Video Preview for Roms in Folders?
@pjft Get ready for a novel! things worked well for the most part. the only thing that fails are when there is a game that is not on the gamelist. I tried to use bold italic text below. Thanks
- In a Video theme: Using Carbon Video
--- Rendering the video in a folder for which the gamelist contains a video for (i.e. your Batman example);
Seems to work perfectly, videos render nicely easy and quick scrolling through entire games list. games open and run (only ran for a few seconds, not a full play) Game list includes games with and without video. Games without video showed image correctly. Roms are in sub-folder condition
--- Rendering a separate folder that was not in the gamelist (i.e. just create a new random folder there, but don't add it to the gamelist);
First attempt was not successful. I added a rom folder, simply copied the batman and robin folder and renamed it. I uploaded to the folder and restarted ES. ES would not restart and existed at the ES white screen with the following error code
Terminate called after throwing on instance of 'std: out_of_range'
what() map: : at
I tried to restart ES but it kept failing to load after about 5 seconds on the ES screen with the same error code. I deleted the test game added which was not on the games list, restarted and was back in business. Everything loaded find and ran properly again. I now created another game folder this time a copy of x-men and called it x-men test so it was not the first game loaded when i entered the PSX system it was the 3rd game from the bottom, the new game was not on the gamelist. Added to the rom folder, restarted ES and everything started perfectly. Went through the entire list and got to the X-men Test, as soon as i hit the game the system exited ES with the same error code. SO if a game is not on the gamelist, ES will crash and you cannot restart until after you remove the game from the rom folder. I deleted the X-men test game and once again, back in business working normally. So to be proactive I decided to add X-men test to the gamelist. Added it, restarted and what do you know, works perfectly. So the current build must have games on the gamelist or it will exit in error and not reboot. You can add games, but you have to also add them to the gamelist immediately.--- Rendering a separate folder that was on the gamelist, but did not have a video assigned, and instead had an image.
Seems to work perfectly, image shows up, game loads normally. Works in the PSX folder as well as in other folders that contain only image files and no video previews.--- Rendering a separate folder that was on the gamelist, but did not have a video nor an image assigned.
Seems to work as expected. The game shows up on the list, the description and metadata show properly, no image or video show as expected. Game launches.--- Render the video in one of those NES games.
Seems to work perfectly. games with both video and images show properly. games run correctly.Then repeat the 3 tests again for a theme without video support.Using Carbon
First off - everything worked as expected in both PSX and NES, all images show up, no video as it is a non video theme. Games Launch Fine
Test#1 - Game not on gamelist: Failed, as above i used the X-men test rom folder. ES started and I scrolled through the gamelist. I got to X-men Test and the sytem exited ES with the same error code.
Test#2- Game on gamelist with no video assigned, only image: Pass
Test#3-Game on gamelist with no video or image: PassThen, in a video theme, open a system with no videos in it (should default to the regular detailed view), and:Using Carbon Video
--- Rendering a separate folder that was not in the gamelist (i.e. just create a new random folder there, but don't add it to the gamelist, and restart ES);
Fail - same as above - when the game is not on the list, as soon as you scroll to it, you crash with the exact same error.
--- Rendering a separate folder that was on the gamelist, but did not have a video assigned, and instead had an image.
--- Rendering a separate folder that was on the gamelist, but did not have a video nor an image assigned.
PassAnd then finally rename the gamelist file for the PSX system, so it's not recognized, restart ES, and open the PSX system. Should show only the basic view. See if it works.
Yes, this works as expected, just the basic view, able to scroll through and launch with no issues.Are you able to test these and report back, to confirm all behaves as expected, and nothing crashes? If so, I can push the changes to the master RetroPie ES.
Also, what happens if you press "select" on the folder? Does a menu pop up? Can you edit the folder's metadata? Does it show video and marquee info?
