Famicom - which rom extensions?
I'm new to Retropie and I'm just getting started setting things up. One of the systems I'm trying to set up is the Famicom system. The roms I have use the .nes extension (they're a set of Hyperspin roms), but a guide I saw on YouTube showed the Famicom roms using the .fds extension. I checked the GitHub supported systems page but it doesn't even list Famicom, so I can't look up the supported rom extensions. Will my .nes Famicom roms work or do I need to use .fds roms?
.fds is for the Famicom Disk System, and should only be used for games on floppy.
Ah, I think I was getting my Famicom roms confused with the Famicom Disk System. Thanks.
So then where would I put my Famicom roms into (the ones with the .nes extension). Do they just go into the NES roms folder with the standard NES roms?
Also, same question for the Super Famicom - do the .sfc Super Famicom roms go in the standard SNES folder?
I didn't add my specs in my first post so here they are:
Pi Model or other hardware: Raspberry Pi 3 model B
Power Supply used: CanaKit 5V 2.5A Raspberry Pi 3 Power Supply / Adapter / Charger (UL Listed)
RetroPie Version: 4.1
Built From: Pre made SD Image on RetroPie website
USB Devices connected:
Controller used: Xbox One -
I read that. Sometimes it's more helpful to just ask a specific question.
I don't see anything answering my question in the SNES doc page. Do the .sfc Super Famicom roms go in the standard SNES folder?
I looked at the NES page - I'm confused. It says:
Place your FDS Roms in
/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/fdsOr if you want them separate from NES Roms
/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/nesIf I wanted the fds roms separate from NES standard roms, wouldn't I put them in the fds folder?
@groviar my apologies. that's because incompetent people keep breaking the wiki. I will fix it when I get time
Thanks for the heads up.
It's a little confusing cause they are treated as two diff systems in Emulationstation but actually both systems use the same emulator. So you can put ROMs in either the NES or fds folder and either will work. Just a matter of aesthetics.
Though to eliminate ambiguity would you suggest I create a FDS page as it's technically diff hardware (sorta?) And is reflected in the code as two diff systems...
Thanks for the reply. I thought that sounded confusing when I read it. Personally, I think it would be helpful to newbies like myself to see a separate page for the FDS since it is technically different hardware.
Thanks a lot for the help and advice. I appreciate taking the time to help us newbies out. I'm trying to learn as much as possible on my own in the docs but sometimes things get a bit confusing.
About the Famicom system (not the disk images - the .nes roms) - can I just put them in the "nes" folder with the standard nes roms or would that cause confusion with the emulator or scraper? I can't figure where else the Famicom roms would go if not in the nes folder.
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