Retropie will not boot after shutdown
Hello all,
I know this topic looks familiar, i have seen others post about it. And yes, new to Pi as well.
I have tried everything I have seen online to try and get this to not happen, but it always happens.
Raspberry Pi 3
2.4 amp power
(Kit from Microcenter)
Sandisk 32 or 64gb SD card. Also tried a Toshiba 32gb
retropie 4.1
iBuffalo USB gamepad
gearhead keyboard/mouseI have tried a regular NOOBS install on the SD cards I am using and they always work. I have shut them down properly and it boots. I just removed power and Rasbian always boots.
No matter what I try, retropie will not start after i do a shutdown from the menu. I can reboot it just fine. I can copy files to it. I can run games from it. As soon as I shut it down, it will not turn back on.
-I have tried updating it through the retropie menu
-I have tried updating steps it via this link I have downloaded retropie-4.1-rpi2_rpi3.img more then once. I always check it against the MD5 to make sure it is ok.
- i have tried formating the SD cards with format size adjust on or off
I just don't know what else to try, any suggestions would be helpful.
@kn1ghtone I am a little confused by your post.
I just removed power and Rasbian always boots.
You mean you just pull the cord? Not recommended.
Then you say
retropie will not start after i do a shutdown from the menu. I can reboot it just fine. I can copy files to it. I can run games from it. As soon as I shut it down, it will not turn back on.
What do you mean by this? "Will not start?" followed by "I can boot just fine?" - What are you trying to do? Describe exactly. Once you shut down from the menu correctly, you have to disconnect the power. I use a switch for this purpose. Then, when you reconnect the power, it will boot. I am confused by your "I can boot just fine" comment.
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