Yes, works exactly as expected and stated.One more issue of note. I created a folder for dreamcast that has half the roms saved to the main folder as .cdi and the other half that contain multiple files in sub-folders that look exactly like the psx file structure. Everything runs perfectly as expected. The issue I run into is when I hit the bios folder, that was not on my gamelist, so it crashed with the same error. I added it to my games list with no info, just a path and name and then everything worked fine. My plan for the final part of the build is to change the settings to only see games on the gameslist, so this will get rid of this problem for me, however it does appear that the only thing we need to figure out is what is causing the error when games are not on the gamelist.
Thank you so much for all your help to date, this is pretty close! Let me know if I can run more tests on an update from you. ThanksThanks!
- In a Video theme: Using Carbon Video
@TMNTturtlguy wow, thank you for the exhaustive testing and write up. I see what may have happened then. I didn't expect map to throw an out of range error, but I think I can fix it then and send you a new build later.
Thanks once again, and glad it helped solve your problem! I'll make sure to add this to the other build with the screensaver as well so you can make the most of it as well:)
Here you go:
Could you check what actually happens when you try to edit the metadata for a folder? Does it show all options? What if you actually edit it and save it - will it work correctly? Will it load the changes the next time you launch ES?
Thanks for testing.
EDIT: Refreshed the binary, as it seems that editing the metadata for a folder that was not on the gamelist presented us with an empty menu in the base RetroPie EmulationStation. This new build should fix that behavior as well - so, more than adding new behavior it should also fix previous sub-optimal behavior.
@pjft I updated to v0.2-folder, at least I think i have, is there anyway you can make a mod to your test releases that will change ES version number? Maybe just add your release number? I believe I have the update installed as everything downloaded and accepted by chmod and sudo cp commands with not objections. I have seen no changes in the base behavior of ES from v0.1 Everything works as it did with the original tests. The videos and images all work as expected until you have a game that is not on the gameslist, then we get the same error.
I did test modifying the metadata folder from within ES menu. I renamed the game and changed details and developer information. I saved it. It accepted the changes immediately. I restarted ES and the changes remained. For the record, I did not test editing and saving metadata in v0.1, not sure if that worked properly then.
@TMNTturtlguy My, that's a great idea. I was checking and I might have botched that previous build - it seems not all of the changes had made it through?
I updated it in the same link, and now when you launch it, in the menu it should have 0.2-folders in the version - please confirm that's the case :)
when i push start, my menu screen still reads "EMULATIONSTATION V2.1.5RP"
UPDATE - i continued testing even though the version number was not updated. this time i got a new error message when i went to a game not on the games list.
ALSA lib pcm.c:7843:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occured
ALSA lib pcm.c:7843:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occured
ALSA lib pcm.c:7843:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occured
terminate called for after throwing an instance of 'std: :out_of_range'
what(): map: :at
Aborted -
@TMNTturtlguy With the one I just added?
Hm. I would not expect that - but as I stated, I cannot really try it, so you may be correct.
Can you try to do, in your download folder,
rm emulationstation wget
And/or run
openssl md5 emulationstation
after you download it? The MD5 hash should be
MD5(emulationstation)= 40788fa142f00d21d148cc25cf93975e
I believe wget does not overwrite the previously downloaded file, but rather creates a side copy with .1 and .2 , so maybe you're still copying your old file?
Let me know, thanks for the patience here.
@pjft I performed the remove rm and the openssl md5 and got the numbers you suggested. Rebooted and I still get the standard version number for ES at the bottom.
Again ran tests, same issue as before, error code when there is a game not on the gamelist.
this time the error code was the original error code,
Terminate called after throwing on instance of 'std: out_of_range'
what() map: : at
Aborted -
@TMNTturtlguy Thanks.
Let me re-check here for something, and see if I can upload a new binary.
