's recommendation to set
video_threaded =
to "true", you might also want to try setting it to false as well. -
@mediamogul said in Games stuttering a little bit:
I know this was intended to be the undesirable option, but I would always take a researched understanding of how things work over a clean slate approach any day. If you're constantly reformatting a drive to solve every problem you have, you're never learning anything that could help you more easily solve future problems. I guess it's just a difference in philosophy and I can actually see how attractive the nuclear option is from time to time, but in my experience, this approach is more likely to lead to a cycle of problems that are never solved.
Supposedly all my problems, even through they repetitively occur over the course of building 50ish Raspberry Pi's, are all one-off weird problems that don't seem to be solvable dispite trying all different hardware, power supplies, SD card brands, different USB cables, even writing the images on different computers using different card readers...those ARE the type of problems where anymore I just reformat since there seems to be no other recourse (kinda like how the OP doesn't seem to have much more to try which is why I argued FOR reformatting and starting over!).
is it possible to download an older version. Ie. The 3.8 you mentioned as working 100%?
I run RetroPie 4.1.12 with 38 systems and apart from some very minor exceptions, the current version runs very well.
Try the newest 4.1.11 version on a Raspberry Pi Zero and tell me how well common Nintendo games run...your answer will be self evident. 4.0.2. and 4.1.5 are VASTLY superior performance wise on the most popular (if I can claim that ;) gaming platform of all time.
This rom:
On the lr-fceumm emulator it plays the sound normal but the game is stuttering.
On the lr-nestopia emulator it plays the sound to fast but the game is not stuttering.Later i will make a video with the sound (it play to fast).
@knorde because lr-fceumm is running it at the correct speed and the stutter happens since the screen refresh is 60hz vs pal 50hz of the game. Use an NTSC version of the game.
@Dochartaigh said in Games stuttering a little bit:
Try the newest 4.1.11 version on a Raspberry Pi Zero and tell me how well common Nintendo games run...your answer will be self evident.
While I don't own a Pi0 myself, a local friend of mine has one and is able to run NES games without issue. Heck, he's even made a few for other friends of ours and they work as well. I would ask him what his secret is, but it's a bit like asking someone why their car doesn't make that same funny sound that yours does.
Edit: I am going over there tonight, so I will ask him some questions just in case it helps.
I have tryed that and then the game speed (and music) is to slow.
I will record it another time so you can hear it.The megadrive (sega) works perfect, it is really a nes emulator problem.
@knorde a video might help.
@knorde have you tried pressing a button before games starts and changed the video resolution in there with the correct frequency for your region?
@BuZz (normal sound but stuttering, Europe version with lr-fceumm emulator) (to fast sound but no stuttering, Europe version with lr-nestopia emulator) (to slow sound but no stuttering, Usa version with lr-nestopia emulator)
(sorry for the other sounds, my baby don't will be still while recording)I think option 3 is the best option...
Yes i tried that but no luck :( -
@knorde I'll check the videos, but please try lr-fceumm with USA version.
I have tryed that.
It does the same as option 3 (see above).It plays slower then original, but now with lr-fceumm as emulator (with no stuttering).
- (to slow sound but no stuttering, Usa version with lr-nestopia emulator)
Video 3 appears to be playing at normal speed, sound and all.
I talked with my friend last night about his methods in using RetroPie with the PiZero and at first it seemed like a dead end, as he claims to do nothing more than install RetroPie, load the ROMs and scrape the artwork. Then I remembered that in previous posts, you've mentioned a lengthy checklist that you go through during each setup. Have you recently just tried a bare bones approach to where you do nothing more than load the ROMs? If that were to eliminate all of your unexplained issues, you could then systematically work through your checklist, being sure to test a game after each step, until you found what it is that's causing your problems.
Video 1 has normaal speed (normal sound but stuttering, Europe version with lr-fceumm emulator)
Video 3 (to slow sound but no stuttering, Usa version with lr-nestopia emulator) is a little bit slower. If you check both you can see that video 3 is slower then video 1 (original sound). -
@knorde said in Games stuttering a little bit:
Video 1 has normaal speed
That seems way too fast. Have you compared it to a real NES? I'll see if I can't find a YouTube clip captured from real hardware.
Edit: Here's one. It's definitely more in line with your third video. I think you're golden.
You are right!I thought that video 1 is the normal speed but it is to fast.
Video 3 is the same as the original nintendo, so you are right :)
Many thanks, i'm very happy now!I have 1 question more, i see that some roms play to fast.
Not all roms so the emulator settings are correct now :)As example, balloon fight.
When i play the usa version the sound is to fast in lr-fceumm.
When i play the usa version the sound is to fast in lr-nestopia.
When i play the eu version the sound is normal in lr-fceumm.How can it be that not all the usa roms are normal sound?
Usa version must be the correct speed if i good understand?
Please wait i make a video so you can see it :)EDIT
In this game the sounds speed is original fast (found it on youtube).
My fault!I have to play only usa roms and all is fine (no stuttering and good sounds).
All is working fine now!
Many thanks for all the help!
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