20 pin xin mo wiring diagram set up
Did you get this sorted? I have exactly the same issues
Hi, I have the 20 button setup and this works perfect. I am on a Raspberry Pi 2. Check the pics of their actual button layout as you will need to copy this for best results:
https://gameroomsolutions.com/raspberry-pi-3-retropie-setup-easy-guide/ -
@Luca1 Hi
I am copying this
But when i go to setup the controllers i get axis 1+ and axis 0+ but cant get the - axis' working, it totally ignores the other 2
I just dont get it.. Every pin works but these 2.. I ahve 3 of these 40 pin ones now and all of them exctly the same. Different joystick, even the buttons do not work when connected to those pins
@Luca1 This works in windows ive just checked
@robthedude81 I'm not sure then, probably a bit out of my range. I'm using
diagram though. Note, button 11 on player 1 side is actually button 9
Hello and thanks for reading and replying to this thread.
ok I am no expert so dont burn me for being a bit sketchyish on the details.I have solved/ workround this problem for raspberry pi 3/ rtetropie 4
It works ok on pi2 I think you have to flash some updates
but it breaks pi3, havent done it just what ive read.Two of the direction pins give signals that are out of range on pi3
works fine on windows with joy to key.Heres the workround use the two directions that work (axis 1+/axis 0+)
and hijack button input pins for the other two directions
that still leaves 8 buttons an 2 buttons (start and select)
for each player.Have had mine set up like this for a while and is working ok with retropie 4
the configure input screen dosnt care if its an axis or a button press.
Just input your controls as normal.One other thing I have found out is if you have a (I had) Xbox 360 wired
to get into menus and set up my arcade control panel configure inputs for control panel
then do a pi restart and take out the xbox controller.
The retroarch config reqires no editing.For the P1 & P2 sides of the board Pin 2 and 4 are dead. Just forget them.
Is working now!!Hope it helps
@subz thank you .
I will have a go at this tomorrow.
I bought a Xin Mo the other day for my RPi3/Retro4 and I have the same problem, axis -0/-1 doesn't work on both players.
Now this is only on the RPi. I tried the Xin Mo on my Windows and here the inputs are fine, just like Subz said.
Is there method to calibrate the input on the raspberry? -
@subz Hello i too have problem. I have 3H arcade 2Players controller. up and left not working. One think i can manage is to have 2 players configured. You need to insert at the end quirks line in /boot/cmdline.txt file. :
This entry enable 2 players in retropie.
But unfortunatelly left and up is not working at all.
In recalbox and windows everything works okI cannot test it right now. Can someone test if changing pins can help ? Is P1 & P2 sides of the board Pin 2 and 4 are not working at all. ?
Any help ? -
Could you check the USB vendor and product id?
I have made a fix for the product with id 0x75e1:
https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/7832/fix-up-left-joystick-direction-for-tht-2p-arcade-controller-with-device-id-0x75e1 -
@stuntstein Hi. I checked the product and vendor id and I used it to change cmdline.txt with usbhid.quirks=0x16c0:0x05e0:0x040. The values are :
0x16c0:0x05e0. Very simmilar to tht where it was 0x16c0:0x05e1.
The controller is visible as 3H Arcade 2Players. If you need more info just let me know.
Thanks for help. -
oh another Xin Mo clone :-(
You can take my patch and add the new product ID and build the kernel. Then I'm confident that your usb controller will work.
In drivers/hid/hid-core.c
#define USB_VENDOR_ID_XIN_MO 0x16c0
#define USB_DEVICE_ID_THT_2P_ARCADE 0x75e1
#define USB_DEVICE_ID_3H_2P_ARCADE 0x05e0and finally in drivers/hid/hid-xinmo.c
HiWhen I apply the patch to the kernel it gives me the following error:
fatal: corrupt patch at line 14.
This is my edited patch :
diff --git a/drivers/hid/hid-core.c b/drivers/hid/hid-core.c
index 9369602..2458687 100644
--- a/drivers/hid/hid-core.c
+++ b/drivers/hid/hid-core.c
@@ -2052,6 +2052,7 @@ static const struct hid_device_id hid_have_special_driver[] = {
diff --git a/drivers/hid/hid-ids.h b/drivers/hid/hid-ids.h
index e370306..5e98504 100644
--- a/drivers/hid/hid-ids.h
+++ b/drivers/hid/hid-ids.h
@@ -1014,6 +1014,7 @@
#define USB_VENDOR_ID_XIN_MO 0x16c0
+#define USB_DEVICE_ID_THT_2P_ARCADE 0x75e1
+#define USB_DEVICE_ID_3H_2P_ARCADE 0x05e0#define USB_VENDOR_ID_XIROKU 0x1477
diff --git a/drivers/hid/hid-xinmo.c b/drivers/hid/hid-xinmo.c
index 7df5227..9ad7731 100644
--- a/drivers/hid/hid-xinmo.c
+++ b/drivers/hid/hid-xinmo.c
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ static int xinmo_event(struct hid_device *hdev, struct hid_field *field,static const struct hid_device_id xinmo_devices[] = {
{ }
What is the problem ?
Thank you very much for your work.
Best Regards
I wired mine up as per below, works fine with the usb quirks fix
For now I edited source files manually and added new lines.
Krenel is now compiling, waiting it to end.My usb controller is 40 pin.
@Greg Not sure why the patch didn't work. It is difficult to tell if some typo error from the above print because the forum reformat the text.
Anyway, I hope that your kernel compiled successfully and your controller now fully working. -
@Graboid The original Xin Mo controller works fine because the fix for joystick up&left is already included in the linux kernel.
The Xin Mo and the clones have same Vendor ID 0x16c0.
The original Xin Mo has Product ID 0x05e1.
Mine and Subz clone has PID 0x75e1.
Gregs clone has PID 0x05e0.I submitted a patch to Linux Kernel to fix PID 0x75e1. We might need another patch to permanently fix 0x05e0.
@stuntstein I still trying to compile the krenel but at the end it cannot create img. file, During compiling I have errors about xinmo.
Now i`m trying third time. Fresh install retropie with rpi3. -
Problem with the patch is that there are different lines in source files which it modifies. I had to manually add new lines in 3 files (commented in the patch).
Steps with compiling :
- Enter console raspberry
- enter home folder
- sudo git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux
- sudo apt-get install bc
- enter cloned linux dir
- copy changed files over original
7)in linux dir enter commands:
make bcm2709_defconfig
8)make -j4 zImage modules dtbs
takes time ( 1h)
sudo make modules_install
sudo cp arch/arm/boot/dts/.dtb /boot/
sudo cp arch/arm/boot/dts/overlays/.dtb* /boot/overlays/
sudo cp arch/arm/boot/dts/overlays/README /boot/overlays/
sudo scripts/mkknlimg arch/arm/boot/zImage /boot/$KERNEL.imgproblem cannot find zImage file
Maybe I do something wrong.
Any suggestions ?
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