If you do
less /home/pi/.emulationstation/es_log.txt
what do you get in the first line? You should get
"EmulationStation - v2.1.5rp-FOLDERS-2, built Mar 18 2017 - 15:31:35"
at least that's what I get here. :|
Also, if you do
openssl md5 /opt/retropie/supplementary/emulationstation/emulationstation
what do you get? Do you get the same
MD5(emulationstation)= 40788fa142f00d21d148cc25cf93975e
The underrun errors are normal, unfortunately, and have plagued ES on the Pi since its inception :)
@pjft When i run less /home/pi/.emulationstation/es_log.txt i get the following:
EmulationStation-v2.1.5rp, built Mar 17 2017 -15:56:26When i run openssl i get the following:
MD5(/opt/retropie/supplemtary/emulationstation/emulationstation)=22a562e5be5e64743c0b43c985fa962fedit - i mistakenly misspelled supplementary above in the output. In reality, the line does have the correct spelling. Thanks
@TMNTturtlguy Well, that does confirm that you are not running the right version of emulationstation, as the MD5 hash of the binary is not the one you downloaded. :)
Did you per chance forget to copy the one you downloaded to the executable path? You'll need to quit emulationstation for that to work, as it won't overwrite the file if it's being run. :)
From scratch, in the command line after exiting emulationstation, or logging in via SSH:
Remove any temporary emulationstation file from the current folder
rm emulationstation
Download emulationstation and confirm it's the right one
openssl md5 emulationstation
It should have the MD5 as
MD5(emulationstation)= 40788fa142f00d21d148cc25cf93975e
If all of it went well, then now let's replace the binary with this one, and confirm it's there.
chmod +x emulationstation
sudo cp emulationstation /opt/retropie/supplementary/emulationstation/
openssl md5 /opt/retropie/supplementary/emulationstation/emulationstation
It should give you now the right MD5 hash - 40788fa142f00d21d148cc25cf93975e :)
@pjft ok, i have it running now, the version now says folders-2. I can confirm that i did those steps the first few times, and i did it again with no luck. I reformated my sd card and loaded up my image file made yesterday prior to starting testing. I then ran the remove and reinstall and now we are in business. Not sure what is up with that, but i am guessing i wasn't getting the downloaded file to overwrite for some reason. Regardless, back in business and everything matches your numbers. I will now run some tests and get back to you. Thanks and sorry for the wasted time on this.
@pjft SUCCESS! ok, so now that i have the correct version running, I tested out only in a video theme at this point. I tested in carbon video again. Everything works as expected in the NES folder with video preview, in the PSX folder which contains the games within subfolders, and in systems with only image previews and no video previews. Everything works great.
I then added a game to the PSX system. I restarted ES and scrolled through. Now when I get to the game that is not on the gamelist, it shows up, there is not image or metadata, i can open and run the game and everything works as expected. Success!
Now that we are at this point. Do you want me to rerun all of the original tests?
This is awesome work, thank you so much.
Edit- i also tested out the metadata and i can access the metadata from the options menu. I edited the name and other data. Saved. restarted ES and it was all there as it should be, again success.
Thanks, these are great news. You did not waste my time at all - I was the one who ended up having you run around wasting your time with formatting cards and stuff - ouch :S Sorry about that. That should certainly not be needed, especially as that takes a LOT of time :(
If you do have the chance to test the original tests, yes, but take your time - the important thing is that it's fixed now, hopefully.
I'll add the same changes to the Video branch, so that you can have some fun with that as well :)
@pjft That sounds great! No worries on the reformatting thing. Who knows what I might have done to cause it. I could have mistyped something or edited something. Trying to work on this between work and 2 kids, so I am sure it was something I did on my end.
I will run through the entire set of tests again later today and report back. Looking forward to getting this combined with your and @fieldofcows video work, omx, and screensavers. This is going to be quite the update to ES! thanks
@TMNTturtlguy Same here, good sir, to the dot. :) The only added thing is that I'm actually doing some work during this weekend, so I don't really have a lot of time to do these things, nor access my RPi.
Glad it worked out. I'll upload a new build on the video branch soon, and make a PR to the base branch when you have had the chance to report back on the tests.
Thanks, have a great weekend!
