Ports in RetroPie not working properly
@SpacedInvader look at my correct post directly above this one for the correct setup. Not sure why you added an --appendconfig /dev/shm/retroarch.cfg and removed the " "lr-prboom" "?
@SpacedInvader read my last post. Also your problem is that you either dont have the doom2.wad in the correct location or you need to give it a 0777 permissions. Remember it CANNOT have any caps in the name. It cannot be named DOOM2.WAD OR doom2.WAD
Just to note - If you have updated retropie-setup in the last few days - update again, and reinstall the emulator from binary. The copy Doom.sh and change the wad name in the copy. It's been simplified.
If you install/update
on the latest RetroPie-Setup yourRetroPie/roms/port/Doom.sh
should contain#!/bin/bash "/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh" 0 _PORT_ "doom" "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/doom/doom1.wad"
so it's just a matter of copying this to "Doom2.sh" (if you want to play doom2, and making it look like
#!/bin/bash "/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh" 0 _PORT_ "doom" "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/doom/doom2.wad"
the older wiki method should still work, but this is simpler.
I have made an update to retropie-setup to autoatically set up launch scripts for installed doom games if any of the following are installed
.If you have any of those wads in place in
- you can then update retropie-setup and re-install any doom emulator and the launch scripts should be created. -
I changed the "WAD" to "wad" and the Updated to RetroPie 4.1.13, Uninstalled Ir-prboom and Reinstalled, and updated Ir-prboom, and then rebooted!
OMG! IT WORKS! IT WORKS! I just nee to reconfig the joystick, but that's nothing! I just need to get Ultimate Doom working , but I think I can figure that out on my own now that everything is up and running and playable!
Guys, I may have to buy you both a few pints next time I'm overseas!
I will have to experiment with some of the Doom Master Level wads and see if I can get those to work now!
Again, THANKS!
@SpacedInvader curious if music packs work as well...
@SpacedInvader ok so you need to install zdoom for the master levels. then you need to download a file on the internet called ZDMLMENU.pk3 . make sure its is named exactly as i posted it with caps and lowercase or rename it to what i put. of course put this and all the master levels wads in your doom rom folder. next you need to create a Doom2MasterLevels.sh file in /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports. in that file you will put this content:
#!/bin/bash "/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh" 0 _SYS_ doom2ml
now you need to give it a chmod. go to the commandline and type:
sudo chmod +x /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/Doom2MasterLevels.sh
now you can put spaces in the name if it worked. then you need to create a folder in /opt/retropie/configs/ called doom2ml. in that folder you need to create a file called emulators.cfg. in that file you need to add this content:
zdoom = "/opt/retropie/ports/zdoom/zdoom -iwad /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/doom/doom2.wad -file /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/doom/ZDMLMENU.pk3" default = "zdoom"
now you i would give this file 0777 permissions just to make sure you dont have any conflicts. then you should be good to go.
@herb_fargus I have not tried adding the music yet. I may try next weekend, work has been stealing my evening play time at home. Right now, the sound effects work great!
@edmaul69 I will be trying this out probably next weekend. I hope this works! I gotta head into work later this afternoon. Thanks! I will report any issues I have.
I will install zdoom, and then update from binary first.
@herb_fargus I installed the mp3 renamed music files for Doom. No music. I did rename all the files for the proper coding for epsisode and level... as is on the tutorial. :(
Although, my Raspberry Pi has a lot of faint static. I do have the audio forced out of the 3.5mm jack, as right now I have it hooked up to my monitor, not a television. I am using Creative A60 Speakers. The sound GREAT on my computer. The Pi, not so much. I suppose I should look up the fixing audio, eh?
Stupid me, stupid me.... I tackle zdoom on Sunday!
@SpacedInvader something i recently learned about .sh files in emulationstation. You dont have to make them execteable. Feel free to just make the Doom 2 - Master Levels.sh in your ports section with spaces and everything. Then right click on the file and give it 0777 permissions. No need to do the chmod +x. Then add the contents i posted above.
@SpacedInvader also for your audio problem on the 3.5mm jack add this line to your /boot/config.txt
Beautiful! Each day I learn something new!zdoom for tomorrow!
@edmaul69 Okay, Got Zdoom uploaded, and the everything works PERFECTLY! (Love the scrolling skulls artwork background!)
Its seems the wads from my CD Master Levels for Doom 2 do not show up in the list. Those that are on the list, I do not have... confusing. I loaded just five from my CD to the Pi just to make sure everything was reading and worked. First stumbling block... almost there!
@SpacedInvader look up zdoom master levels. You might have to rename them. There is a tutorial for zdoom master levels.
Thanks! I will check out the tutorial!
Can we mark this thread solved??
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