@pjft Here are the test results on build v0.2-folders:
Video Theme (Carbon Video)
--- Rendering the video in a folder for which the gamelist contains a video for (i.e. your Batman example); - Works as expected--- Rendering a separate folder that was not in the gamelist (i.e. just create a new random folder there, but don't add it to the gamelist); Works as expected! Problem solved
--- Rendering a separate folder that was on the gamelist, but did not have a video assigned, and instead had an image. Works as expected
--- Rendering a separate folder that was on the gamelist, but did not have a video nor an image assigned. Works as expected
--- Render the video in one of those NES games. Works as expected
Non Video Theme (Carbon)
--- Rendering a separate folder that was not in the gamelist (i.e. just create a new random folder there, but don't add it to the gamelist); Works as expected--- Rendering a separate folder that was on the gamelist, but did not have a video assigned, and instead had an image. Works as expected
--- Rendering a separate folder that was on the gamelist, but did not have a video nor an image assigned. Works as expected
Then, in a video theme, open a system with no videos in it (should default to the regular detailed view), and: (Using Carbon Video)
--- Rendering a separate folder that was not in the gamelist (i.e. just create a new random folder there, but don't add it to the gamelist, and restart ES); Works as expected--- Rendering a separate folder that was on the gamelist, but did not have a video assigned, and instead had an image. Works as Expected
--- Rendering a separate folder that was on the gamelist, but did not have a video nor an image assigned. Works as expected
rename the gamelist file for the PSX system, so it's not recognized, restart ES, and open the PSX system. Should show only the basic view. See if it works. Works as expected.
check what actually happens when you try to edit the metadata for a folder? Does it show all options? What if you actually edit it and save it - will it work correctly? Will it load the changes the next time you launch ES? Yes, Works as expected.
The current build has passed all of the test we have been running with flying colors. I have also tested in the CRT Video theme as well as the Fundamental Video theme and everything works as expected in those themes as well. I played around with non video themes like pixel and they also performed nicely.
A few last notes. I did launch games from several different emulators, but not all of them. I also did not play any games for a period of time, i just launched them, started to play a few seconds and exited. I don't think our ES work should have much impact once we are into the games anyway. I also get some (snd_pcn_recover) underrun occurred errors when i restart ES, but i was recieving those same underruns with the base ES when i started adding video perviews, so these error codes have nothing to do with this current build.**
Thanks again @pjft for your help and hard work. This is awesome and can't wait to see if we can get the omx and screensaver incorporated with this build. Hope you are having a good weekend.
@TMNTturtlguy Thanks very much for testing - I'll push the PR for the main ES today.
I've updated the OMX video binary here with hopefully the same changes to fix the theme videos and the folder metadata:
@pjft Thanks! Dream come true with this one. Installed and everything appears to be working great. I love the screen saver, the temps are running nicely and i have not issues with screen savers, text, or video previews. One item that is not a big deal and I solved for my build is the volume level of the screensaver videos compared to the volume of the video previews and actual games. I had to set my system volume to 92% in order to make the game and preview audio align with the screen saver audio. Originally the screen saver audio was playing about 2 times my game audio and it blew me away!
Another thought to add to what I am sure is a very long list of wants and desires of many is the ability to have a custom screen saver/single screensaver. My thought here is that you keep the random video screen saver the way it is, but can you add another option that would run a video from a designated folder? We could then create a custom screen saver video, or simply put your favorite video in a folder location and only that video would play. I am thinking it would be fun to have a custom video i would create in adobe after affects similar to what we can do for the custom splash screens. - Anyways, like I said, that is a wish list item and by no means an immediate need or fix.Thank you for your hard work and to @fieldofcows for this addition to ES!
Edit: @pjft Any thoughts on how this build of ES 0.6-ssctl might react to the new retropie 4.2? I am assuming that when i run the update all it will load the base ES and i will then go back in and replace with 0.6-ssctl. Just wondering if you have any thoughts before i give it a try. Thanks
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